Razor Sharp White Teeth

Romeo, Save Me.

A few weeks had gone by since I moved in with Tre. It felt like home now. We were always together. Me and him had gotten really close. He asked me out a few days ago, of course I said yes. Now he's supposed to take me the county fair later today. He said that the rest was going to be a surpise. I smiled at the thought.

I was sitting in my third period, World History, waiting for it to be fourth period...I got to see Tre then.

"Alright, class...here's your homework for this evening." my teacher started to say.

I didn't really listening to her. I was just so focused on the clock. Finally, the bell rand and I was out of there. I saw Tre leaning against my locker, waiting for me. When I got there, he embraced me in a tight hug. I got the stuff that I needed for my next class, then he wrapped his arm around my waist and we went down the hallway to go to our next class together.

"Have you spoke with your father today?" he asked me.

"No I havn't, why?" I responded to him.

Tre shrugged his shoulders, "just wondering."

There was a small silence between us. We had nothing to say, which was a first.

"Listen, Juliet...I have to leave after this class. But, I'll be here to get you after school."

"Oh okay. Where are you going?"

He scratched his head, "getting some stuff."

I was a little suspicious; and I wanted to know what was going on. I wasn't sure if I should ask him though...I pulled him into a hug and held him tight. He looked at me and kissed my forehead then we went into our class. He left shortly after, our classes were really short, which was dissapointing.

After school, I waited in the parking lot for Tre. I'd been waiting for a while now, and he still wasn't there to get me. When he finally arrived, he was almost an hour late, and he was angry. I got in the car and leaned over to hug him, he leaned away, which hurt me.

"I can't right now...I'm sorry, Juliet."

We drove home in silence, and then did our homework so we could still go to the county fair. Tre seemed to be in a better mood when we got there.

We got our tickets and looked all around us, deciding which ride to go on first. I don't know why they were holding a county fair during the winter time, but there wasn't any snow on the ground and it was unusually chilly for winter time, so I guess it was good.

Eventually, we picked to go on the Ferris Wheel first. It was huge, we got stuck at the top and I was terrifyed. He smiled at me and told me that I was fine and hugged me. He pointed to a small black box on the other side of the park that people were going in and out of, he said he wanted to go over there. Once we reached it, I realized that he was talking about a Photo Booth.

"Got any money?" I asked him. I had gone broke.

He pulled out five bucks, "sure do." Followed with a smile.

We were sitting in the booth taking pictures, the last one was coming up, and right before the countdown had said one, Tre grabbed me and kissed me, I was in shock, I didn't know what to do. Except he wouldn't stop until people outside started complaining, I was sort of embarassed, who knows how many people saw us. I didn't mind much a few minutes later. Tre grabbed the picture slip and we went off to a cotton candy booth.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"What was what for?" He asked in a smart ass tone and smiled.

"Back there." I said pointing behind us.

"Ohh! I felt like doing it. It seemed like a good idea." he said.

I smiled and I hugged his arm. We got blue and pink cotton candy and sat on the bench and got it stuck in eachothers hair. We were laughing and these two old people were looking at us like we were crazy. We realized that our lips were covered in the two colors we each had and made fun of eachother.

"I love you." he told me.

What did he just say? Did he really just say that he loved me? Oh my gosh, wow. That was unexpected.

"Lets try this again. I'd like to do it right." he said before he leaned in slowly and kissed me. It was a different kind of kiss, like the kind that you want it to stay that way forever, the kind that you don't care how many people look at you, the kind you'd have at a Wedding.

He pulled away slowly and looked in my eyes and smiled.

"You taste like cotton candy." he said then laughed.

I held his face in my hands, "Oh Tre, I love you too."

We walked off to his car holding hands, and we drove home. It was winter break, and we had the whole two weeks to ourselves. I was so happy to spend them with Tre. No family, no other friends, just me and him.

When we arrived at home, we picked me up in both of his arms and some how managed to get the door open without dropping me. Oh dear, that would of been a wreck. He spun me around and then dropped me down on the bed, I kept bouncing from the impact and I laughed. He took off my shoes and socks as he took off his. I began to wonder what the hell was going on. He had this real giddy look on his face, like he had something planned. I could guess what it was. Tre climbed up on top of me and began to kiss my neck.

