A Supernatural World

Chapter 13

"So are you gonna go back inside or what,Sam?" Dean asked.

Sam cleared his throat and tossed a look towards Dean,"You sure you'll be alright out here by yourself?"

Dean furrowed his brows and allowed a smirk to escape onto his lips,"What? Do you think I need a babysitter just to sleep in the car?"

"No-It's jus--"

"I'm fine.Just go.I'll probably pop in just quickly to have a shower and leave."Dean suggested staring out the windshield.His fingers drummed against the steering wheel as he waited patiently for Sam to make his way out of the car.Sam let out an exhausted sigh and grabbed for his pack that sat in the backseat.Dean smirked and looked at him, "Play nicely now,Sammy."

"Jerk."Sam muttered.

"Bitch!"Dean replied as Sam closed the car door in his face.He chuckled turned on the car,blaring the stereo.Dean sighed and leaned back into his seat,folding his arms underneath the back of his head and slowly falling into a slumber.There came a light tap on the window,causing Dean to shoot upwards in his seat and shift around until his eyes landed on the figure outside the window.His eyes grew wide once they connected with they connected with the chocolate ones that sat outside his window.He swallowed down hard and unlocked and opened the door slowly.

"Jo..." Dean whispered into the cold air.Jo smirked down at him and pushed the door open to allow herself into the Impala.Dean shifted uneasily,watching her climb over him and straddle his waist,"Wait.Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you.."

"Sh.."Jo whispered and placed a finger to his lips, "I don't want to talk about it.."

Dean swallowed down hard and felt shivers climb up his spine,feeling her breath hit his lips, "But,"He gasped until he felt her lips on his.His eyes slowly fluttered closed and marveled in the bliss of her taste.He moaned lowly and slithered his hand up her back,cupping the back of her head and forcing her body against his.Joana moaned softly,scratching her nails along his neck and shoulders.Dean's hands roamed feverishly along her hips and held on tightly to her waist,playing with the hemming of her shirt.He lifted her shirt slowly up her body until she pulled away from him and peeled it off entirely.Dean gasped and crashed his lips onto hers once again,his hand lightly massaging her breast.

Jo moaned and dug her face into the base of his neck.Dean stretched and pulled his shirt over his shoulder,tossing it into the backseat.Their lips once again met in a passionate lusty kiss,Dean's tongue diving into Jo's mouth with dominance and aggression.He pulled away from her and stared into her eyes for the longest time,his hands softly roaming up her sides and planting firmly on her hips.He swallowed down and shifted uneasily.

"Come on."He suggested and nodded for her to hop over the seat into the back.She nodded and hopped over first,followed by Dean.She layed perfectly still on the car seat,arms out stretched above her head and allowing Dean to hover over her laying sweet kisses to her stomach and neck.Joana gasped and clawed her hand through his hair,pulling him away only to return the favor with a steamy kiss.Dean's hands quickly worked on her pants and underwear,slickly slipping them down her hips and legs,letting them pool at the end of the seat.Dean groaned roughly,feeling his arousal throb within his pants.With each hand on either side of her head,Dean slowly rubbed himself against her,causing both of them to cry out in pleasure.Jo quickly made way for his pants,her fingers tangling in his boxers and slipping them down to his knees.

Dean looked down at her though hazy eyes and kissed her deeply with as much passion that he'd have to offer.

"I thought I'd never see you again.."Dean whispered into her lips.Jo smiled softly as he ran his hand over her cheek softly.

"I'm still here."Jo mumbled,leaning up and laying a kiss to his lips.Dean closed his eyes in satisfaction and kissed her deeper,finally spreading her legs with his hips and pushing into her.They both groaned loudly,Dean buckling against her panting against her neck.He groaned lowly and continued slowly thrusting into her.

His muscles twitched under the contractions of hers and it made him cry out in pleasure.Jo held him closely as his pace quickened and sweat began to moist their bodies.They both panted heavily,causing the fog to spread through out the car,clouding the windows from vision.

Jo moaned loudly running her nails along the flesh of his back,"D-Dean!"

"Mmm."Dean panted huskily in her ear as his thrusting continued and eventually quickened.His mouth dropped open upon feeling the knot in the pit of his stomach begin to unwind.The pleasure soared through his body,through every vein and artery.Dean moaned loudly and gripped the seat beneath the both of them.He quickly leaned down and covered his mouth with hers,"O-oh God."

