Razor Sharp White Teeth

No One Knows.

I didn't know what to think when Tre had told me that he was a vampire. I've been saying that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, that I wanted to be with him forever, looks like I'm getting what I want, which I loathe. I always hate getting my way.

"So when did you become a vampire?" I asked him. We were laying together on the couch now, not even caring about what time it was or what day.

"It was the summer of 1838. So, I'm 170 years old. I was only sixteen when they transformed me, so I'm stuck looking like this forever. I'll always be sixteen." he told me.

I looked up at him, "so you'll always look like that?"

He nodded his head, "forever and ever."

I smiled, "I can deal with that." Then I kissed him gently.

"But you're going to age, I'll be living my life without you and you'll grow old and die-" Tre started to say.

"No. I'm not. Because I'll turn into one of you. We can live forever and we'll spend the rest of our days together until the sun dies." I was telling him. I sounded crazy.

"I don't know. It's not that easy."

"All you have to do is bite me right here." I said pointing to a spot on my neck just below my jaw.

His eyes glowed of gold and he parted his lips as if to say something. He bowed his head with my neck still out in the open, I closed my eyes. I didn't know what was going to happen. Instead of biting me, he gently kissed me and pulled his head back up.

"I can't do it." he told me.

I was half relieved and half upset that nothing had happened. My boyfriend was a vampire, that was something that didn't happen everyday.

"No wonder why your skin was always hard, no wonder why you left school early and came back mad, no wonder why you studdered when I asked you how old you were." I said stroking his face.

He smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it. I pulled his face down to mine and I kissed his lips over and over until he pulled himself ontop of me and my legs were interwined with his. Tre kept kissing me over and over, I had to push him up so I could breathe at one point, then we started laughing.

"I thought you said you didn't want to do this?" Tre asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess it'll happen if it happens."

Wow. I sounded like such a whore, I hated that. I've always been against all this stuff, and now look at me, I'm being a really big hypocrite. I didn't realize it, but Tre was now kissing my neck and putting his hands up the back of my shirt. I rose up a bit, I was very ticklish. Look at me, Juliet Anderson, having a boyfriend...let alone him being a vampire. I was so happy. I bursted out laughing, it probably ruined the whole mood set, but oh well, I was ticklish.

"You okay?" he stopped kissing me and asked.

"Yeah. Never been better." I said with a smile and kissed him. He went back to what he was doing. He was acting like he couldn't get enough of me, which made me smile to myself. I had felt like as if I had just made a really lame vampire joke.

The next thing I knew, I was in our bed next to Tre and he was sleeping. It was really dark and I looked over on the clock next to me and saw that it was three in the morning. What had happened? I thought to myself. Did I give in? I was sort of scared to find out. I looked over to see if Tre was there, which he was. Staring at me. Creepy.

"Hey." he said with a smile on his face and then rubbed my head.

I smiled at him, "hi."

This was really awkward.

"Did I let myself give in?" I asked him.

"No." he said losing his smile.

"I'm sorry." I said almost laughing.

"You're fine." he told me.

There was a small silence as we both layed there. Then he turned to face me.

"Do you want to see something really cool?" he asked me.

I agreed to and we both got up and got dressed in some normal clothes. It was really cold outside, so we wore some of his jackets. They were mainly too big for me, but I didn't care. He drove us to this islated park with a lot of empty field space. The trees around it were preventing anybody driving on the road to see us. Thats why I called it isolated, plus it looked really old. The playground was rusted also.

We got out of the car and Tre pulled me out and held my hand and we started walking away from the car. All of a sudden, I was on his back and he seemed to be running across the field. When we reached this small meadow looking place with benches in it, he stopped and let me down.

"Wow." I said having to sit down.

"That's called flinting." he told me and sat next to me.
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I don't really know about this one. It's deffinatly not my best, but, oh well. = ]

xoxo- Adie.