Forbidden Love with a Vampire.

Weird Encounters

"Emily, wake up!" Brittany was kneeling on my side of the bed, shoving me with no mercy intended.

"UGH!" I moaned as I switched my position to face the window. My eyes were slightly open, so I could see the blinding light coming from the sun. "GRR!" With that, I shoved a pillow over my head, hoping to block out both the sun and Brittany.

"You look stoned!" Brittany said as she laughed and stood up off of the bed.

"I feel stoned."

"Well, it's 5:47! It's time to get up! I need to figure out what to wear for the movies tonight!" She started bouncing up and down on my floor, possibly a little overexcited. Not a shocker.

Already 5:47? Damn! I must have gotten really drunk or something. Well.. I did stay up till 6 AM stuck on a sugar rush.

I decided to give up on the fight of trying to go back to sleep. I turned so I was laying on my back and squinched my eyes so I could see Brittany rummaging through my clothes. "Oh, yeah, Brittany. It's totally fine that you can borrow my clothes without asking my permission!" I said sarcastically.

She stopped and looked at me with a grin. "I'm looking for that shirt you wore for Justin's party. That made every guy look at you!"

"In a good way?" I asked, obviously confused. I didn't notice any guys looking at me that night.

"Very good way! They had love written all over their faces! I hope the shirt has the same effect on Jacob." I heard her giggle that same giggle that annoyed the crap out of me. But it wasn't like she was going to change that.

"I guess I'm driving you guys?" I already knew I was.

"If you don't mind." She's lucky she's my best friend.

I decided to get up and throw on something presentable and do something with the rat's nest I call hair. When I had finished getting dressed, Brittany was just putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

She turned to me, taking one last look of herself in my mirror, and asked, "So.. how do I look?"

"If I was a guy.. I would so date you." I didn't sound that enthusiastic but she didn't care. She giggled.. again.. and grabbed her purse and phone.

"I'm ready!" We walked down stairs and passed my dad up in the living room.

"Woah.. Brittany.. got a hot date?" My dad asked.

I smiled. My dad is so cool."Yup. We met this guy last night named Jacob. She fell in love!" She smacked my arm and I grinned evily. "Well, I'm going to go drive her to his house and then drive them both to the movies. Afterwards, I'm probably going to head to the mall."

"Alright, baby. Have fun, Brittany!" My dad said after we started heading for the door.

"I DEFFINTLY will, Mr. George!" Brittany said with a huge grin. A grin you would see on a child that just walked into a candy store.

We got into my car and headed back to Alberston. "Brittany.. I got a quick question."

She sighed. I guess she's kinda annoyed since I always say that before I ask a question. "Then.. ASK IT!"

"You don't think it's strange that you're a junior going on a date with a.. freshman?" I turned to look at her and she looked slightly angry. "Uhh.. I mean.. like nothing is wrong with that-"

"Then why'd you bring it up?" There was that "wonderful" voice I'd been waiting for. I decided to shut it before I said anything else.

About and hour and a half later, we pulled up to Jacob's house. Obviously, his parents weren't home again. I looked up at the sky. Overcast. Ugh.

Brittany skipped like a little girl to the door as I just got out and lazily walked across the street.

She tapped, with a smile on her face the whole time, three soft and gentle knocks on the door. Not even two seconds later, Jacob opened the door. Heh. He looked cute. And WHOO-WEE. He must have dumped his best cologne all over him.

"Woah, Brittany. You look beautiful," Jacob said as he walked out and locked the door behind him. Thank God he did that so he couldn't see the blush burning Brittany's cheeks.

Brittany took a quick breath, and said, "You look amazing, Jacob." They're.. I don't know.. but what they are doing is annoying me!

"Come on. I wanna go to the mall!" I said as I rushed them along side with me into the car. Of course Brittany got into the back seat with Jacob. They sat rather close. I couldn't help but be proud. I don't know why, but I was proud.

I got them to the movies just on time. Brittany waved to me goodbye as they walked up to the theatre.

I saw Jacob move closer and slowly grab her hand. She turned and smiled at him as she grabbed his hand back.

"Awww!" I said to myself. I snapped out of it and drove to the mall which was only five minutes away.

I parked and got out. Looking up at the sky again, I sighed. It was the same as it was last time I had looked up. I looked back at my feet, and then up at the huge mall awaiting me. I smiled to myself.

