A Supernatural World

Chapter 5

TJ's eye's widened when she saw Joana's dad step towards Dean.Sam's breath caught in his throat.

"No,no,no,we have to help them,"TJ said taking a step forward.Sam quickly grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

His shocked face turned serious,"We cant go in there,its too dangerous,"

"We cant just stand here either,"TJ said almost ripping her wrist away from him.Sam turned his head and looked in any possible direction."Look,you can stay here,but im going in there,"

"With what?"Sam asked raising his voice,"Your unarmed,"

TJ shrugged her shoulders,turning around and walking fast towards the house,"I dont need anything,"She paused and smirked as she turned back to him,slowly walking backwards up the stairs,"I mean,if Joana dies,what really do I have to loose? My fathers dead"

Sam huffed and looked at the ground then through the window of the house.Joana still lay on the floor while her father was still proceeding his way over to Dean.Dean stuck up his shot gun,while Joana lay silently on the ground.

Sam looked infront of him,were TJ already entered the house.He sighed as he ran after her inside the house.

"Get away from me,"Dean said backing away from Joana's father,while holding up his gun.He soon hit a nearby wall,where Joana was laying by.He looked quickly down at her,then looked back at her father.

"Dean,is this the proper way to meet?"He said smirking,"I just wanted to meet the boy my daughter fancied,"

"Bull shit,"Dean said raising the gun higher as he stepped closer to him.Joana's father smirked.

"Dean just go,please,"Joana said from below him.He didnt acknowledge her,until she tugged on his pants.

"Im not leaving you here,"Dean said briefly looking at her.It was her fathers chance to through him across the room,against the wall,pinning him.

Deans shotgun fell to the center of the floor.Joana's father smirked as he pinned Dean against the wall,"A Winchester"He said,"I heard so much about you,from your father,"He pause again to take Deans sent in,"And when you saved my baby girl in high school"

Dean quirked his eyebrow and starred at him,"What?"He said out of breath.Joana slowly crawled over to the center of the room and grabbed the gun,trying to not make a sound.

She bit her lip and squinted her eyes tight,hoping he wouldn't turn around.She lifted it and pointed it at Dean and her father.She hesitated for a minute,'what if i hit Dean?'

"I dont think so,"Gordon said as he appeared and kicked her in the jaw,sending the gun heardiling over by the nearby open door.She shrieked as she doubled over and coughed up blood,"You've been a naughty girl,"

"Joana,"Dean yelled as her father held him back and looked at his daughter in pain.

She groaned as she wiped most of the blood off her chin.Until she was lifted into the air and was sent through a nearby table.She layed there,unconciouse,not knowing what was going on.

"Jesus Christ,"Dean yelled,"You son of a bitch,wait till I get out of here,"He paused,struggleing to get out of her fathers hold,"Your the first mother fucker to die!"

Gordon laughed histerically at the boy and walked over to him,"Boy,I already am DEAD!!!!"

Both of the spirits started laughing,until Gordon was blown through the window by the shotgun.He let out shrilling shriek until it soon died away.

"Wheres Joana,"TJ said as she walked further into the room holding the shot gun at her father.Joana's father turned his attention to her and smirked.

"TJ,who would've known?"He said not loosening his grip on Dean,"Could'nt even reconize you,"

"Shut the fuck up,"She said,"Wheres Joana?"She lifted the gun up a little more,as Sam walked into the room.He looked over at his brother and made a nodding motion as the spirit looked at TJ.

"She's over there underneath the table,"He said motioning at the table behind her.TJ moved backwards,never leaving her fathers gaze.

Her father went to let Dean go,and walk towards TJ,when Sam raised his gun,"Stay where you are,"

Dean grunted as he was dying to be freed and be the hero.Sam steadied his aim on the spirit and concentrated,while TJ was over by Joana,trying to peel the rubble off of her.

TJ's eyes darkened as she picked up the big table that was untop of her and tossed it to the other side of the room.It was dark inside the room,and the only spot of light was coming from the broken window,which Gordon had flew through.

"You better fuckin hope she aint dead,"TJ said bending down and checking her pulse.She felt the signs of life and sighed,"Thank god,"She whispered to herself.Dean looked over at her and Joana,with a hint of concern on his face.

"To bad she's not dead,"Her father said as he smirked,"She would of a great soldier,"

TJ squinted over at him as she stood up from crunched position,and Dean and Sam both looked at him with confused faces,"What?"

