Razor Sharp White Teeth

The Sharpest Lives.

"Where did you learn to do that?" I asked Tre, leaning on him for support.

"I didn't learn. Its just one of those thing that you automatically know how to do when you become a vampire. Like blinking, you sometimes do it without realizing it." he told me.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat up and he released me.

"It makes sence," I said. "I want to be like you, I want to live with you forever."

He sighed heavily, "what if something goes wrong?"

I looked away, then back at him, "what do you mean?"

"Like...what if...uh, we happen to break up? You'll be stuck immortal, alone." he said.

I began to get angry. I didn't want to think about that ever happening, and I didn't want him to be thinking it either. It wasn't going to happen. I got up and started walking back towards the field where we had arrived.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Home." I told him.

"You live with me, remember. So even if you want to get away from me, there's no chance." Tre said.

That made me stop, then turn around to face him. We were a good 20 feet apart.

"Did I upset you?" he asked me.

"No." I said looking away.

He flinted to me and put his arms around me. I gasped at the impact. I needed to get used to him doing that now.

"Yes I did. I'm sorry." he said looking at me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder with my arms around the small of his back. He once again put me on his back and we flinted back to the car and drove home. Once we got there, I layed down on the couch and turned on some Family Guy. Tre walked towards me and shut the TV off then pulled me up into his arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with his face buried in my neck.

"I can't resist you anymore, Juliet." he said pulling my face up to kiss me.

I didn't know what to do. He was way stronger than me, so I couldn't even manage to get out of his grasp.

"Get away from me until you learn to control yourself." I told him angrily and used all my force to push him away from me.

He looked hurt and angry. I didn't know if I should hug him and tell him that I was sorry and that I loved him, or if I should just go to bed, which would probably be a bad idea. So I decided to go with the first option.

"I didn't mean it like that." I told Tre going to hug him. He flinted to me and the force of his impact pushed us to the floor. It hurt like hell and I yelled out in pain.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." he told me. I pulled his face down and kissed him. I couldn't resist him anymore, either. So I decided to just give in. He could read my mind, so I guess he heard that and kissed me deeper.

I woke up and saw that we were both wrapped up in many blankets, I didn't know how to get out, so I put a blanket around me and got up to look at the time. I went out into the living room and he was in his boxers and when he saw me, he flinted to me and smiled and told me that he loved me.

"I love you too, Tre." I told him. We both sat on the couch and watched some TV. There was another knock on the door, and I noticed that it was the same 2 guys who came a couple weeks ago, saying that I couldn't know about who and what they were. I ran to the bedroom, grabbed some clothes and some of Tre's and we both got dressed normally. We both went to the front door and opened it.

"Hey, Tre-" the black haired guy stopped as he saw me standing next to Tre.

"Well, who's this?" he said grinning.

Tre replied, "this is Juliet; Juliet, this is Billie, and the other one is Mike. These are my...umm...vampire friends from California."

Billie and Mike both smirked and they flinted inside, causing me to almost fall backwards. The door slammed shut and we were all on the couch.

"So, Juliet. You know what we are." Mike said and looked at me.

I didn't know what to say, in fact, I was scared to say anything at all. Tre looked at me and nodded, telling me to go ahead and tell the truth.

"Um....yes." I said almost studdering.

"Well..." Billie said with a grin and walking slowly towards me, "we're always available if you need anything."

"What are you talking about?" I asked backing up against the wall.

"Hmm...if you ever need a 'transformation', or just someone to talk to, or maybe have stay with you over night." Billie said grabbing my waist.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I yelled and pushed him away, he was startled, and pissed off.

Mike and him came flinting to me and had me pinned on the ground. I was breathing heavily now, and my hair was spread everywhere on the floor, revealing all of my neck. Tre came towards us, but Mike turned and punched him on the stomache, Tre flew back onto the couch and was knocked out cold. I began crying and screaming for him to wake up and save me, but that never happened.

"This is happening, whether you like it or not." Billie said, then bit me on the neck.

At first, it was a little pinch, then nothing at all, suddenly, I felt the hot, thick venom going through all of my viens and I began screaming in agonizing pain. My legs were trembling and I had my hands clutched into fists so tight, that I was pretty sure I was going to break a few fingers. Then what seemed like forever, it was all over. I could smell things that I couldn't ever smell before. I could see clearer, like everything had turned into HD times 10. I could hear voices and convosations of people that I've never met in my entire life. Then, I could read the minds of Mike, Billie...and even Tre.

"How do you feel, love?" Mike asked me letting go.

"Don't call me that, and I feel fine. Everything is so different." I snapped at him.

Him and Billie both grinned and got up.

"Our work here is done. Tre should wake up anytime now. See you soon, Juliet." Billie called after me, then they both went out the front door, and everything was silent.

Tre groaned, and woke up within a few seconds. I ran after him, but realized that I had just flinted. It felt really cool. But, now I was a vampire. I could be with Tre forever, happily. No worries.

"Juliet? Is that you?" Tre asked, rubbing my face.

"Yes. It's me." I told him kissing him over and over. He took hold of my face and looked at me.

"You look different. More beautiful. But, some how the same." after a few seconds, he realized that Billie had changed me. He was full of rage and went into our bedroom and slammed the door. I walked there and layed down next to him. I touched his arm, and it felt normal. Now we both had cold, hard skin, so I couldn't feel any difference.

"I'm okay, Tre. We can live forever, and be together forever." I told him kissing his face.

"You're right." he said then kissed my neck, I giggled and layed down next to him.

After a few minutes, we got up and made some lunch. The rest of the day went by really fast.
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I really love this chapter, there's just something about it that makes it my favorite. Comment me! : )

xoxo- Adie.