A Supernatural World

Chapter 7

Sam and TJ walked along the empty street towards the restaurant.The town might as well of been a ghost-town.Leaves rattled acrossed the streets while the wind picked them up and danced through the air.

Sam,nor TJ hadn't said anything since they left the hotel room where Jo and Dean were talking amongst themselves.TJ sighed and shoved her hands into her jacket pocket,"So,"She said breaking the awkward tension,"What have you been up to all these years--I haven't seen you since grad,"

Sam chewed silently on his gum and briefly glanced over at her,"Nothing much,both Dean and I have been doing alot of traveling over the years,"TJ nodded,"What about you--what have you and Jo been up too?"

TJ turned away from him,"Everything-been doing alot of searching though,"

Sam quirked his eyebrow and his brown eyes looked in her direction,"Searching for what?"TJ ran her hand quickly through her hair and shrugged.

"Stuff,"She kicked a nearby rock on the cement,"Now that Jo knows where this thing is going to next-I'm guessing the seven-hours we had of sleep last night will be what we're gonna be living off of for a while,"

Sam shook his head and pierced his lips together,"I can't believe that was her dad back at the house last night,"He whispered,"What does he want?"TJ knew the answer,but didn't plan on telling neither Sam or Dean.Sam swung the door of the restaurant open for TJ,before walking in behind her.They both found a secluded table in the corner of the room and waited for the waitress.

TJ gazed down at the table,"I think that you and Dean shouldn't get involved with this,"Sam's eye's nearly popped out of his head.

"What,"Sam asked,"After both Dean and I saw what you two are up against--I don't think that's possible,"He paused,"And Dean would clearly tell you that your out of your mind,"

"Fuck Dean and what he has to say,"TJ snapped,"You guys have no idea what this thing is capable of-and that was only half of what you saw,"

"TJ,Dean and I are hunters-this is what we do,"He said leaning forward on the table,"We're not going to let some ghost who has come back to seek revenge on his daughter hurt you two,"He paused and stared across the table at her.TJ swallowed down hard and looked away from his piercing gaze,"We've known you two for far two long--we grew up together,"TJ pierced her lips together and looked back up into his welcoming gaze,"Just trust us-we can help you two,"

"If it were up to me-I would allow you to come with us,"TJ whispered as the waitress walked up to the two of them.They both ordered their breakfast and ate quickly and headed out the door,back to the hotel.Dean was sitting outside,leaning against his car when he noticed Sam and TJ walk through the parking lot over towards him.

"What's going on?"Sam asked curiously as TJ walked passed Dean and into the hotel room.TJ quickly opened the door and found Jo tossing her hair up into a quick pony-tail.She greeted her with a quick smile before stuffing her clothes into her bag.TJ watched her curiously.

"What's going on?"TJ asked as Jo swung her bag over her shoulders.She tossed the keys to the Mustang to TJ."Jo?"

"Let's go,"Jo said opening the door and waiting for TJ,"We don't have much time,"TJ sighed and followed her out.

"Wait,what about Sam and Dean,"TJ said trying to catch up to her friend.She saw Dean and Sam where she had last left them,leaning against Dean's car in the parking lot.Jo didn't answer her question,but move quickly towards the Mustang,where she threw her bag in the backseat and slid into the car.TJ sighed and looked at her through the window,"I don't know what your planning-but I really hope it works,"

"Don't worry about it--,"Jo briefly gazed over towards the drivers seat,"Get in,"
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it's been like forever,man.