The spirit smirked,"Oh nothing,"He said,"Im sure your father didnt inform you on his death bed,TJ?"

TJ looked at him with wide eyes,but didnt answer.Sam kept the gun firmly on him,but looked over at TJ.

"He could tell you about your powers,but not of something this important,"He continued,"What kind of father keeps away a secret like this?"

TJ shot the gun up and pointed it towards her father,"Shut the fuck up,you dont know me or my dad,"

He smirked and chuckled as Dean tried to get out of his grasped,"Oh,but I do,"TJ took a deep breath,"Till next time,"

TJ shot at the air before the spirit dissappeared.Dean fell to the ground grasping his wrists.Sam slowly put down his gun and looked around him.

"What the hell was that about?"Dean asked a little pissed off.TJ sighed and let the gun fall to the ground as she looked at Joana,unconcious on the floor.

"She's unconcious,"TJ said looking down at her.Dean grunted as TJ serpast the question he has asked.

"What was that about TJ?"He pressured again.TJ blanked out and ignored him.

"We have to get her back to the hotel,"TJ kept saying.Dean stood up and made his way over to TJ,but Sam stopped him.

"Cool down Dean,"Sam said stopping his brother.

"A spirit almost killed me Sam,and Im not goin to sit around and wait for miss prissy here to answer me,"Dean said angered.TJ leaned down and brushed a piece of hair out of Joana's face.Her eyes turned black as she lifted Joana off the ground.

"She has a reason Dean,"Sam said,"Lets just get Joana back to the hotel,and we'll talk about this in the morning,"

Dean looked at Sam then back at TJ who grabbed onto Joana's shoulder,and tried to pull her out of the room.Dean walked over to TJ and took Joana away from her and lifted her up bridal style into his arms.

"Lets go,"Dean said as he made his way out of the house with Joana.Sam and TJ followed behind him while they walked out towards there cars.

"Are you alright?"Sam asked TJ as they neared they're car's.TJ nodded then walked over to her Mustang.

"You can put her in my car,until we hit the hotel,"TJ said as she unlocked the drivers side of the door.Dean walked over to TJ's car and Sam opened the door for him.He quickly slid Joana into the passengers seat.He put on her seat belt,and for a moment his face slightly slid across hers,and he paused looking at her unconcious body.

"What hotel are you guys at?"Dean asked standing straight back up.

"Bracks Inn,"TJ said leaning against her car,forward.Dean looked at Sam.

"What a cawincidince,"Sam said smirking a bit,"We're staying there too,"

TJ sighed as she slipped into the drivers seat,"I'll see you guys there,"

Dean tapped the top of the car as TJ started the ignition,and flew off towards the highway.

"A cawincidince eh?"Dean said walking towards the Impalia,"Lets hope we got rooms beside each other,"He smiled.

Sam laughed,"Stop thinking with your damn libido,"

Dean slipped into the drivers seat and smirked as he started the ignition,"Thank god theres a pool,"

Sam lifted his eyebrows,"Now that I like,"

They drove off,slowly behind TJ,making sure that nothing happened.When they reached the hotel,Dean walked over to TJ's car and lifted Joana out of the passengers seat and into his arms.

He shut the door with his foot as TJ locked her door and walked up to the pathway by her hotel room door.

"Ok,put her on the be..."TJ said as she opened the door as Dean cut her off.

"I think she should stay with me tonight,"Dean said holding Joana.Sam looked over at Dean.

"What?"Sam asked,"Why?"

"Because,we dont know if that thing followed us,"He said,"They both need protection,"

TJ cleared her throat,"Excuse me,I can protect myself,"

Sam smirked,"See,she can protect herself,"

"Well Joana cant,"Dean said raising his voice,"And back at the cliff,it didnt see if you had everything under control either,"

TJ looked down.They saw that.

"Now,its just for tonight,"Dean said,"Sam,give me the keys,you can sleep in there room,"Sam tossed him the keys as he ran his hand through his short hair,"If I catch you doing any funny stuff Sammii..."Dean walked away with Joana while dangling the keys in his hands.Sam's and TJ's face turned bright red as they both looked away from each other.

"Night Ladies,"Dean said walking inside the room,while leaving two cherry apple faces of Sam and TJ outside.
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