A Supernatural World

Chapter 12

TJ collapsed onto the patch of grass beneath her,pulling her legs to her chest.She gently rocked herself thinking about the best possible way to find Jo without the others knowing.TJ could no longer contact Jo because her mind was blocked from letting any thoughts in.

Sam watched from above as TJ got lost in her thoughts quickly.He was worried about her,about all of this and could do nothing but stand by and wait for something to happen; a clue or spoken word would work nicely as well.He sighed and turned his attention to Dean whom was still scurrying around the perimeter of the house with his shot gun.

"I'll be right back."Sam whispered to TJ.She nodded and watched him walk away from her towards Dean.TJ swallowed down as the two of the Winchesters disappeared behind the house and left her to herself on the patch of grass.She suddenly began to grow nervous and scared being alone by herself in the darkness.She shivered and hugged her jacket closer to her body as a cool chill danced through the air.

Suddenly,the thick sound of a branch breaking hit her ears.She jumped and cocked her head in the direction of the sound,eyes black and staring into the distance.Her ears were perked,"Hello?"

There was nothing but darkness and silence as the wind tossed the trees and bushes before her.She slowly peeled her gaze from the dark forest ahead of her back towards the house.She hissed feeling a sudden pain in her knee that she never noticed before.

"TJ."Came a dark yet soothing voice from above her.TJ's eyes went black once again and stared at the persons shoes in front of her and inched slowly up the body until they landed on the unknown persons face,"Nice to see you again."

"Where did you take off to,Castiel?"She snapped.

He chuckled and bent down to her level,"Temper,TJ.Anger will get you nowhere."

"Tell me where Joana is."TJ said.

Castiel sighed and dug through his pocket retrieving an item,"I can't tell you,TJ.There is still much to be done until you see Joana again.But in the mean time,I need you to do something for me.."

"Not unless I see Jo!"TJ growled.

"You'll see her in time."Castiel responded opening up his hand in front of TJ's face.In the palm of his hand was a necklace.TJ cocked her brow and stared at Castiel curiously,"You're probably wondering what it's for.."

"You've read my mind."TJ replied.

Castiel chuckled and took each end of the necklace and held it out,"I want you to wear this," TJ pushed away from him when he tried to place it around her neck.Castiel paused,"TJ.You'll thank me when this is over."

TJ didn't know wither to believe him or not.Bu her gut was telling her to go with it and wear it.It was nothing special anyways,just a chain with a copper shape symbol dangling from it.She gathered her hair into her hands and allowed him to place it around her neck,thats when she realized how dirty her hair felt from lack of showering.

"So.When do you think....Shit!"TJ hissed when she lifted her head to see Castiel gone once again.She shook her head slowly and leaned back on her elbows in the grass.There is still much to be done until you see Joana again.You'll see her in time.

What it all meant,TJ had no idea as of yet.But it meant something.


"What makes you think Jo's around here,Dean?"Sam asked following Dean around back to the house.Dean had his shotgun cocked in the air,peering through broken windows to find nothing but silence and a couple of wild animals scurrying around the place.

Dean sighed and placed the gun down,"Just a gut feeling Sammy.Why would TJ lead us here if there was nothing..."

"She's not here,y'know."TJ's voice said from behind them.Both of the boys turned their attention towards where TJ was smiling innocently at the both of them.Dean squinted his eyes towards her a noticed the necklace dangling around her neck that was much similar to his,"She's not here.."

"We heard you the first time,princess.Now how can you be so sure?"Dean asked.

TJ shrugged and walked closer to the two,running her fingers through her greasy hair,"I just know.Why would she be here? I mean,come on.If you knew Jo just a little bit,she wouldn't be hiding in a place like this right? No. She'd make your hunt worth while Dean."

"Oh really?"Dean spat.

"Really.She likes to play hard to get."TJ smirked.

"Well when we find her,I'll tell her myself that I don't like to play games."Dean muttered.Sam swallowed and shifted uneasily.He shoved his hands into his pockets and glanced at TJ who was fidgeting with the necklace around her neck.He didn't bother asking her,instead his eyes lingered down to the damp spot on her knee that was covered in blood.His eyes grew wide.

"TJ.You're bleeding.."Sam said.TJ blinked then followed Sam's gaze down to her knee and where the sudden pain began once again.She flinched.

"Oh yeah.It must of been from the fall earlier,"She hissed,"I'm alright though."

Sam kneeled before her and tried to lift her pant leg up to her knee,but it wasn't working.TJ hissed and backed away from him,"I'm fine,Sam.Honestly."She said.Sam nodded and stood up and tossed a look at Dean.

"I think we should find a hotel,just for tonight."Sam suggested.

"Not now,Sam."

