Razor Sharp White Teeth


I was sitting in my fourth period Geometry, writting down the notes in my notebook that Mr. Harlow had written up on the chalkboard.

"Welcome Mr...er, whats your last name, son?" Mr. Harlow was saying.

I looked up to see who exactly he was talking to and saw an extremely good looking guy about my age, just standing in the doorway of my classroom.

"Last name is Wright. First name is Frank." he had said then walked away from our teacher.

There just so happened to be an empty spot next to me, where I was hoping he would sit.

"Oh! Mr. Wright, you can sit there next to Ms. Anderson. I'm sure she won't mind." my teacher had said aloud.

"No. Not at all." I thought to myself then smiled.

I looked from the corner of my eye to find Frank looking at me. Then Mr. Harlow started talking once again, and he looked up at the board and got out his notebook and began writting.

The day went by really slow. Thank God it's Friday. Unfortunately, this is my Junior year, so I have to do some major studying for the mid-term exams next week. Damn you Frank Wright and your distractingly good looks. I closed my locker for the day and started to walk down the hallway. I got out my car keys and opened the school door.

"Damn. It's snowing." I said to myself.

I love snow, don't get me wrong. I just hated driving in it. I got in my car and tried to start it up. Failed. I got out and opened the hood. The damn belt was broken.

"Need a ride?" I heard a voice behind me say.

I turned to see that it was Frank Wright. My heart pounded in my chest, it felt like it was going to burst into fire.

"Oh, yes. I do, thank you." I told him.

He smiled and nodded his head, then chuckled a bit. He opened the passenger seat door for me, then closed it after I had gotten in and buckled down. Frank got in next to me and I told him where I lived. It was a 15 minute drive from our school.

"So, Frank. Where are you from?" I asked him.

"I'm from Berkeley, California." he responded.

"Why did you move here to Washington? It's so boring here." I asked once again.

"I wanted a change, honestly." he told me.

I nodded. We reached my house a few minutes later. I saw my father looking out the front window. Great...he wouldn't like the idea of me riding in car with a boy. Oh how much I was looking forward to hearing what he would have to say. I turned to Frank.

"Thanks so much...I'll uh, see you tomorrow." I told him nerviously.

"What about your car?" he asked.

Shit. I forgot about that...

"Don't worry about it." I told him.

I got out and closed the car door then he rolled down the window.

He smiled then said, "call me Tre."

Then he backed carefully out of my snow covered driveway. I walked into my house with a huge smile across my face.

"Who was that boy?!" my father commanded.

"Oh, daddy. He's just a friend from school." I said still smiling. Then I went upstars into my rom and shut the door.
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Second Chapter!! I really hope you like it so far. I'm trying my best.

xoxo- Adie