A Supernatural World

Chapter 10

The Impalia chugged to a slow stop at the end of the road.There was nothing ahead but trees,broken wood and a gate with a sign with bold letters saying ‘Keep Out’.
Dean,Sam and TJ peered out the windshield window in front of them,”So.This is it?”Dean asked.

“Yeah.”TJ replied and got out of the car.She left them both behind and jogged towards the gates,scanning her surroundings,”Shit.”

“What is it?”Sam asked coming up from behind her.Dean followed to come stand next to Sam after looking around the dirt roads in to the woods.

“What is this place?”He asked curiously.When TJ didn’t acknowledge his question,he pressured her more,”TJ?”

“Isn’t it obvious.A dead end,Dean.”TJ snapped turning around.

“Answer me the first time we won’t have these problems.”

“Shove it up your ass,Dean.And get over yourself.”TJ spat as she walked past both of them towards the car.Dean glared and leaned the shot gun on his shoulder,tossing a look to Sam.He shook his head slowly and followed after TJ.

TJ took a deep breath and rummaged through her pockets,pulling out two white pills.Her head began throbbing immensely and she couldn’t take the pressure and Dean’s mouth any longer.

“Sorry about that.”Sam said coming to stand in front of her.He looked down into her hand at the pills then back up at her.”You alright?”

“Yeah.”TJ sighed and ran her hand through her hair,”Do you—have any water for these?”

“Oh.Yeah,sure.”Sam said and grabbed one from out of the car.He handed it to her and briefly looked over at Dean who was still standing by the gates.TJ was silently washing down the pills when he body suddenly jolted,causing the bottle to drop to the ground and leave her breathless.She groaned and doubled over.

“Woah.TJ are you alright? Dean!”Sam yelled,wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up.TJ cried out,feeling the piercing pain flow through her body as Dean noticed the commotion and flew over to see what was the matter.

“Whats wrong?”Dean asked looking between Sam and TJ.His shot gun fell to the ground as TJ’s body began shaking fiercely and a pool of sweat began to form at her forehead,”Shit.What the—lay her down,Sammy.”

Sam nodded and helped Dean place her on the dirt road,”What happened-Tell me.What just happened!”Dean yelled.

“I don’t know,Dean.She just took two pills,thats all!”Sam yelled trying to hold TJ under control.His brows knitted together as he stared down at her.Her eyes began fluttering shut and her mouth gawked and closed frequently.

“Shit!”Dean muttered running his hand through his hair.His hands flew to TJ’s face to hold her still, “TJ.TJ listen to me,hear my voice.TJ---Damnit,TJ”

She let out a loud howl,”You’re hurting her,Dean.”

“Shut up,Sam.TJ-Listen to me!”Dean growled.

TJ’s body went still suddenly,her body relaxing underneath the Winchesters touch and voices.She sighed and her eyes slowly opened.Sam gasped and looked at Dean,”Their completely white..”

“Their suppose to be black.”Dean added.

TJ smirked up at the both of them before her face turned angry, “Stop following me!”She snapped viciously before falling silently again.Her eyes closed,she fell against the road unconscious.

Sam swallowed down hard and let go of her bound wrists and Dean let his hands slip from her face,”Whats that suppose to mean?”

Dean shook his head and fell back onto his knees,”I don’t know.But I think a beer would do some good.Put in her in the backseat for now.”

Sam nodded and watched Dean stroll around the car and pop open the trunk.He stood to his feet and picked up TJ,placing her in the backseat of the car.TJ suddenly awoke seeing Sam gently place her inside and grab for his collar before he could climb out.

“Where you going?”She whispered pulling him back down on top of her,”I kinda like it like this..”

“TJ-What are you doing?”

She silenced him with her finger and pulled him down into a fiery kiss.She moaned loudly and pulled away from him.Sam panted heavily and shook his head.

“This isn’t you.”

“What makes you think?”She purred,her hands roaming over his back and across his shoulder.Sam furrowed his brow and remained fixated on her eyes.Her soft hand ran across his face,”What is it Sammy?”

Suddenly,her eyes faded to black and her face darkened,”Get out of my head,Jo!”She screamed and slowly fell unconscious.Sam swallowed down and removed himself from the car.Outside,Dean was leaning against the Impalia drinking a beer.He cocked his brow and took another drink.

“What was that all about?”

“Nothing.Too weird.”Sam mumbled.Dean chuckled and shook his head.

“Since when is a quicky weird?”

“It wasn’t like that,Dean.It—wasn’t even her.”Sam sighed and leaned on the car next to him.Dean looked at Sam and studied him.How his body shrunk a bit as he stared at the dirt road beneath him.He couldn’t help but think of Jo and her where abouts.How dare she tell him other wise and trick him into thinking she was some where when she wasn’t.

He shook his head and decided against taking another sip of his beer,and dumped it at his feet.
The sun set quickly and night followed.The air was silent with a slight fog dancing across the dirt road.

TJ shivered silently and slowly opened her eyes.She lifted herself off the seat and noticed Sam and Dean in the front softly snoring away.She wanted to tell them what she saw,where Joana was and what was about to happen.Some how,Jo provided all the answers for her within a brief five minute possession.

She quietly slipped out of the car,making sure not to wake the two of them.She looked through the front window to see,before quickly running into the woods,following the trail Jo had directed her.

Back in the car,Dean’s eye slowly opened and he watched her until she faded in the distance,”Son of a bitch.”
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It's been too long :|