You Clicked Your Heels and Wished for Me

Tonight, let's enjoy life

‘Mr Urie, unhand me now!’

Brendon had casually slung me over his shoulder in anticipation. He ran towards the hotel room, racing everyone else.


‘Obviously Brendon, we’re not gonna deprive you and your girlfriend some much needed alone time, away from a crowded bus…. If you get what I mean,’
I could sense the smug grin on Jon’s face, the git.

‘Be SAFE!’ shouted Gabe in his cocksure way.

Brendon opened the door, flicking the key card onto the nearest cabinet as he entered, throwing me down onto the bed a little harder than expected, I think.

‘Bladdy hell, way to romance the mood, braking my neck.’

I jumped up and headed for the bathroom, thankfully my toothbrush was in the top compartment of my case, I was in no mood to unpack just yet.

‘You know, you look mighty fineee brushing your teeth, I particularly like that splendid dribble of toothpaste, it is most exquisite.’

‘Why thank you dear Brendon but I’m afraid we English do not speak like the queen all of the time. You’re not to know… mere American.’

‘Oh I do apologise ma’am. Urr, Pretty sure you should get back in here though.’


‘DYLAN, SMYLAN, BYLAN, WYLAN! Come on! We’re going to a partay! OI, everyone’s com-oh’
Suarez yelled as I opened the door, revealing my dishevelled hair and apparent lack of enthusiasm.

‘You could give us some warning before you CANOODLE!’

‘Spence, ‘canoodle’, seriously?’ I yelled back over to Spencer as I walked back into the room to grab a drink from Brendon.

‘Shut up, we’re going to a party, get ready now or you risk getting a forfeit. And as I’m in charge of forfeits tonight, you don’t wanna be messin’ with me gurl’ he stated trying to use his best gangster voice.

‘Alrigh’ give us fifteen minutes to make ourselves party presentable, thank you.’

With that they left the room in search of everyone else.

‘Do we have to go? I kind of like it here.’ Brendon whispered into my hair. With one last cheeky peck on the lips, I shoved him off me and jogged into the bedroom.

‘Come on, BOYFRIEND, we have appearances to keep up, don’t want people thinking we’re one of those antisocial couples that only like hanging out with each other!’

‘BUT, I am one of those people! I’d rather stay here with you, playing ‘Go Fish’ than go to some lame party, full of lame people that like to make small talk whilst staring at my girlfriend’s ass!’

‘Pfftt, I can’t help this!’ I taunt shaking my bum whilst changing out of my joggers and into my favourite red dress and heels.

After around twenty minutes and numerous trainer changes (Brendon) later, we wonder out to meet the rest of the kids, we were the last out.

‘FORFEIT!’ Gabe shouted across the lobby. I flipped him off whilst trying to find William.

‘Finally, we thought she’d killed you, Bren,’

‘A if she’d try, I could easily take that mite down.’

‘Oh come on, be realistic! Beckett, lead the way to this lame party.’

It turns out that the party was at Pete’s house. I’d heard too much about this guy, most of which I can’t say I liked too much. Vicky advised me to stay close to Brendon and/or make Pete very aware that I was not single. Joyous.

Emma had left a few days previous when we had first rolled up in Chi Town. Jon wasn’t the only one feeling the effect, she had become my wing woman, something the lads could never completely fulfil. After about half an hour, a short, dark haired guy came over, he fist bumped Brendon then turned to me.

‘Hello, I’m Peter Wentz of Fall Out Boy fame, then again, I imagine you already knew that.’

I was shocked at the level of arrogance protruding from one man. I just smiled curtly and returned the handshake.

‘Did it hurt?’

‘Huh? Did what?’

‘When you fell from heaven, did it hurt?’

‘Did you seriously just whack out that line? That’s even more cringe worthy than some of the things Brendon says, honestly.’

Brendon started to protest with a huge pout on his face but was interrupted by Pete, again.

‘Oh! you’re the British girl that sole the heart of my best lead vocalist! I do apologise. We’ll have to sort that out later.’

He mock bowed and made a move to leave.

‘Yeah, Wentz keep away. This ass is mine!’

Brendon piped in, giving me a quick peck on the cheek protectively.

‘Bren, if you refer to me as ‘your ass’ again, I’ll have to ditch you and seek Mr Ross instead.’

Brendon gasped, mouthing ‘you wouldn’t!’

‘Oh she would, it’s been going on for weeks, we just didn’t have the heart to tell ya,’

Ryan barged in smugly, slinging his arm around my shoulders. Brendon looked at me, throwing me a devastated look.

I shrugged Ryan off and made a beeline for the dance floor, Pete’s living room floor, hoping the guys were following me.

After cringing my way through a dance with Ryan and Brendon, I was saved by Vicky.

‘Did you see Brendon’s dancing? Well arm flinging, hideous. I see you’re getting back to your old ways, s’good to see, just don’t go all the way back, yeah?’ She warned me.

‘Babe, it’s not going to happen and you know it. I’m not even drinking. America’s been good for me.’ I fake ‘thumbs up’-ed her.

‘Well, good. We don’t want an ‘international incident.’

‘Funnily enough, I don’t. Anyway, what’s going on with Saporta and yourself? I saw the way you were dancing with each other, you might as well have been naked in his bed!’

Her eyes twinkled but she looked away.

Brendon came bounding over, nearly knocking over a short, flame haired girl, his eyes were fixed on me.

‘DYLAN, drinking games in the kitchen now!’

‘So much for the not drinking, Dyl.’ Vicky sighed and wandered into the kitchen with us.

After several rounds of ‘touch the cup’ and ‘beer pong’, it was safe to say I was no longer sober, at all.

‘WILLIAM come with me, this cactus tried to beat me up! No joke, he stabbed me!’

I slurred in the direction of William.

‘Maybe we should tell him who’s boss?’

‘YES we should! You got ma back baby boy?’

‘Always and forever, Bob!’

‘Who’s Bob?’

‘As in Bob DYLAN.’

‘Hey, look who’s sooooo creative!’

‘That’s why I’m the genius lyricist, non of these amateur Ryan ‘I use big words to confuse you’ Ross lyrics.’

With that we ran off giggling, leaving Ryan, Gabe and Patrick confused.

(Brendon’s POV)

Ryan turned towards me laughing.

‘You better go sort her out before she ends up impaling herself and Beckett!’

‘If anyone is gonna throw a cactus at Bill it’s gonna be me. ‘ Sisky whined to Chissy.

‘Why am I the one that has to break up their party? I’m the fun one! You’re the fun sponge, Ryan!’
I complained.

‘No I’m bloody not! Everyone knows that’s Patrick’s job! She’s your girlfriend, Bren!’

‘Fine.’ with that I sulked off to find this ‘killer cactus’.
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I'm back... I think.
3 years, sorry guys <3