A Supernatural World

Chapter 6

Joana awoke in bed. She was sore all over. Her first though surprising was of Dean. She looked around the room and there he was laid out in a chair asleep. She couldn’t help but smile. The anger that was in her throat disappeared. He had been uncomfortable just so she could sleep.

It took all her powers but she picked him up and laid him in bed where she had been. She grabbed a pair of his boxers and a tee shirt and jumped in the bathroom. She looked at her face in the mirror. He eye was swollen, there was a nice bruise forming around her mouth now.

She undid her hair and let the warm water cleanse away the ugliness of the other night. Dean awoke and realised. He was in bed. He placed his hand on his gun that was laid out on the nightstand. He couldn’t remember falling asleep; he was in the chair trying to figure out what the hell had happened last night. Oh yea and he was watching Jo sleep.

He jumped out of bed, but when he heard the water run in the bathroom he relaxed. She was ok; he could hear her singing “the boys are back in town”. He settled to have a talk with her for lifting him out of bed and not waking him up to take care of her.

He slowly came to the realisation that this girl was independent and not like all the others that flaunted at his feet. If only she did that maybe, he didn’t feel the pain in his groin he was feeling now. He was deciding whether he should go get TJ and let her straighten Jo out.

The door of the bathroom opened and through the steam he saw Jo step out. His breath caught in his throat. He didn’t know what he would have said but she looked almost like an angel, and that was hard to believe.

“I borrowed some of your clothes if you don’t mind,” Jo said as she placed her towel back on her hair. The blood was hard to wash out and her arm was sore so after a few tried she threw the towel down in frustration.

She loved to fight but she hated being helpless. “What’s wrong?” Dean asked as he stood up looking at her concerned.

“Nothing,” She denied how could she explain to him that she was pissed off because she couldn’t dry her hair it was pathetic. She made the mistake of looking up at him. She tried to take another step towards the bed, but the pain that had passed through her leg earlier could not be ignored so she buckled.

Dean caught her. “You shouldn’t be walking around.” He said as he lifted her up like a feather. “You need rest.” He laid her down, as he went to inspect the big gash on her leg. It had not made a lot of damage but the damage left her unable to walk for long periods.

“I’ll rest when I’m dead, thank you very much.” She made a move to get out of bed but he pinned her down. Her arms pinned to the matters. He looked down at her. He was angry but it didn’t seem like he was angry with her.

If she only knew that right now he was beating himself up for deciding to stay in the room with her. Moreover, for not being able to protect her against whatever evil that was. “No you will rest now.” He sounded so stern.

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” The moment the words came out of her mouth she laughed. That was unexpected. Well maybe it was to be expected. He did look particularly cute when he was angry.

“Babies are cute.” Dean murmured. He moved off her realising their closeness. He needed time to think. He was about to leave, he opened the door, but she closed it. He looked back at her sitting on the bed.

“You don’t expect me to sit here all alone while you go, god knows where.” She said in fact.

He ignored her and changed the subject. “Should you be using powers?” He asked.

“Hmmm.” She said as she got out of bed. She was slowly walking towards him, and he was trying to swallow the saliva in his mouth because the way her breasts were moving against his shirt was making him groan inwards.

“You should be in bed.” Dean said clearing his throat.

“Only if you join me.” She was right in his face. He looked down at her inviting lips. She was moving closer to kiss him, when they heard a knock on the door.

“Leave I’m about to rape Dean.” Jo said as she looked at the door.

“Dean open the door.” TJ was yelling. Sam was chuckling in the background.

“I don’t want to let him.” Jo yelled back.

“Jo shut up.” TJ said.

“You shut up.” Jo said.

“We’re coming in.” Sam said as the door opened. He had used his key and came in with his gun raised towards Jo.

“Sam, what are you doing?” Dean asked. “What is wrong with you?”

“Jo, come here.” TJ said.
“No I don’t want to.” Jo said as she scampered across the room. TJ was holding a syringe in her hand. Dean looked at his brother and TJ like they were crazy and he needed to know what the hell was going on.

TJ’s eyes went black and Jo was pushed to the ground. She quickly gave her the shot. Jo passed out. “What the hell was that?” Dean asked as he pushed TJ out of the way and picked up Jo placing her on the bed.

“That was someone you don’t want to meet anytime soon.” Sam said as he put his gun away.

“EXPLAIN DAMN IT!” Dean yelled.

“Don’t yell. Joana has times where she becomes her biggest fear. That is the downside to being a witch. Whatever you do, you try not to let yourself lose control. It doesn’t happen to me often because she keeps me in check. Last night she lost a lot of energy so her being able to control her urges would be hard unless, she is sedated.” TJ said as she pushed Jo’s hair out of her face.

“So she was gonna lose control?” Dean looked at TJ trying to read her face.

“Did she use her powers?” TJ asked.

“Yeah to move me on the bed while she took a shower.” Dean answered as he went to the mini bar and got a beer.

“Nope that was her using her power. Any other time?” Sam asked now he sat on the other bed.

“Yeah, she did. I tried to leave and she closed the door.” Dean passed a beer to Sam.

“That wasn’t really her. She is against using powers for things like that.” TJ said as she looked at the cut on Jo’s leg. She took the bag that was under the bed, where Sam had told her it would be. She got some gauze out, holy water and antibiotic cream.

When she placed the holy water on the wound, Jo squirmed and Dean jumped up. “You’re hurting her.” He said, as he was about to push TJ off her.

“Leave her be.” Joana said weakly. She was coming about and she knew what had happened she had lost control.

“But it hurts you.” Dean said.

“The wounds she got Dean aren’t normal wounds, the wounds caused by family is demonic, she will be possessed soon if we leave the wounds unclean.” TJ said as she wrapped the leg up.

“Ok I need someone to explain to me what the hell is going on.” Dean said.

“Let’s go for a walk.” Sam said, but he was stopped when he looked at Jo.

“No I need to tell him. After TJ finishes up, you and he go get some breakfast. I’ll talk to Dean, then TJ we’re leaving. I know where he’s going next.” Jo said.

No one said anything else. They all knew this would be the last time they would be in the same room. It was goodbye. Joana went through the pain that was passing through her body because of the wounds. TJ was going through the emotionally pain of cleaning Jo’s wounds.

Sam was wondering what he could say to TJ. What was there to say? Dean just drank his beer trying to understand everything. Pretending he knew more. Then he did was useless at this point. First things first he needed to understand what was going to happen to Joana if…. If what? If he stayed with them or if, he left.
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More to come. :)