New Jersey Academy

Chapter 3

The sun was blazing down on me as the limo pulled up in front of my new school. It was a huge building with high stone walls and arched window going all the way to the top. I t had a large black gate surrounding it and a huge padlock with a pin at the front. Uncle Ed came forward out of the limo and dialed a combination. I just about caught it. 157643. The padlock clicked open and so did the gate.
"You'll just have to go to the front desk and they'll tell you where to go. Good Luck." He strode back to the limo glad to have gotten rid of me. I turned to the school and started walking to the main entrance. Above it in big ancient letters was the words

New Jersey Academy

I took a deep breath and pushed open the big oak doors. I walked into a circular room with the front desk on my left, a bench on my right and straight ahead of me another, however smaller oak door. The walls were tiled a misty silver colour. 'So far so good.' I thought. I walked to the front desk where behind the glass a women sat with a tight bun looking sophisticated.

"Yes Ma'am, and how may i help you?" she asked in a high pixy voice seeming bewildered. Obviously at my hair. Although it was annoying i had kinda gotten used to it.

"Ugh yeah. I'm Haylee Williams, I'm new here."

"Ah yes. Ive been expecting you. Your much more...wilder than i had expected." she smiled a crooked smile. I rolled my eyes as she stood up and came out from behind the desk.

"I'll just show you to your dorm. Your in the east wing, room 99." She handed me a map and a leaflet which looked like a manual.

"Follow me."She started waling towards the other door her heels were 'clippety cloppeting' with each step she took. She held the door open for me.

"You coming?" she asked. "oh..yeah." I followed her out of the door, down a long corridor, up some spiral stairs until we reached a small square block with two doors.

"The door on the left is the door which leads to all the classrooms in the east wing. This door," she put her hand on the handle of the right door, " is your dorm. Go through and you'll find your room marked with its number. I'm sure you will find your roommates somewhat....surprising." She gave a weird evil chuckle and walked back down the stairs. I turned to the door and opened it.

There were more deserted corridors. I started walking down looking at the numbers on the doors. 85,86,87...98,99. he door of room 99 had been decorated with stickers and posters. Some i recognized as my favorite bands MCR and Green day. I raised my hand to knock, then hesitated thinking it was my room. Ignoring the thought i knocked twice and waited for someone to open it. The door opened slightly as though the person was being cautious. I saw a pair of brilliant blue eyes and then the door opened a bit more. To my surprise i saw a boy. He had a long face with blonde hair and blue tips. He had a nose pierce and a weird glow to him.He was a bit pasty but not so pale.
"Urm...can i help you?" His voice was deep and husky, but yet so perfect.
"Ugh yeah this is supposed to e my room but i can see there's been some kind of mistake." His eyes narrowed . He took the papers from my hand.
"Haylee Williams, room 99, East Wing."
"No this is right but.." he trailed off. He Looked at me curiously. "Come in for a sec but excuse me." I walked into the room after him which was midnight blue. There were 4 silver beds and 4, what looked like walk in closets. The room was huge. There was also 2 other boys sitting on one of the beds poring over a magazine.
"Who was i...." He also trailed off as he looked up at me. The blonde boy said, "Urmm, Aiden, Jack could i talk to you outside or a sec." The boys he had addresses to also had that weird glowy skin. However these two were kinda pale compared to the first guy.
"Yeah sure." one guy answered. He had black hair that fell over his left eye. He also had 2 lip piercings. The other boy had long black hair that reached above his shoulders. They both stared at me as they walked out. They shut the door and i could hear murmuring outside. I shrugged. There was probably some misunderstanding with the rooms. I turned around and observed how big the room was. Also one bed in the middle was actually larger than the others and so was one closet. There was a big screen TV on one side and most walls were covered in more posters.
My bags had been dumped in the corner. I could hear the whispers outside getting louder, almost as though they were shouting. I wonder what was going on? I thought that my mum would have sent me to an all girls school or something but obviously it was mixed. I turned as the handle twisted and the door opened. The boy who's name i didn't know and the one he had addresses as Jack both came in. The other boy was not with them. They both walked towards me, Jack sat on the bed nearest me as the blonde guy cautiously hovered over me.
"Hey, I'm Trey." He stuck a hand out which i gladly took. "And this is Jack." Jack smiled at me from the bed. Although these boys looked different they all had that weird glow to them which made them so perfect, so alike.
"Urm...why don't you sit down?" he asked rather politely.
"Thanks." i said and perched myself on the edge of the bed as Trey sat next to Jack. The beds were all in a row so now i sat opposite the strange boys.
"Well the thing is Haylee.." Trey said then paused and then shot a question at me. "How much do you know about this school?" He looked at me with confusion but somewhat pity. Now i was really confused.
"Well not much. My parents sent me hare and i got in because my Uncle Eduardo owns it." I answered.
"Look could you please tell me whats going on?" i asked rather impatiently.
"You see, the thing is..." Trey started but Jack butted in
"This schools a bloody boys school, so we don't know why you've been sent here and were just as confused as you. So Aiden's gone to see whats going on. There should be some mistake but there isn't. Your at the right school and this is your right room, and basically our the only girl in the school!"
All this came out in a bit of a rush but i just about caught it. Hundreds of thoughts were flying through my head. I was just as confused as both of them. All that managed to come out was "Oh".
I caught Trey giving Jack a look and Jack shrugged.
"Well this is kinda weird but, Welcome to New Jersey Academy!" Trey said with an embarrassed smile.
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this makes up for the extremely short chapter 2, hope you enjoy it :D