"No." I managed to get out. I couldn't think. It was like nothing else mattered at the moment.

He got off of me and stopped kissing me, "why?"

"I don't want to." I told him truthfully. I felt crappy and like I had just hurt him.

"Ohh." he said. It was an awkward silence between us now.

"I didn't say you had to stop paying attention to me." then I grabbed his hand and kissed him gently on the face. I could see a small smile creep up his face. I turned him towards me.

"It's just you and me, for two weeks." I told him looking at his beautiful bright blue eyes. Wow, that was tounge twister.

"I know, love. Isn't it great?" he said back to me. He pulled me back in and kissed me again. This was the day that I felt truly loved by him, he took me out earlier, and he's never acted like this before. I couldn't understand what was going on. He pressed himself up against me and I was pressing myself against him, as if we were trying to form into one person. Tre's skin was hard and cold, and it felt great. My father would kill me if he knew about this.

A week had gone by since winter break had started, and we only had a week left. Me and Tre were sitting on the couch with a blanket and hot chocolate when somebody was at the door, he went up to go get it. Then he walked outside and closed the door behind him. I couldn't see who the person was. I tried looking out the front window and all I saw were two heads? Maybe. One a dirty blonde, which was a bit taller then the other head, which had black spikey hair. I decided to lean up against the door to eavesdrop.

"Why did you leave us? You left the band, and you left your best friends." said one voice that I didn't recognize.

"I needed a change, a break. I was only going to stay a few weeks, maybe months, but then I met Juliet..." I heard Tre said, I smiled.

"Who's Juliet?" asked another voice that I didn't recognize.

Tre started studdering, I guess he knew that he had said too much.

"My girlfriend." Tre said in a low and soft voice.

Something hit the door hard. I guess one of the guys had pushed Tre up against the door. The other voice was harsh and evil sounding.

"You havn't told her about us have you? About what we are." the voice said.

Tre responded with a no. I wondered what he was keeping from me.

"You can't let her know. It'll ruin a lot of things." the other voice said.

"I was going to tell her, but I didn't know how." Tre said.

I heard a deep growl that didn't sound human. I looked out the window and I could finally see who was out there. It was two men, one with green eyes and one with blue eyes. The blue eyed was the taller one. They looked pale, paler than Tre looked. The two men looked up at me, it was like they had read my mind or something. It scared me. Tre must of seen them look at me, because he told the two men to leave and then he came in and grabbed me by the shoulders. His eyes were pure black.

"You didn't hear anything they said, did you?!" he said shaking me. Tre was really starting to scare me.

I decided to tell him the truth about what I had heard. I couldn't bare to lie to him. He walked around in circles with his head down.

"Look. I didn't want you to find out about this." he told me. I was almost crying now, I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Try and punch me." he said holding out his arm, "do it."

I tried to, no luck, I had hurt my knuckles.

"Do I feel cold?" he asked me. I held my face against his soft hand. I nodded.

"Look into my eyes." They were a deep gold, like they were shining bright.

"Now...try to arm wrestle with me." he said.


He took my hand forcefully and I tried to arm wrestle him. I almost broke my wrist doing it. I cried out in pain and he immediately stopped and somehow managed to get to my side in a split second. I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm not human, Juliet." he told me.

"What are you?" I asked, scared to know.

"I'm a killer, love. I'm a bloodsucker. I'm a Vampire." he told me.

I couldn't believe it, I didn't know how. He wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Everything you showed me, that explains it." I said.

He nodded. I could tell he had his teeth clenched tight.

"I have to be careful when I'm around you. I could kill you." he told me, "it'd be best if I wern't around you at all."

"I'd rather have the chance of being killed than to not be around you." I told him and put my arms up and around his heck. He put his around the lower part of my back.

It was official, I was in love with a Vampire.
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I've been working on this one for about a week now. I wrote half at school and half here on Mibba. I hope you like it! Enjoy.

xoxo- Adie.