Sometimes It's Just Too Late

Taking the first step towards friendship

'He's so stupid! Why the hell does he have to be so stupid and stubborn?' I thought angrily as I drove back home. Keira and Scarlet were standing outside, waiting for me. "How'd things go?" asked Scarlet. "He's a jackass" I spat before heading inside. As I passed Keira, I could hear her growling and I knew nothing good would happen if he happened to come by. "I swear I'll make him pay" said Keira. Stopping, I turned to her. "Don't, just leave it be" I said softly before heading to my room and shutting the door. I just wanted to sleep and not deal with things right now.

*Keira's POV*

Turning to Scarlet, I couldn't help but clench my hands into a fist. "He's going to need to run isn't he?" asked Scarlet. "Yes. I'm sick of him hurting my sister. I remember her telling me, back when they stopped talking, that it hurt worse then anything else. It was as if a knife was plunged into her heart and the blood was just gushing out like a river. She told me the pain was excruciating and that she didn't want to bear it anymore. She just wanted her friend back in her life, even if he hated her. It was better then nothing" I explained. Scarlet nodded as a cab pulled up. "I best be off" she said as she gave me a hug. "Alright, it was nice to see you again" I said as she left. I sat back down on the steps and thought about how hurt my sister was. 'Stupid Corey. First time was enough now this is getting out of hand' I thought.

The sound of footsteps hastily approaching me made me turn my head to find Corey running towards our house. I growled to myself and then cracked my knuckles. 'Speak of the devil' I thought bitterly. Standing up, I awaited for him to make his way closer to me. "Keira! Where's your sister?" he asked, looking for her. I didn't answer, I just punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed. "That's for everything you put my sister through! You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after everything" I spat. Corey winced and I almost was shocked to see his eyes showing remorse. "Keira, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry I ruined everything but please, let me fix them. I desperately want to fix everything, I miss my friend, I miss everything we used to do" he said. I took a deep breath and then continued to glare at him. "Keira, I'm not asking for you to forgive me, but I'm asking that you please allow me to make things right" he pleaded.

"You can make things right by getting your ass off our property" I snarled. "Kei, that's enough!" said Chris as she came to stand beside me. I continued to glare at Corey as Chris placed a hand on his cheek. "You're starting to bruise" she said softly. Corey chuckled and then smiled. "Your sister packs quite a punch. I wouldn't want to see her in a mosh pit" he said, smiling at me now. I just rolled my eyes and Chris glared at me. "I'm sorry" she said. Corey shook his head and then met her gaze. "Don't be. I'm the asshole, I deserved it" he said. "You deserve much more than that one punch" I snarled under my breath. Chris heard it and then glared at me once more. "You will be nice to him" she snapped. Corey backed up and I winced. "I'm sorry" I said. Corey smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "It's ok, now if you don't mind, can I please talk with your sister alone?" he asked. I nodded and headed inside.

*Chris's POV*

Turning back to him, I wiped my smile off my face. "Why did you come here?" I asked him. Corey sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I wanted to apologize. I was wrong and I want to make it up to you" he said. I smiled and then blushed. "Why are you blushing?" he asked me. That made me blush more and I motioned for him to come inside. "Come on, you can stay over tonight like old times" I said as we headed to my room. Once there, Corey laughed when he saw my Slipknot posters. "You really do like us" he said before catching sight of the unmasked photo of him from Stone Sour in a picture frame hung next to my bed. "Where did you get this image?" he asked me. I turned and then smiled. "Internet. I saw it and instantly recognized the beanie as the one you got when you were in the hospital, the one I gave you" I said as I slowly let my smile fade. Corey sat down on my bed and then laughed when he saw the Stone Sour poster above my bed. "Do I want to know?" he asked. I flipped him off and then pulled out my Murderdolls poster. "I forgot to put this up" I said and then put it on the space next to my bed.

"So you've kept your eye on us?" asked Corey. "Not really, I didn't really remember you when I got into Slipknot. I recently remembered you when I got back to Des Moines" I said as I sat down on the floor. "But you remembered the beanie?" asked Corey. "Well, I remembered that I gave one similar to someone a ways back, but never actually knowing who it was" I explained. "Chris! Keira's going to Chelsea's and your father and I are going away for a couple of days. Will you be ok?" called my mom. "Yeah sure! I'll be alright" I said as they left. "So you have the house to yourself?" he asked. Catching the mischievous tone in his voice, I turned to him and grinned. "Yeah, what do you have in mind Mr. Taylor?" I asked. He got up and pulled me up quickly, causing me to stumble into him. We stayed like that, Corey just starring at me and I blushed before getting away from him. "We'll go get some dinner then come back for a movie night" I said as I left the room, not catching the smirk on Corey's face.

After getting dinner, I laughed as Corey ran and jumped over the back of the couch, landing on it with a 'plop'. "You're like a child" I said, laughing. He just smiled at me. "I missed this" he said, referring to the times where we'd joke around. "I know, but the funny thing, it's almost as if we didn't stop talking" I said to him. He nodded and patted the spot next to me. "What's the movie for the night?" he asked. "Uh…I was thinking maybe Texas Chainsaw Massacre" I said. "Nice choice" he said, pleased and I rolled my eyes. Once the movie was in, I sat down and grabbed my carton of Chinese food while we sat in a comfortable silence and just watched the movie. Soon enough it was over and we noticed that it was close to 3 in the morning. "Come on, let's go to sleep" I said as we headed back to my room. "Uh, Chris, I don't have any pajamas" said Corey. I laughed and gave him some of his clothes that he had left in my room.

Corey's eyes widened and then he laughed. "You still have my Metallica shirt and my boxers?" he asked, his eyes shining with amusement. "Shut up, we stopped talking so abruptly that I didn't get a chance to give them back" I explained before heading to the bathroom to get changed. When I returned, Corey had wrapped himself up in blankets and was starring at himself on the ceiling. "You know, it's a bit creepy that you're checking yourself out" I said, causing him to jump a bit. " Yeah well I find it a bit creepy that you're stalking me" Corey retorted. "I'm not stalking you" I said as I climbed into bed. He rolled over and threw one arm over my waist to keep me pinned to the bed as he stared at me. "Really? Then why do you have so many pictures of me decorating your walls?" he asked. I glared at him before rolling away from him and putting a pillow in between us. "That is your side" I said before closing my eyes. Corey sighed and after rolling over, we both fell asleep.
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