The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter X

The cold of the night struck Gerard in the face when they left the building. Walking toward the bus he could feel Frank's eyes burning in his back. For now, the only thing he could do was go to the bus with the

guys. And so Gerard did.

He was about to retreat to his bedroom when Mikey called for him. 'Hey Gerard!'

'Hmm..' Gerard grumbled back. 'Yeah?'

'Why aren't you coming to the livingroom? Like we always do after practice.' Mikey replied with an accent on always.

'Oh yeah.. Coming!' Gerard replied a little too brightly. 'I.. Err.. Forgot.'

Mikey laughed at his brother's high pitched voice and walked into the livingroom.

Gerard turned round and walked into the livingroom. Frank's eyes were gazing at him, following him through the dimly lit room. Gerard became to feel uncomfortable now. He didn't know what Frank knew,

how much he knew. Hell, if he even knew anything at all.

Those eyes were burning holes in his pockets.

Gerard sat down slowly, opposite to Frank. He had no choice, it was the only spot left. He turned his eyes to the floor.

'Right! Lets start off then.' Ray exclaimed with a forceful delight.

'I must say, Gerard, you were amazing tonight! Never heard you better.' All of this was said with a big smile.

'Aye, thanks Ray' Gerard exclaimed tilting his head up with a smile showing his bare teeth.

Noticing what he'd done, he moved his head back facing the ground once again, a little too quick.

What if Frank had noticed his fangs? What is somebody else had?

Gerard sunk into his thoughts once again.

'GERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD' was suddenly screamed into his ear by a very familiar voice. It was Bob, who was now clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

Somehow everybody seemed to find something funny. He must have missed the joke. Smirking at his own stupidity he joined in the laughter.

It felt good to do something normal as laughing again. 'Normal.'

Suddenly Mikey stopped laughing. He wiped his nose and squeeled.

Everybody turned around immediatly. Mikey's nose was bleeding heavily. A puddle of blood had already been formed into his hand.

Mikey looked around desperately around for someone to help him.

Gerard knew he couldn't go help his little brother. He smelled the scent of blood long before Mikey's nose had started bleeding. His heart was pounding in his chest once again. He needed to get out. Some fresh air

would do him good.

Some fresh blood.

Ray and Bob ran over to Mikey and took him to the bathroom to help him stop his nosebleed and help him get cleaned up.

So, there they were left together. The tensions rising higher. Gerard could feel the hostilaty coming from Frank. He too needed some fresh air, some time alone.

'What's happened to you lately?' Frank shot at Gerard after several minutes of fast anxious exchanges of looks.

'What do you mean?' Gerard replied bluntly.

'You know damn well what I mean' Frank hissed a little too violently.

'I have no clue, seriously.'

'Oh, shut up Gerard.' Frank replied getting angry now. 'Where have you been the past days you didn't show up in the tourbus? You've been acting weird too, you know.'

Gerard just stood there, blinking at what was thrown at him. Maybe Frank didn't really suspect anything. Maybe?

'Like, why are you only here when the sun's gone down?' Frank shot at him.

'Err..' Gerard couldn't think of a reasonable answer.

'Err.. What? You've been neglecting the band and you know it.' Frank's patience was getting used up now.

'I've been around Frank. You know I love this band. I love you guys.'

'Then why haven't you been here for practice?' This was the final straw.

'I'm sorry' Gerard exclaimed in a last breath of hope.

But it wasn't enough.

Frank flew over towards Gerard, throwing him over backwards on the ground. Gerard hit it hard.

How much of a vampire Gerard already had become he had not seen this coming so soon.

Frank was furious. His arms were going everywhere trying to hit Gerard while shouting at him in disgust.

Gerard, being much stronger in his vampire form, got hold of one of Frank's arms.

'What the hell?' Frank shouted, amazed by Gerard's strength.

Gerard rolled on top of Frank now, keeping his arms pulled to the ground so he could hit no more.

'What the hell?' Frank shouted once again, trying to kick Gerard off of him forcefully now.

But it all didn't matter. Gerard was much too strong.

And with this, Frank lying so fragile on the floor, Gerard got a strong hunger rushing through his body.

This was an easy kill. An easy target.

Gerard moved his head towards Frank's neck.

Baring his fangs, ready to strike..