Razor Sharp White Teeth

Love In Your Arms.

The next morning, I woke up and smelled some burning bacon. I laughed a bit and realized that I had laughed out loud. I stepped quietly into the hallway and saw Tre coming with a plate of food and orange juice. He looked up and also saw me then stopped.

"Oh, hey. I didn't expect you to be up yet...I made you breakfast." he said handing the plate over to me.

I thanked him and went to go sit in the living room then turned on the TV. There really wasn't anything interesting on, so I just kept it on the news channel. I looked down at my clothes, well Tre's, they were huge on me. Tre came into the living room and sat down next to me. I began to get nervous. He was sitting really close to me by now. I felt his hand brush against mine. It was really cold. I instantly felt shivers go up my spine. I guess I looked like I was scared or something, because he turned to look at me and had a look of sympathy on his face. He placed his hand on the side of my face then tucked my hair behind my ear.

Suddenly and abruptly, my phone rang my father's ringtone from Tre's bedroom. We both looked down and he scooted away from me as I got up and quickly went to go answer it.

"Hello?" I asked scared.

"The school called. Why arn't you there?" he asked in a surprisingly calm tone.

I made up a whole lie about where I was and why I wasn't in school. I told him that I passed out on the sidewalk last night from being so cold and my 'friend', Lori, who I actually hate, found me and took me to her place. My father believed all of it. After we hung up, I started laughing as I walked back into where Tre was. He asked what was so funny and I told him about my lame story, he laughed too.

A few minutes later, we were back to sitting on the couch...closely. I felt as if I'd known him my entire life. He once again held my face in his hand for a moment, then slowly leaned in and kissed me lightly, but then pulled away quickly.

"Oh god...I'm so sorry." he told me with his head in his hands.

I wanted to tell him that I didn't care and just grab him and force his lips to mine once again...but I didn't.

"No, no. It's fine, Tre. I'm not mad." I told him with a comforting smile.

I felt as if he was my best friend that I had a huge crush on. Now I knew he liked me. I felt so happy. I leaned on him and he wrapped his arms around me, his warm arms.

"I saw in your room that you have a drum set." I told him smiling.

He looked down at me, "yeah...I was in a band once, two actually."

"What bands?" I asked him.

"The Lookouts! and Sweet Children." he pased, "Sweet Children then changed it's name to Green Day, but that didn't last long. Only for about a year."

Oh wow, interesting. My...boyfriend, I guess...was in two bands. Most likely bands from California. I wanted to know how old he was, even though he was in my grade.

"We were the punk bands who always got in trouble and played out hearts out at Gilman." he said.

"Whats Gilman?" I asked confused.

He looked at me like I was crazy. Then his face went back to being normal.

"It was a live punk band venue, basically. There are some great bands there." Tre said.

I sat there thinking how cool it would be to go there someday.

"By the way, how old are you?" I asked him.

That was probably a bad thing, not knowing how old he was before I started 'dating' him. Oh well.

His eyes widened as in a 'oh shit' sort of way. Then he cleared his throat.

"I'm uh...seventeen." he told me.

Cool! Only a year older than me. Perfect. The rest of the day, we hung out at his place and ate poptarts. He took me home, which I dreaded.

"Have a good night, Juliet." he told me then kissed me quickly. Thank god my father wasn't home...yet.

Later on that night, he came home...drunk. He was going insane, throwing things around and yelling nonsence. I decided to walk to Tre's house. Thats the only place where I was truly happy. It was a long walk, but I didn't care. I finally reached his house and banged on the door. I was crying by now. He came out and I immediately fell into his arms. I told him what happened and how I can't be there anymore. He brought me in his house and sat me down on the couch.

"Tre, I need to live here with you. I can't stay here." I told him.

He looked at me in sympathy.

"I...I just don't know how thats going to work..." he said.

"It will, it will." I told him rubbing his arm.

I thought of something that I might be important.

"If I'm going to live here, where am I going to sleep? You can't sleep out here on the couch forever." I told him.

He chuckled a bit, "we could share my room."

I knew he didn't mean it 'that' way, but I still laughed.

So I moved in with Tre that night, leaving my father to live by himself. If you're wondering, my parents divorced 5 years ago, and I was forced to live with my father. He had won custody...ugh.

My father probably wanted to kill him. Which I really wouldn't be surprised if he did. I was so relieved to be out of there. I don't have to deal with my father anymore. Tre took me back to my house to collect all or most of my belongings. My father was sleeping in the living room, so we had to sneak past him carefully. I brought him to my room and he sat on my bed looking all around him. I packed all of my clothes in a suitcase then told him that we were good to go.

"We can go out the window." I told him opening it up.

"Alright." he agreed.

We drove back to his house and layed down on the couch.

"We're going to school tomorrow, right?" I asked.

"Mhmm..." he groaned getting tired.

"I forgot my backpack at my house."

"We can get it in the morning when your father goes to work."

I nodded, "I'm going to bed."

Frank...crap, Tre got up and followed. I layed down and pulled the covers over me as Tre did the same.

"It's freezing in here." I complained to him.

"Here..." he said with a soothing voice.

Tre pulled me close to him and kept his arms around me. I began to fell warmer already, with my face buried in his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's really long. I was writting it all day today during all my classes at school. (11.18.oh eight) I really hope you like it. I hope I'm not skipping too many things.

xoxo- Adie