Status: Hiatus

Ich Schrei in die Nacht fur Dich

Gifts and Goodbyes


- Tom's POV -

I woke up late as usual. Glancing around the bedroom, I realized Lys must have been downstairs. I smiled, thinking about how sweet she is, letting me sleep when everyone else was probably already awake. I pulled on my jeans and shirt and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs. Everyone was in the living room watching TV.

"Well, look who finally decided to grace us with his presence," Kris said.

"Shh Kris, leave him alone," Lys said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.

As soon as we were in the kitchen, I crushed my lips against hers and lifted her onto the counter. For those few minutes the world disappeared and all I saw was her.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked when we stopped to catch our breaths.

"Oh yea, thank you," I said.

"Want something to eat?"

"I'll just have some cereal."

"Okay, I'm going to go upstairs and shower, see you in a bit."

"Alright," I said, kissing her cheek before she left the room.

I filled a bowl with cereal and milk and went to the living room to eat.

"Where's Lys?" Sam asked.

"Shower," I said, through a mouth full of cereal.

I continued eating my cereal, thinking about how in just a few hours I'd be on a plane back home to Germany. I wasn't going to lie, I was a little sad about leaving. Not that I didn't want to go back home, I did, but it would mean leaving Lys behind. I know I'd see her in a few weeks for New Year's, but I've never felt like this about any girl before. The thought of leaving is almost unbearable for me, I've never felt anything like it. These past couple weeks have been amazing and fun.

My inner rambling stopped when I heard someone call my name.

"Tom!" Bill practically yelled.

"Oh, uh, what?" I asked.

"Are you alright? You were spaced out."

"I'm fine, sorry, I was just thinking about stuff," I said.

"Oh, well, I was thinking we should give the girls their Christmas presents since we are leaving for the airport soon," he said.

"Yea, sure, when Lys gets out of the shower, we'll do it."

"Oooh presents?!" Sam squealed.

"Calm down spazzy," Joanie said.

"I swear she is like a female version of Bill, he acts the same way," I said.

"That's why we are perfect for each other," Sam said, nuzzling closer to Bill.

I finished my cereal and went into the kitchen to wash the bowl when Lys came in. Her hair was still wet and she was wearing jeans and a tank top.

"Good shower?" I asked.

"Yup, it was nice," she said.

"Come on, I have your Christmas gift," I said, pulling her into the living room.

"Oh really now?" she said with a smirk.

"Don't get any ideas, it's a real gift," I said with a laugh.

"Hmph," she stomped her foot and frowned.

"But if you don't want it--," I teased.

"Oh stop it, of course I want it," she said, smacking me in the arm.

"That's what she said," Kris said when we walked in.

Everyone laughed and Lys made a face.

"You use that line too much," Lys said.

"Not my fault you say things that can easily be made into dirty jokes."

"Oh haha, like YOU don't say dirty things."

"I never said I didn't," Kris said.

"Okay, you two stop, I think we have some gifts waiting to be opened," Joanie said.

"Me first!" Sam said, practically jumping up and down on the couch.

Bill laughed and handed her a rectangular box. Sam's eyes opened up wide when she opened the box and pulled the charm bracelet out. It was a silver link bracelet with music notes, a guitar, microphones and other little colorful charms.

"Oh my God, I love it! Bill, it's beautiful, thank you," she squealed.

"Here, let me put it on," Bill said.

My little brother, ever the gentleman, put the bracelet around her wrist and fastened it, then kissed her.

"Okay, so I got you a little something too, I hope you like it," Sam said, handing Bill a small gift bag.

"Ooh you didn't have to get me anything," Bill said.

He opened the bag and pulled out a box. When he lifted the cover off the box, he pulled out a weird choker type thing like the ones Bill always wears. This one looked like it had a watch hanging off of it, or the inside of a watch at least.

"Wow, this is so cool, I love it Sam!" Bill said.

"I thought it was cool, it's a little weird," Sam said with a laugh.

"Just like Bill," I said and smacked my brother in the arm.

