Frank, Are You In Love With Me?

Blue Moon?

it was a dark, cold night and the blue moon was shining down
on gerard and frank.
all that was heard was the cars passing below on the main road.
'yeah frank'
'why is the moon blue?'
'dont know frank but it really sets the scene dont ya think'
frank smiled before standing to look over at the town
'i think we should head back now gee'
gerard stood and started to stroll down to his car.
once they both got in, the car started up and sped down the road until
it pulled up outside a white, bricked house.
'get out then'
frank stepped out
and with that gerard was gone.
as quick as he was gone, frank was in his bedroom sat on his
bed thinking of one of the greatest days he had ever lived.
Even if gerard didnt love him.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay this is my first ever fan fic
so it starts off bad