Ghosts in the Snow

Dreaming Becomes Reality

Like ghosts in the snow….
Like ghosts in the snow….

I repeated my favorite song lyrics, in my head, over and over. I was running. Running to save my love. I could see him, two hundred yards away. I wouldn’t make. I never made it. I had seen this moment over and over in my dreams, but now I knew it was real. The harsh cold against my face, the way my lungs burned with cold fire, how my legs felt like they could go no further. No, this was definitely real, and I knew how it ended.
I called his name but the wind snatched away my words. I could feel tears sliding down my face and freezing on my cheeks and lashes. My foot slipped and I fell face flat in the snow. I hauled myself up and continued running.
I was closer now. I could see his jet-black hair ruffling in the wind. I sped up. It was closer now. I saw a figure materialize walking toward his side. I was too late. I was pushing myself harder than ever now.


“No,” I gasped. I sprung forward. The gunshot echoed off the cruel frozen landscape. He fell into the snow. The figure stepped toward him, looking down at him. I felt a surge of hate toward the person. I heard myself gasping hard. The figure turned and walked away leaving him to die. I was closer now. I could hear his labored gasps. I fell to my knees next to him. Blood was spreading across his chest. He saw me.
“I love you, forever and always. No matter what. No matter where,” He whispered his voice rasping.
“I love you, everywhere everyway,” I whispered back. I leaned down and kissed him for the last time. We pulled a part and he smiled at me closing his eyes and shuddering his last breath.

Fatality is like ghosts in snow and you have no idea what you're up against because I've seen what they look like.
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i really love you seamus.