Joana moaned loudly,also feeling herself explode in the pit of her stomach.She tensed against Dean as her orgasm swam over her,"Dean!"

Coming to his peak also with a couple more thrusts,Dean growled loudly and came heavily inside her.Sweat spilled down the side of his face as he panted heavily.He swallowed down hard and stared down at Jo hazily.She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck,pulling him down into a kiss.They both pulled away breathing heavily,when Jo layed his head on her chest.Dean sighed and relaxed,wrapping his arms around her and slowly fell asleep to the soft lullaby's of her heartbeat.


Sam walked back into the hotel room to find TJ laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.He softly closed the door and cleared his throat,causing her to poke her head up and eye him.Sam smiled shyly and walked over to the bed,laying his pack down beside her and rummaging through it.TJ sat up quickly and hugged her towel closely to her body.

"Sam."TJ muttered.

"Yeah?"He asked peeling his gaze from his pack.He pulled out a couple clothes items,tossing them onto the bed.

TJ twisted her lip and swallowed down,"I'm sorry for...what happened earlier.I didn't mean to force you into anything."

Sam blushed lightly and chewed on his lip,"Don't worry about it,"Sam replied and grabbed for the clothes on the bed,"Ugh...Heres some clothes you can change into.So--You can sleep better without the towel..I mean,it's--better to sleep in clothes then just a towel.."

TJ smirked and stood up,barely matching Sam's height.She took the clothes that had been dangling in his hand and unfolded them.She giggled and thanked him, "Thanks for your boxers and over sized shirt."

"It's all I had."Sam replied with a smirk toying on his lips.TJ rolled her eyes with a smirk and walked over to the other side of the bed.Sam sighed and looked around the room.TJ sat down on the edge of the bed and eyed him curiously.

"You can have a shower,y'know.No ones using it at the moment."TJ suggested combing her fingers through her damp hair.Sam cleared his throat and nodded,eyes shifting around the room coming to land on TJ.

"I was planning on that."Sam muttered and pulled out his laptop from his pack.He layed it down on the bed and looked to TJ,who was looking at the laptop as well,"You can go on if you want.Just to pass the time,see what we're up against with Jo."

She nodded and climbed across the bed to retrieve the laptop,"Thanks,Sammy!"

He chuckled and made his way into the washroom,purposely forgetting his pack laying on the bed.He stripped himself of his clothes and quickly jumped into the shower,feeling the water wash the extra pounds of dirt and funk from his body.He sighed and ran his hand through his wet hair and shut the tap off.

Grabbing for a towel,he wrapped it around his waist and made for the door but stopped abruptly staring at the sink.Sam grabbed for TJ's necklace that she must've taken off earlier and headed out into the room.He opened the door and smirked,walking out into the open to see TJ's face plastered behind the laptop.

TJ's brows furrowed scanning the page and reading quickly on some of the information she had looked up.A sudden noise in front of her disturbed her and she had no choice but to look up to see Sam standing at the foot of the bed in nothing but a towel,water dripping down his tanned body as he searched through his pack for clothes.She hadn't noticed that her mouth hung open slightly,gawking at his body that was so close but far from her.She tightened her thighs together and shifted uncomfortably in her seat until he lifted his hazel eyes towards hers.

She quickly looked away as he softy smirked and lifted his hand,"You forgot this in the washroom."

TJ looked up to see her necklace dangling in his hands and inwardly groaned.She lifted the laptop from her lap and stood from the bed,walking over to him.Her hand reached for it,but he yanked it away quickly.

"Eh,want me to put it on?"Sam asked politely.

"I can do it myself,"TJ argued.Sam rolled his eyes and held the necklace higher out of her reach,"Please?"

"I'm only being nice,TJ."He said.

TJ groaned and surrendered,letting her arms cross at her chest,"Fine."

Sam smiled widely and turned her around,clasping all of her hair into the palm of his hand and throwing it over her shoulder.He placed the necklace on her neck and put it on.Sam smirked as he looked down at her,noticing really how big his shirt and boxers looked on her body.But they suited her.

TJ sighed and turned around to face him,fiddling with the copper symbol between her fingers,"Thanks."

"No problem."Sam replied.TJ swallowed down and smirked shyly.She dropped her gaze to the ground and shifted uneasy,noticing how close they were with his chest bare and exposed."So.Where exactly did you get this necklace..."