"You realize you two are twins right?" Joanie said.

"Yes, but I'm older and besides I'm not weird," I said.

"Oh not this again, you're both weird, get over it," Kris said.

"It's okay, we're all weird, it works," Lys said.

"Who's next?" Sam asked.

"Uh, I guess I'll go next, this is for you Karissa," Gustav said, handing her a very small gift bag.

I already knew what Gustav had picked out for her, it was a ring with two connected hearts with diamonds in the middle and on each side. He had picked it out before any of us had even thought about what we were getting the girls. He told me he knew it was perfect as soon as he saw it and didn’t bother looking anymore.

Karissa pulled the small white box out of the gift bag and opened it up, she was already blushing before she even saw it.

“This is so beautiful, thank you, I love it,” she said, hugging Gustav.

“Here, let’s try it on,” Gustav said, pulling the ring out and holding it up to her hand.

He slid the ring onto her right ring finger, his cheeks turning more red by the minute.

“It’s perfect! I really do love it,” Kris said, kissing him.

“I’m glad,” he told her.

“That’s a really pretty ring! Wow, Gustav, nice work,” Lys said.

“If you think he’s good, wait until you see what I got you,” I said.

I couldn’t help but feel a little competitive, but nervous at the same time. If Lys really liked that ring, maybe she wouldn’t like what I got her. I just wanted to give it to her and get it over with. I couldn’t deal with the idea that she might not love it.

“Wait, wait, I have to give Gustav his gift first,” Kris said, handing him a small black box.

Gustav opened the small box and pulled out a thick ring, maybe steel or something with some sort of tribal symbols on it.

“Wow, this is awesome, thank you,” he said, putting the ring on.

“Do you really like it? I wasn’t sure,” Kris said.

“I do, it’s great,” he told her.

“Good! I was worried,” she said, but he just leaned in and kissed her.

“Alright, alright, let’s keep this moving before we have to send you two to a bedroom,” I said, snapping my fingers.

“Hey, you and Lys make out all the time,” Kris said.

“Yes and you always have some problem with it, so there, now we’re even,” I said, giving her my best fake smile.

She rolled her eyes.

“I’ll go next, here you go Joanie,” Georg said, handing her a small wrapped box.

She unwrapped it and opened the small box, pulling out the gold moonstone ring.

“Wow, a moonstone, it’s gorgeous! I’ve always wanted one of these, thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome,” he said, kissing her cheek.

“Alright, your gift is kind of big, so I hid it in the closet, hold on,” Joanie said, running to the hallway closet and pulling out a three or four foot box that was wrapped in bright red and green paper.

“Damn, that is a big box, what the hell did you get him?” I asked.

“You’ll see when he opens it,” she said, handing it over to Georg.

She helped him rip off the wrapping paper and open the big white box. Inside the box was a black and red bass with “Tokio Hotel” on the neck and a red symbol that looked like a bat.

“It’s the special Fender Pete Wentz edition P-bass since I know you’re a Fall Out Boy fan and I had the band name put onto the neck like your other bass,” she told him.

“I—damn this is so cool Joanie! I don’t even know what to say, it’s amazing, thank you, I’m definitely going to use this on the next tour,” he said, picking up the bass.

“You’re welcome, I’m so happy that you liked it,” she said.

“Like it? I love it,” he told her.

The bass was pretty cool looking, and she went through the trouble of having our name put on the neck, that was cool.

“Well, everyone got their gifts, alright, I guess it’s time for us to go,” I said, standing up.

“Hey!” Lys yelled, while pulling on my shirt.

I looked down at her, she was fake pouting.

“What about mine?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m not so sure you’ll want it anymore,” I said, messing around with her.

“What? Oh you stop that! I really want it, and besides, if I don’t get mine, you won’t get yours,” she said with a small smile.

“Oh alright, guess I have to give it to you now,” I said.

I pulled the square box out of my jacket pocket and handed it to her and stood awkwardly while she opened it, hoping she liked it.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the necklace and she smiled. It was the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. I knew then that I had chosen the right present.

