Blending In

Chapter Four

Although I admire my school uniform for the whole blending in thing.. it has it's downsides too. Like the fact that when you walk home when its cold out your legs freeze in your skirt. Luckily, I had worn gray wool leggings today. But the shoes still weren't comfortable. This must be the bad feeling from this morning. I thought as I popped the collar on my grey pea coat, and pulled my scarf up higher.

I sighed as I began walking. When you didn't live real close to the school you went to, it could take a while to walk. My walk was about 40 minutes. Thats alright. Not like I have anywhere to be. Accept at home with Penny. Penny was my best friend. You think "But you said you have no friends!" Well... I don't have people friends. Most people don't have a great sense of smell like dogs do.

When I realized that dogs could recognize people on their scent, I grabbed my money and flew to the nearest pet store. I didn't have to be alone anymore, I could have a friend. Or a pet really. I could take care of it, and it would love me. And I would love it too. I got to the pet store, and when I looked in the window, I saw the most adorable little puppy you have ever seen. It's cuteness literally took my breath away. I knew that was the dog I wanted. Instantaneous love. I wanted it to be like in a movie. So I had rushed in, scooped the cutest-thing-you-have-ever-seen into my arms.

Then it bit me. Hard.

I yelped, dropped the cutest-thing-you-have-ever-seen back into the cage and walked away heart broken, bleeding, and with tears streaming down my face. It had seemed so perfect. I was crying when I suddenly tripped. With tears clouding your vision, seeing clearly isn't the easiest task, so I of course fell. I got up mumbling about my bad luck, when I found myself staring at a "Puppies For Sale Here" sign. The house didn't look the best... but I could feel it pulling towards it. I walked down the ally way, and found myself infront of a door. I knocked, and waited. A woman came out and I politely stated "You have puppies for sale?" She smiled down at me and said "Yes, yes. Come in dear!"

I could hear the puppies playing as I entered this strangers house. I walked into a dimly lit room, seeing a tired looking mother dog, and about six or seven puppies zooming around her. I couldn't help but smile. "What breed are they?" I asked out of curiosity. You really couldn't tell. "Oh... Why.. I'm not sure. The mother is a mutt.. and we aren't ... errm... sure who the father was. Healthy pups though! I suppose they are a bit of everything" And thats what made me want one of these puppies. They didn't know who their father was.... I didn't know who either of my parents were.... And they didn't know what they were. Can't say I'm sure what I am either.

I had bent down to pet the mother. She weakly wagged her tail. Thats what I love about dogs. Simply happy. I had felt a tugging at my shoe, and I looked and there was a puppy. I picked the mutt puppy up, and it licked me on the nose. "This is the one" I had stated. "Oh! That one? Why that is a very sweet puppy. It will need a lot of attention though" Attention? I could do that..... Not that anything else held my attention...

I paid the woman, thanked her, and went to the pet store with the cutest-thing-you-have-ever-seen. I bought supplies for my new puppy. As I was paying, I remember distinctly dropping a penny. My new puppy looked up at me, and started pushing the penny at me with her nose. "Whats its name??" The clerk asked me. I had paused... I never named anything before. The puppy just looked up at me as I began to pick up the penny. I looked at the penny, down at the dog, then up to the clerk. "Her name is Penny."

I also remember walking out of the store, and sticking my tongue out at the cutest-thing-you-have-ever-seen.

So thats how I met my best friend. This was about a year and a half ago, and we've been irreparable since. She quickly adapted to my "talent". She knew me for me. And I loved her for it.