"But Dea--"


"Oh Dean,come off it! Jo's alright,she's a big girl. We all need sleep.I don't know about you but I could go for a nice shower and some food about now."TJ said rubbing her stomach.Her eyes slowly closed and she moaned,imagining the taste of fresh food once again and a shower,"Please!"

"Dean?"Sam asked him again.Dean's pierced his lips and looked between the two of them.

"Fine."He said and stormed past the both of them.TJ jumped for joy then stumbled suddenly,forgetting about her hurt knee.Sam chuckled and helped her towards the car.


"Here's the key.Fix her up and come back out here,I need to talk to you."Dean said to Sam,passing him the keys to the motel room.Sam nodded and made his way over towards the room where TJ was leaning against the wall.Dean crossed his arms over his chest and watched his brother and TJ disappear into the room.He sighed suddenly and dropped his gaze to the ground thinking about her.

How he felt about her,new and old feelings aroused in his system picturing her face once again.But he realized the more time that she was away from him,wherever she was,this feeling that he couldn't quite put his finger on,would grow even more.And now he was at the point where he was about to take everything into his own hands.

"I'm fine,Dean..."

He heard and felt her for a split moment.His blue eyes widened and he searched around him quickly,"Jo?"

But there was no one around him but his Impalia.Dean sighed and leaned against the car and waited for Sam to return,but he swore to himself that she was there even for a split second.Could this mean that she was close? Playing a mind game with him?

"Okay,roll your pants up."Sam said getting down on his knees in front of TJ.She winced and bent over,trying to pull the denim up her leg,but it wouldn't work.Sam eyed her facial expression as he gathered all the first aid items around him.

"Y'know what.I think it'd be better if I took a shower first,then you can fix me up,yeah?"TJ suggested shrugging her shoulders,"I need one anyways and I kind of need time to wedge out of these jeans."

Sam chuckled,"Alright.You go shower,I'll be outside with Dean."

TJ smiled at him and watched him leave quickly,closing the door behind him.She sighed and made her way into the bathroom,stripping off her clothes and hopping into the shower.She gasped and ran her hand through the water and washed her face.She relaxed letting the water beat against her exhausted body and washing away all the dirt and worries from her.

TJ suddenly opened her eyes slowly,feeling another emotion and spiritual like ability pass over her.She stared at the wall for countless seconds running her hand through her hair and suddenly got the the urge to quickly jump out of the shower.She grabbed for a towel hanging on the rack and wrapped it around herself and made for the mirror.She twisted the water from her hair and slowly wiped the fog from the mirror.

TJ blinked at the reflection.It wasn't her but another woman with a dark complexion and dark brown eyes,Joana,who was staring back at her.TJ swallowed down hard and stared at Jo through the mirror.

"Why are you doing this?"TJ asked.

"I want you to meet me somewhere."Jo replied.

"You made me go out to that house by myself--You possessed me Jo,and you still are!" TJ snapped.

"You have to come alone.I don't want Dean nor Sam with you.Just you."Jo said.

TJ blinked and shook her head,"Where are you?"

"I'll show you where I am.But I don't want the boys with you."Jo said and smiled,"I want you there by noon tomorrow,so go and have your fun while you can."

TJ cocked her brow and watched Jo disappear from the mirror,"Jo,no wait!"

TJ sighed and looked around her,picking up the clothes that puddled at her feet.She groaned thinking about her mustang,wherever it was,had her clothes in it.Wherever it was,Jo knew since she took it.TJ clenched her jaw and paused,feeling yet another cool draft dance up her spine and over her shoulders.She looked behind her and nothing was there.

Her brow furrowed and she began combing her fingers through her hair,staring at her reflection in the mirror.She watched intently as the colour of her eyes began to change,once hazel to a dark chocolate brown.It began to take affect that she was no longer in control and Jo was forcing her to draw out the directions with the fog and the tip of her finger against the mirror.

Sam walked back into the room and noticed the TJ hadn't finished up.The first aid kit still laid on the ground at the foot of the bed where he once was.He quickly shuffled over towards the bathroom,knocking gently,"TJ? You finished in there?"

"Yeah!" Came a muffled voice behind the door.Sam stepped back as the door flew open and there stood TJ in her towel.

"Ugh-Sorry."Sam muttered,his eyes fluttering to the ground.TJ smirked,noticing his flustered face.She walked out of the washroom and slowly passed him towards the bed,gathering her hair into her hand and throwing it over one shoulder.Sam swallowed down and tried to refrain from staring at her.He cleared his throat and gathered the first aid kit into his hands and stood up.TJ watched him and on the edge of the bed,lifting the towel inches up her thigh,revealing her bruised and scraped knee.

TJ leaned back on her knees,watching Sam come stand and kneel in front of her.He placed the first aid kit beside him and gently ran his finger tips over the wound on her knee,"Does it hurt still?"

