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Did We All Fall Down?

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I smelled. Actually, I didn’t just smell, I was rotting from the inside out. I had been locked up inside of my room for about a week, battling a horrible depression. A depression that was so deep I was constantly fighting the urge to just go into the lake outside and stand at the bottom until I couldn’t breathe anymore.

I was lying on my bed under the covers, half dead, or half alive, whichever way you want to look at it. I was like a prisoner in my own body. I wanted to get up and wash myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t think I deserved it. I spent my time thinking about all of the people I had hurt during the past decade. Various humans, Mikey, Frank, and Chloe, who I never even knew I was hurting. I never wanted to hurt her, or any of them for that matter. How could I not I have known? How could I not have KNOWN?? I often thought. I didn’t deserve to live.

I actually cried for most of the time I was in there. It was weird, being able to cry again, just when I thought I had no emotion left. I would have killed myself, if it hadn’t been for what Chloe said a few nights past.

“Well, I refuse to let you go Gerard…I refuse to lose you.”

That had killed me inside. She didn’t know it, but the guilt I felt was so immense…then again, maybe she did know it.

It took all of my strength but I looked up at the small calendar I had above my bed. October 15th, 2006.
It wouldn’t be long until the task was to be completed. I figured that I would be out of my depression by then. Hopefully.

I heard shuffling and a loud cracking sound as, for the second time that month, someone bashed my door in. It was Jen, Tater, Bob, Frank, and Ray. Mikey and Sorrow were both there, but they were standing way behind the mob. Each of them held a torch; I suppose that was for dramatic yet comical effect, more than likely Tater’s idea. I froze. The fear inside of me swallowed me whole and I nearly passed out when I saw what was in the huge plastic bag that Jen was swinging in front of her face.
