You're in Vampire Country, Now

But Where's Your Heart?

Frank’s P.O.V.

I felt nauseous, twizzler-deficient, and a throbbing pain on the side of my head all at the same time. The twizzler-deficiency feeling came from when Jen had chucked my precious bag of twizzlers half way across the world. I’d get her back eventually. But as we walked down the forest path, my head resting on Tater’s shoulders, I wasn’t in the mood for revenge.
The throbbing pain undoubtedly came from the black eye and the bloody gash that Gerard had given me. I shuttered every time I thought about it. I could barely sleep because of it, in fact the night before I had to sleep, well fell asleep in, Chloe’s room. She was always the one who comforted me, I mean Tater was also a good comfort, but I had known Chloe for so long…she just knew the right way to do it.

Tater shivered and I put my arm around her. She blushed and leaned into me. It was almost winter, I could tell by the way that the beautiful colors of fall had turned into the dull scenery of bare trees and dried leaves everywhere you stepped. As we crunched down the path, I started to space out.

“STOP!” Gerard yelled. I sat down immediately. My heart was racing as I realized what I was just about to say. I bit my lip and hoped for the best as Gerard stared down at me.

“Oh, boy.” Chloe mumbled, rolling her eyes and pushing her empty plate out in front of her. If I hadn’t been so scared I would have been amazed about how Gerard didn’t have any effect on her whatsoever.

“I am sick to death of you people arguing about which fucking candy is better than the other!” Waves of nausea washed over me. I felt like I was going to blow chunks right there in front of everyone. I looked up into the face of Tyranny itself. I told myself not to say a damn word, to just let him rant and rave, but I just couldn’t do it.

“Gerard It’s just c-”

“SHUT UP!” He roared. I winced as tears welled up in my eyes. “Come with me.” Gerard said, storming out of the room. I sat, collecting myself before getting up and following death into the basement.

‘Damnit Frank! You just had to say something. You just had to almost let our secret out. Oh, god…oh, god what if Sorrow knows? What if she knows we’re vampires? We’ll have to kill her…then Gerard will…he’ll kill me, I just know it. He’ll probably use the guillotine. That or he’ll…’ I couldn’t think about it anymore. I just followed Gerard’s hollow footsteps down the maze of hallways and into the basement. I was sweating and trembling by the time I got down there, I had no idea what he was going to do to me. ‘Maybe he’ll just lecture me…’ I thought, trying to calm myself down. Then I had the horrifying notion that he might rape me. I shook all thoughts out of my head before I drove myself crazy, and walked over to where Gerard was standing with his back to me. He opened his bedroom door and before I knew it, shoved me in. His action had caught me off guard and I fell to the floor, hitting my face on the side of his bed, which is how I got the black eye.

“Get up.” He said, firmly. I quickly got up and faced him, holding back tears. He stood there, his jet-black hair framing his face. He stared me up and down, and then he exploded. “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?” I stared at him. The edges of my eyes started to burn as tears threatened to come gushing out. “WELL?” I had thought, ‘What the fuck were you thinking?’ was a rhetorical question, but apparently, in this case, it was not.

“I-I-I don’t know!” I stammered, “It was an accident G-Gerard! I didn’t mean to let that slip out, I just d-did! I forgot Sorrow was there and…” Suddenly I was on his bed, after being struck in the face by something very, very hard. The pain was so immense that I thought my skull was splitting open. I looked around, half blinded by the blow, and saw Gerard with his arm straight out to the side of him, and I quickly realized that he had backhanded me. I reached up and touched my face, wincing as I ran my fingers down a large gash along my cheek. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at the blood that was dripping onto my shirt and down my fingertips, and onto Gerard’s bed. I found it incredibly hard to breathe between the immense pain, Gerard screaming something at me that sounded like gibberish to my ears, the fear that this situation was about to get much, much worse, and the fact that tears were flowing freely down my face, and choking me from the inside. I mumbled something about needing my guitar. Gerard stopped screaming and glared at me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried as hard as I could. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Gerard walked over to the bed, and climbed up next to me. Pressing his lips to my ear he whispered something ungodly, something horrible.

“Get out.” I heard Gerard say, jumping off the bed, throwing his dresser drawer open, digging something out and then slamming in closed again. I whimpered and lifted my head up.

“B-but, T-”

“GET OUT!” He roared, I jumped off of his bed and ran like hell, still bawling my eyes out, up the miles and miles of stairs and down the hideous maze of hallways until I finally reached Chloe’s room. I banged on the door as hard as I could. Nearly collapsing from doing so. She opened it, hesitated, and then wrapped her arms around me. “Frankie…” She whispered. And I cried, and cried, and cried.