"This should be fun." I made a confusing look. Why do I talk to myself so much?

I walked in and straight to all of my favorite stores. I walked out of the mall, having spent over $300. It was my normal budget, considering I only get a chance to go to the mall once in a blue moon.

I dumped all of my bags into the backseat of my car and jumped into the drivers seat, blasting the stereo. I sang to all of my favorite songs before I realized I was low on gas. I sighed and made a U-Turn, heading back to the gas station that I had recently passed up.

It was deserted.I slowly eased up on the gas and gently stepped on the breaks as I aligned my car in the right place. I got out and took the nozel and placed it into my car's gas-tank-hole-thing. Never knew what that was called.

I leaned on the back of my car's trunk and closed my eyes.

I thought to myself, "I hope Brittany's having fun. She is always the one to get the guys. I'm just a side-kick, an ally, or atleast that's how I feel."

"Hey there, beautiful." I opened my eyes immediately to see a guy about ten feet away from me, putting gas into his own car. He had an unshaved face. He had to have been in his late twenties or early thirties. And his teeth.. eww. Yellow and crooked. He had a very strange and awkward smile on his face as he watched me intently.

"Uhh.. hi." I said as I quickly decided my car had enough gas to get me the hell out of the there. I hurried up to put the nozel back into its place. But right when I turned back around, that guy was in my face, blocking my way to my car door. "Umm.. excuse me," I said as I tried to politely budge past him.

"Not necessary, sweetie." I looked at him with astonished eyes. Is he actually trying this?

"Please move." I tried again. He smiled even more as he got a firm grip on my waist.

"Oh, baby, don't fear. I'll show you a good time." He started pushing me towards his car.

"Get off of me!" I screamed, punching his chest. I looked around, but no one.. not a single person.. was there to help me.

"Oh.. aggressive. Save it for later." He had opened his back door of his beaten up and old Chevy truck.

"I don't know who you are.. but you better let me go!" I warned him. He tried to push me into the backseat, but I held onto the side of his car.

He answered that remark by kissing my neck. "BACK OFF!" I said as I kicked him in his man area. He winced in pain and backed off. I tried to escape but not before he grabbed me by my arm and swung me into the side of his truck. I cried in pain as I smashed into it, my stomach against it. He leaned against me, pulling out a knife from his pocket.

"You better listen, buttercup, unless you would like to die." Silent tears fell down my cheeks. I realized that my life was probably going to end, or be scarred by whatever this guy would try to do to me.

"Please. Please let me go," I pleaded with a sobbing voice. He grinned again. He put his knife back in his pocket. He turned me back around and he started leaning closer to my face. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He was drunk.

I closed my eyes and covered my mouth. He yanked my hand off and pinned it to my side. I sobbed once more as he crashed his lips into mine. I refused to do anything. I stood there and made him look like he was kissing a statue.

I couldn't stand it. He was starting to edge me into truck again. I took one shot and punched him in face as hard as I could with my free hand. I heard a crunch and knew it was his nose. He screamed in pain as he bent down holding his nose. I ran and got to my car door. Just as I was jumping in, he pulled me back out.

He forced me to look at his face, with blood running down it. He took his knife out of his pocket with that same awkward grin on his face. "You forced me to do this, honeybuns."

I gulped and began sobbing again as I knew he was going to take my life. He jerked the knife back, aiming for my heart. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the pain.

"Ugh!" I heard him grunt as I shot my eyes open to see someone grab the knife out of his hand and punch him in his face. The impact must have been extremely hard since he fell straight to the ground.

My savior turned around and I stopped breathing. It was him.

Edward Cullen.

" where.." I began to try to speak the many quesitons running through my mind. He looked at me, not registering anything I was saying.

"Thank.. thank you." He continued to look at me, but with a face that looked like.. he was going to kill.. me. His eyes were black, with what looked like purple bruises under them. "Are you.. okay?"

He immediately walked away. I stood there dumb-founded.

"Wait, you can't just walk away!" Abesent-mindedly forgetting everything that just happened to me, I ran after him.
♠ ♠ ♠

That was kind of a long chapter.


Anywhoo.. youu know the drill.

1 comment = 1 update.



Thanks again.

PSerzz: It was kind of awkward writing this chapter haha.