"Oh this thing.."She chuckled,"Um.Earlier tonight when we found that house with Castiel.He gave it to me..he said it'd protect me from something,he didn't say what."

"Castiel gave this to you?"Sam asked lifting his hand and taking the copper piece into his hand.TJ nodded and chewed on her lip,feeling the heat rise between the two of them,"Weird.Dean has one that looks exactly like it.."

TJ shrugged and pulled away from him,"Well.What can you do? It was given to me for a purpose that I have no idea of.It's a pretty nifty looking necklace though."

She made her way back over to the bed and collapsed into the pillows grabbing for the blankets.Sam stood at the foot of the bed eying her curiously and longly.He cleared his throat and shook his head,blinking,"Hows your knee?" He whispered.

"Doing better."TJ replied.

Sam nodded,"Good,"He grabbed his clothes and went to quickly change.TJ watched him disappear into the washroom and turned on her side,staring at the lamp that sat on the nightstand.She sighed lowly and shifted on the bed trying to get comfortable.A couple minutes later,Sam reemerged into the room,shoving his clothes into his bag and taking a place on the chair that sat across from the bed.TJ furrowed her brows and tossed him a look over her shoulder,watching him shift uncomfortably.

"Y'know.You could sleep here,I don't bite.."She said with a giggle.Sam shot her a sincere look and didn't bother objecting.He stood up and climbed into the bed next to her and underneath the covers.He sighed softly once his head hit the pillows and his eyes closed.TJ smiled as she watched him through the darkness get comfortable.

"It's been a while since I've slept in a comfortable bed.."Sam whispered.TJ laughed and shifted closer to him.Sam opened one eye to look at her then another.

"You guys get around alot don't you?"She asked.

"Yeah.To much for our own good."Sam replied lowly.

TJ twisted her lip and snuggled into the sheets,"I guess so.What did you do after high school then? Go right into hunting with Dean?"

Sam shook his head,"No.I actually went to college for a bit,but when Dean contacted me about our fath-father..I went along with Dean."Sam cracked under the pressure about talking about his father.He sighed lowly and flickered his gaze up to TJ's who stared at him sadly.

"Oh.."She muttered,"I'm sorry."

Sam quirked his brow,not understanding her,"What do you mean?"

"By the way you talk about your father,or just did.It just seems something happened to him."TJ whispered.Sam remained silent and stared down at the sheets below them.He felt the softness of her touch cup the side of his face and force him to look at her.She smiled softly,"My dad died too.So did Jo's.That's why we need to find her,I need to---She's all I have,Sam.Like Dean's all you have.."

Sam swallowed down and wrapped his strong arm around her waist,pulling her into him,"We'll find her,TJ,"Sam whispered and kissed her forehead.He pulled away and fell back into the pillows with her wrapped tightly in his embrace.She sighed lowly and wrapped her arm around his waist,hugging him close to her.Her eyes slowly began to flutter close and soon they both fell asleep in each others embrace.


Morning came quickly,the dawn's sun leaking through the cream coloured curtains and into the hotel room.TJ jerked suddenly,eyes fluttering open welcoming the morning into her eyes.She shifted against Sam's body and looked around the room.It was silent with only her and him,not even Dean had come back into the room for a shower or shave.

TJ swallowed down hard and wiggled out of Sam's arms and jumped out of the bed.She hurriedly changed,slipping her clothes back on and throwing her hair up into a tight pony tale. She made sure she had the directions that Jo had given her the previous night and made for the door of the hotel room but quickly stopped.

She stared at Sam's figure on the bed,hair tossed across the pillow softly snoring.A soft smile itched onto her face as she tip toed over to him. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his face towards hers,laying a soft kiss to his lips,"Goodbye."

Sam groaned lowly and shifted in his spot.TJ quickly left him and exited the hotel room,closing the door lightly.The cool air danced across her skin upon walking out the door.But that wasn't her concern at the moment,reaching Joana without the Winchesters was.She creeped passed the Impala,where Dean was sleeping in the front seat.She sighed once she got a distance away from the hotel without them noticing and turned to the road for some help by a local passer.

But what she was met with made her smirk and her stomach immediately lurched.Down the street a couple yards,was her Mustang that Jo had took from her that night.She inwardly screamed and made a mad dash towards the car,finding the keys in the ignition and everything still in place.

"Fuck yes."She muttered and pressed on the pedal,speeding off down the highway and past the hotel,where two sleeping Winchesters were suddenly waking up from a nights rest.
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