Status: Staying a Short Story.

Follow the Beat

Follow the beat.

Jordan remembered that night as if it had been a night she had hated. The picture showed the two of them in the dark together and she began to go back to the night once again...


Entering the dark and musty room her head filled with racing thoughts of the day. Crude images attached themselves to the sides of her brain and pressed the need for words to skim the pages of any lined paper. She inhaled a few deep breaths and entered onto the floor that would end the misery for one short period of time.

The words seemed to loudly call out her name. "Jordan," the words whispered for no one to hear except her. Her mind swirled into motion and she found her spot amongst the people to begin her rehabilitation. She allowed time to adapt to the beat of the song and began to carefully sway her hips, back and forth, the most common and simple dance move she could imagine.

Her eyes circled around viewing all of the other people present on the floor she was occupying and she realized the density of the room. There had to be at least a hundred people crammed onto the one dance floor. Gently she shut her eyes and let the music absorb into her skin and her thoughts.

She ignored the pain from earlier. The rejection from everyone was vanishing and there was little she desired to do. She could feel it all lifting from her body and disappearing into the darkness of the room. After becoming slightly more comfortable with the vacant thoughts in her mind she lifted her arms and let her body fall into the music completely.

There was nothing there except her and the music. It engulfed her thoughts, body, and soul and she was calm. Nothing else mattered except that she was feeling complete inside of herself. There was no hiding or pretending any emotions she was trapped with; there was simply happiness and enjoyment out of one simple song.

She had almost forgotten where she was and how she was in the middle of a hundred people before the song was over and when it ended she left her eyes shut. Opening them would bring her back to face the reality of life and she wasn't ready for that moment quite yet. Her body shook with anticipation of the coming song to begin and as the song played her life made sense once again.

She danced for what seemed like hours, forgetting the world and all of the pain it was forcing upon her. Her pain was almost erased and she had once again forgotten she was in a room full of people when she felt a sharp nudge into her side and had to open her eyes to see the source of her shock.

A girl much smaller than her was starring at her with a more shocked expression then Jordan's. She antagonized the girl with body language she would normally use only during a fight.

"Sorry about that. I was just falling to far into the music I guess," the voice was so faint Jordan wasn't even sure if it was the girl talking to her. A few seconds after she had realized it was the girl speaking to her, she turned in the opposite direction without another word. Instead of letting her go without making a connection, the girl grabbed Jordan's shoulder. "Name's Jayln."

Jordan looked at her with bewilderment and for once before she thought she nodded and spoke, "Jordan." With that she shut her eyes and connected with the music once again. Her body swayed with the beat of the music as she forgot once again that anyone else was in the room. When she felt a hand around her waist she almost turned around to punch whoever was touching her during her precious moment with herself.

The girl that had bumped into her earlier known as Jayln was standing there smiling at Jordan. Jordan snarled at her and attempted to walk away. Who did this Jayln think she was anyways? Everyone here knew who Jordan was. Everyone knew to leave her alone when she was here, yet this girl didn't know when to give up. The girl grabbed her shoulder once again.

"Want a drink?" she said with a shy smile. Jordan looked her up and down. She was tiny. She was probably a good foot shorter than Jordan and definitely skinnier than her as well. Jordan could break her like a twig and it wouldn't be the first time Jordan had showed someone what happened when you broke up her connection with the music.

Finally after noticing that Jayln was staring at her, Jordan shook her head and turned away. But Jayln was obviously not going to give up. "What is your deal? You have been in here for hours and you haven't talked to anyone. You've been in the middle of the dance floor..." Jordan lifted an eyebrow and held up a hand to shut her up.

"This. Is. My. Place." Jordan stated, simple as that she thought. This was her place and everyone knew it. In face people around them were beginning to stare at the two. They were probably all wondering who had the balls enough to actually talk to her, and actually, it intrigued Jordan. "Everyone knows not to bother me here. So really, Jaylyn.." She paused to add even more emphasis, "What is your deal?" Jordan smiled.

Jayln realized everyone was staring and frankly didn't give a shit. "I know who you are and I've heard not to bother you. But I also see the pain inside that you feel... And I know that Lizzie broke your heart," and she turned around, walking away.

Jordan was pissed and threw her hand over the girls back, yanking her back towards her. "Who told you?" She blinked holding onto Jayln's shoulder.

"She told me." Jayln challenged.

Jordan pulled her outside, surprised when no one from the club followed her. "Okay, you've got my attention, now what do you want?" she paced back and forth in from of Jayln.

"I want to dance with you, that's all I want. Then, I will leave you alone." She stared at Jordan and she could tell that the wheels were turning. Wondering what she really wanted. But Jordan pulled her inside and began to dance.


Had the two simply clicked as much as it seemed? They began to dance as if it was a normal routine for the two and as everyone stared they only fell more into their own simple world. They knew exactly what the other was about to do before they did it and their bodies matched perfectly. Jordan wondered if love could really be as easily as they had made it seem that night... Had they heard something in the music that was only for them? Did it matter now that Jayln was gone?