“Well? What do you think?” I asked her.

She jumped up and into my arms.

“It’s amazing, it’s so beautiful, I absolutely love it, thank you so much,” she said before kissing me.

“Uh hello, can we all see what the big fuss is about?” Sam asked.

Lys stepped out of my arms and showed them all the box with the sapphire and diamond heart necklace.

“That’s sapphire, it’s my birthstone, and well technically his, Bill’s, Gustav’s and Sam’s too,” she said with a laugh.

“That’s a beautiful necklace Tom, I can’t believe you actually got a really nice gift, I half expected it to be lingerie or something,” Kris said.

“The thought had crossed my mind,” I joked.

“Of course it did,” she said.

“I’m kidding, I would never buy lingerie as a gift, where’s the fun in that? It’s better when the girl buys it and it’s a surprise,” I said.

“Ugh you would like lingerie,” Kris said.

“Well it’s a nice touch, but hey, if you’d rather just get out of your clothes and right to business that works too, I’m sure Gustav’s fine with that,” I said.

“STOP! You two are like children I swear,” Lys said.

“She started it with the lingerie talk, shouldn’t have brought it up if she doesn’t like it,” I said.

“There’s nothing wrong with lingerie,” Sam said.

Everyone looked at her.

“What? It’s true, some of that stuff is really cute, like I’d wear it, obviously depending on the situation,” she said.

“Oh Sam, no more soda for you today,” Joanie said.

“Hey, I still have to give Tom his gift, unless he’d rather bicker with Karissa, then I’ll just keep it,” Lys said, with her hand on her hip.

“No, no, I want it, give it to me please,” I said, fake pouting.

“That’s what she said,” Karissa said, bursting into laughter while Lys went to get my gift.

“Hah, very funny,” I said.

Lys walked in with a big box, probably about the same size as Georg’s had been.

“Kris, again with the that’s what she said jokes?” she said.

“What? It was funny, it totally worked in that situation,” Kris said.

“Well, yea that’s true, ok, this is for Tom,” Lys said.

I walked over and laid the box down and opened it. It was a guitar, not just any guitar, it had the German flag colors painted on.

“I figured that way you carry a little bit of home with you everytime you perform with it,” Lys said.

“It’s amazing. I didn’t even know they made guitars with flag colors on them like this,” I said, pulling the guitar out.

“I didn’t either until I thought of it and looked it up, when I found it, I ordered it right away,” she said.

“Tom, that’s a nice guitar, isn’t that sweet with the German colors? Lys, it was a great idea,” Bill said.

“I know, it’s perfect, thank you babe,” I said, pulling her into a hug.

“You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it,” she said.

We all stayed quiet for a while, taking in our gifts and enjoying the last few minutes together.

“Guys, I hate to do this, but it’s almost five and we have to be at the airport soon,” Georg said.

“Alright, you guys make sure you have all your stuff in Sam’s truck and we’ll drive you to the airport,” Lys said.

We put our bags in the trunk and got in the car with the girls. Everything was sort of depressing from then on. The reality of us leaving finally hit and it was hard on all of us. Sam parked and the girls walked with us to the gate, where we said our goodbyes.

“No worries babe, I’ll call you as soon as we get there and I’ll see you in two weeks for New Year’s,” I said to Lys.

“I know, I’ll be okay, it’s only two weeks, we’ll keep ourselves busy here,” she said, trying to laugh a little.

“You girls are good at that, just don’t go asking any other guys to help keep you busy,” I said in a serious tone.

“Of course not, you make sure to keep those groupies at bay, mister,” she said.

“Absolutely, I’m a one-woman man now,” I said for the first time in my life and I truly believed it.

I looked up to see everyone looking at me, even Bill looked surprised.

“What? It’s true,” I said.

They all burst out laughing, we said our final goodbyes and waved to the girls as we boarded the plane. It was going to be a long two weeks, that much I was sure of.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is really, really late. Anyway, here it is, the next chapter should be up much sooner than this last one. Kari will be happy about that :)