You're in Vampire Country, Now

Pre-Mid Life Crisis and The Infinite Sadness

Tater’s P.O.V.

The Next Night

Jen had been knocked out bad. Really bad. She had a huge gash in the left side of her head, courtesy or Gerard’s beer bottle. Who would’ve thought the he slept with a beer bottle? I mean, what the hell?!

I was pissed that I didn’t get to “kill” him, and that he hurt Jen, yet another person, so badly. She had finally woken up a few hours after the incident, but it was a while until she could actually form sentences. All the while, Frank, Bob, Ray, Mikey, Sorrow, and the maids were taking care of Jen, tending to her every need. Of course I helped too, I mean, she was my best friend, but on Wednesday, it was another matter.


Chloe wasn’t talking to any of us. I hadn’t seen her in about three days, she and Gerard were out of the house all night, but Frank said that she wouldn’t even talk to him , which was strange because…well…they were really, really good friends. Frank, who would usually tailgate Chloe, had been following me around all day, mainly because Jen really didn’t need him anymore. It wasn’t that bad, it was just that Frank was so…Frank-ish…
“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to do our laundry as Frank bounced up and down on my bed like a toddler. It was beginning to freak me out.

“Nuttin’” He giggled, bouncing higher and higher. I desperately wanted him out of my room, mainly because I didn’t want him to see my shrine, but I also just needed a break from him. Thank god I couldn’t have children.

“Stop that.” I said as “politely” as I could, but it still came out offensive. He stopped abruptly and stared up at me. He pulled the lower lip trick as his big brown eyes started to water and he whimpered,

“B-but…I’m so horny…” We burst out laughing. That had been an inside joke between us, all of us, ever since we caught Mikey…well…getting himself happy in the bathroom, years ago. Poor kid, we never did let him live that down.

Frank got up and kissed me. He was so random. I smiled. “I love you,” He said, lacing his fingers with mine. I swallowed hard.

“I…I love you too.”

“I’m gonna go feed, are you hungry?” I shook my head. “Do you want me to bring you back something?” I shook my head again.

“No, thanks, baby.” I said, smiling.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a few hours.” He kissed me again, and then left the room.

Shrine time. I grinned wickedly and threw my closet doors open. The shrine seemed to glow as I stared down at it, in all of its glory. Even as I looked down at the intricately made shrine, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I tried my best to suppress it as I got myself ready.

Ritual time. I sat down cross-legged on the floor and started saying quotes of his. Remembering exactly what he said, how he said it, how he looked when he said it, everything. Every time I said a quote, I lit a candle. And there were hundreds of candles. “If I were to, oh, take this toaster into the bathtub with me…would I die?” I always laughed at that one. The little way brother, so cute and innocent. So sweet…and cute…and more cute…

Later, god knows how long, after I had finished with the quotes, it was… visualization time. I’ll spare you the details, I wouldn’t want to scar you for life, but lets just say that night…was an especially creative night for me.

The last part of my ritual was always my favorite. It was time to watch the little Way brother sleep.

I got up and tiptoed into the hallway, lighting the candles as I went. Suddenly I stopped. I had the horrible creepy feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around and saw nothing but the paintings and gold-plated candles that surrounded me and covered every wall in the house. Still, I didn’t move. I had watched enough horror movies to know what would happen if I wasn’t absolutely sure that no one was there. I was a psycho, yes, but not enough of a psycho to want people to know I was psycho. I walked a little bit ahead and then a walked a few steps back. I looked up and scanned the ceiling for signs of life, but nothing was there. Convinced I was fine, I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking and lighting candles until I got to Mikey’s room.

It was so cute the way he had “Michael Way” spelled out in cast iron letters on his door. I had done that with my door once, but it didn’t come out as…cool. Quietly, I opened his door, as I did every Wednesday, and stepped into his room. I made sure no one was in the room, and I closed his bedroom door. I sighed and leaned against it, and I watched the little Way brother breathe in and out. In and out.

I decided that ten minutes of “way watching”, as Jen called it, (Jen was and always would be, or at least I had hoped, the only person to know about my deeds) was enough for the night and I was just about to leave when I felt the sensation again. Except this time it sent shivers down my spine. Something, or someone was definitely following me. I turned the door knob slowly, but before I could get the door open I felt something his me hard in the back.

Everything went black.