She shrugged and let a smirk toy on her lips.Sam swallowed and dropped his gaze to her knee cap.He fumbled to get the bandage and alcohol from the case and put it on the bed beside her.He dampened a piece of cloth with some alcohol and rubbed it against her knee,watching it fizz and swell red.

"Hurt?"He asked.

TJ took deep breath and leaned her head back,silently moaning.Sam chewed on his lip silently and wrapped the bandage around her leg and knee,making sure it was fastened right.The tight knot in his stomach slowly began to unwind itself,noticing TJ begin to squirm in front of him.She parted her legs just enough for him to get a glimpse into the 'V' of her legs for a split second.Sam sighed,suddenly feeling his pants grow tight under the pressure.He took a deep breath and taped the bandage against her leg and flickered his gaze up to meet hers.

Her eyes were dark and staring at him intently; he'd never seen her in such a trance before that he could barely believe it was her. She looked different from the sight of her; her dark brown locks,damp and tossed over her shoulder and her light greenish brown eyes were now full out black.

It was as if Sam was lost in a trance staring at her that he hadn't noticed his hand softly rubbing her knee.He lent down and layed a soft kiss to her flesh and several others,slowly inching up her thigh.TJ sighed and let her hand run over his hair and linger across his jaw,fingering his chin.She forced him to look up at her and bring his face close,while her other hand snaked down to his and gripped it against her thigh.

Sam swallowed down,"TJ.."He whispered shakily.TJ silenced him with a finger to his lips then slowly replaced it by pressing her lips to his urgently.She sighed into his lips and pulled him against her by the scruff of his collar.Sam's eyes finally fluttered closed and his hands quickly found the curve of her thighs.He kissed her feverishly,deepening and swallowing her lips,running his tongue along the base of her mouth.TJ moaned and shifted on the edge of the bed,opening her legs and pulling him deeper into the 'V' of her legs.Sam's faced flushed,feeling the heat drain from his cheeks and sink lower to the base of his pants.He growled lowly and quickly disposed of his jacket with some help from TJ.He tossed it towards the corner,his lips never leaving hers.His hands lingered back to her body,running down her back and over the fabric of the towel which was slowly coming undone,and cupping her bottom,pulling her more towards the edge of the bed on an angle.

TJ pulled away from him and panted heavily against his bare neck.Her finger tips danced along his shoulders and down his arms as he kissed his way along her neck over her shoulders and along her collar bone.

She groaned loudly,"Sa--"

The door suddenly opened,causing the two to pause and look over at the looming figure standing in the doorway.Sam's face flushed a deep crimson and hid his face away from his brother.

"Oops.My bad."Dean said going to close the door.TJ swallowed down hard and pulled away from Sam and stood up.

"It's alright,Dean."She muttered,"What did you want?"

Dean paused and looked between her and Sam,who was still on his knees blushing fiercely.He inwardly smiled,"I just wanted to ask you something."

TJ sighed and looked at the clock on the wall,"Can it wait till tomorrow? I'm kind of tired."

Dean quietly chewed on his lip,looking at Sam then to TJ.He hesitated to push it further,but he was feeling a bit tired as well.Dean sighed and nodded slowly,looking at TJ.She smiled sweetly and winked at him darkly,which threw Dean off a bit until he noticed something about TJ that was off.The necklace was still tightly bound around her neck and her eyes where a dark chocolate colour.

"TJ.."He whispered stepping towards her.TJ's eyes shifted awkwardly,and she watched him curiously come to stand in front of her.

"What?"She asked him.Dean squinted his eyes and no longer saw what he'd seen or no longer saw a glimpse of Jo in her eyes.He shook his head and ran his hand over his face,"You alright?"

"Yeah.I'm fine.Just need some sleep."Dean suggested pulling his coat closer to his body.He glanced over to Sam and opened the door,"You kids play nicely now,I'll be in the Impalia."

They both watched Dean exit the room quickly and looked at each other.They both blushed and made for separate places,TJ for the bathroom and Sam joining Dean in the car.He noticed Dean sitting in the drivers seat drinking a beer,staring out the windshield at nothing.He quietly slipped into the drivers seat next to him.

"You alright?"Sam asked him.

"I saw her,Sam."Dean confessed turning to look into his brothers eyes,"I seen Jo in TJ's eyes in the room."

"What?"Sam asked,"What do you mean?"

Dean shook his head and rubbed his eyes,"I don't know,it's just--"He sighed,"Nothing.I just--need some sleep,Sammy."

"Are you sure,Dean? We can talk about it --"

"I'm sure,Sam."Dean interrupted taking another drink.He smirked and tossed a look to Sam,"You should be in there with her anyways.."

Sam smiled,"Well.You sort of ruined the moment by bursting in."

"Shouldn't leave the door unlocked."Dean chuckled.