Vampire Innocnece (When Loving a vampire gets Complicated!)

Chapter 6


" Everything is okay Amy don't worry."

" Really?"

" Really Really."

" Okay well I just saw Kevin run outside! He looked really angry ! "

" Don't worry Amy I promise you everything is alright."

" Okay....If you say so."

Amy walks back to class,she knows somethings up. Ugh this day Has Totally sucked if you ask me. Me and Jason just walked back to class,of course we got into big trouble I don't care though.

I got home Early today I walk home. Mom and Dad were off in the Caribbean somewhere it is their anniversary this week so they are on one of those expensive Ships and won't be back until next week. I go upstairs to start on my homework , man it sure gets dark outside quick.

I fell asleep for about four hours when I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be at this hour? I get up and walk down stairs to the door I open it and it was Jason.

" Hello." He gives me a beautiful smile.

" Hey Jason what are you doing here? How did you find out where I lived?

" Oh I was just taking a walk by and I saw you in your window."

"Oh okay."


" I just stopped by to make sure everything was... okay."

" Yeah yeah everything is fine come in come in. "

Jason walks in.

" You have a beautiful house but its just right now." He looks at me and takes my hand and kisses it again YES I SAID IT AGAIN !

My face just flushes with red.

" Oh umm... thank you so much."

So I give Jason the All Grand Tour of my ' Beautiful house ' and then the last place is my room.

" So this is my room."

" Very nice."


I Plop on my bed and start studding LIKE IVE NEVER STUDIED BEFORE! Jason just burst out laughing.

" HEY!" I Grab his arm and force him on the bed he falls and hits his face on the pillow no I laughed really hard. But he wasn't laughing. He was just staring at me.

" Oh."

" Your so beautiful." he whispers.

Then Jason comes in closer to my face and puts his hands on my wrist and I fall backwards on the bed while he holds my wrist down. I dunno what to do, My face is so red now i just know it.

" Please will you be Mine." He whispers in my ear softly.

" Yes." I whisper back

Jason started to kiss my neck. I close my eyes really tight and I start to feel like I can't breath and then he gets on top of me and I start to kiss him. His Lips were so Soft and cold and like Ive never experienced before.

I never want this night to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! I mean OH NO! Not good someone has been keeping an eye on her and we all know how it is.