You're in Vampire Country, Now

Things That Make You Go Mmmmmmmm

So that was it. My cousin, the only person in the world who understood me even the tiniest bit, was dead. I had been in a car accident that I vaguely remembered, and I was stuck in a house with seven teens who looked like they came straight out of Interview With The Vampire. Of course I didn’t mind being around Mikey, but the others…they weren’t normal…and not like I wasn’t normal.

It had been six days since I had learned about my cousin, and I was already learning a lot about this house and it’s inhabitants. Bob had a girlfriend. Her name was Jennifer, but we just called her Jen. She was about 5’5” with long brown hair, and brown, almost black, eyes. Jen was really nice and would do anything to help anyone, but she got these weird mood swings where she’d freak out and be super happy…and then she’s stare off into space, or at me, which really started to freak me out. She wore a lot of black and green; in fact, I think those were the only two colors I ever saw her wear. Gerard and Mikey were both single. It really surprised me too, but part of me was psyched that Mikey was available.

I was sitting alone in my part of what I still called the hotel. One of the ten maids came in my room and started cleaning. It didn’t take me long to learn that her name was Genevieve and she didn’t speak English, she spoke French. Whenever she came to clean my room Gerard came in behind her so he could translate. I knew only basic French, so Gerard was there just in case I didn’t understand what she said. Though, she really didn’t talk to me much, she usually only asked me how I was doing.

“Ça va?” She asked me.

“Ça va bien.” I replied, smiling faintly. I just lied in another language…

She nodded, smiled, and continued cleaning up my room. I looked over as Gerard who stood as still as a statue against the black walls of my bedroom. It was the first time I noticed how pale he was, he was whiter than paper. I shivered. Every time I looked at him I was suddenly overcome with fear. The way he could move without ever making a noise, the way he stood still, as if he was apart of the wall himself, the way his eyes flashed with anger every few seconds as if he were remembering something horrible that had happened. Frankly I was glad he almost never talked. He really, really scared me. He looked like a serial killer…like a mass-murderer…he looked…familiar.

That night we ate dinner around a black circular table, like we did every night. Dinners at the “hotel” usually consisted of some type of meat. It tasted like dust and chicken flavoring. I was afraid to ask what exactly it was though.

“Twizzlers are way better than skittles!” Frank yelled, hitting the table with his fist.

“They are not!” Jen yelled back, copying the action. “Skittles kick ass!” This was typical for the dinner table, or at least it had been for the past four days that I had been dining with them. I was glad that Frank and Jen were so childlike; they brought some much-needed comic relief to the extremely depressing “hotel”, and it took my mind of Gerard, who constantly had his eye on me.

“ I’m sorry but skittles suck.” Chloe mumbled through a mouth full of the mystery meat.

“OH YEAH!” Frank cheered and hugged Chloe, almost making her choke. “That’s my girl! IN YOUR FACE!!!!”

“Oh, come off it Iero you know that skittles rule!!!!” Tater laughed.

“Oh, yeah?” Frank smirked, “Then what was that you were eating on the full moon huh?” Tater blushed like crazy.

“W-which one?” She asked, though she knew she was screwed.

“The one when the other vamp-”

“STOP!” Gerard yelled. Frank sat down in his chair, folded his hands in his lap, and bit his lip as if he were a two-year-old about to be scolded by his father.

“Oh, boy.” Chloe mumbled, rolling her eyes and pushing her empty plate out in front of her. I looked around at everyone. They all cowered in front of Gerard, accept for Chloe and Tater, like he was going to kill them or something. Mikey looked at me. I felt him grab my hand from under the table. I guess he felt my fear. I blushed.

“I am sick to death of you people arguing about which fucking candy is better than the other!” His eyes went from hazel to red for just a split second. My heart raced. I just knew that he was going to injure something or someone.

“Gerard It’s just c-”

“SHUT UP!” He roared, glaring down at Frank. Frank winced. “Come with me.” Gerard said, walking about of the room. Everyone looked at Frank, who was almost green and sweating like crazy.

Nodding to the group, he left the room and reluctantly followed Gerard.