The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter XI

Heavy panting.
Muffled shouts of terror.

"G..Ger..!" breathed a horrified Frank.

Gerard didn't pay attention to his murmurs - only one thing was important.

Instinct drove him forwards as he impulsively leaned closer to his victim's neck. Tracing his soft skin with a slender finger, Gerard cared not that this was his best friend awaiting his death - there was no force of resistance, only an objective he must complete.

His lips touched the tender flesh as Frank shouted harder than ever; Gerard tightened his one-handed grip on Frank's throat, causing his scream to die before it escaped. Frank gave a final panicked squirm as Gerard bared his clean white fangs, smiling slightly..

His sharp teeth penetrating the skin; Gerard could almost taste it now..

It was surely seconds away..

The soft tapping of approaching footsteps.

Gerard paused, heavily disappointed, and looked up. Frank fell into maddened convulsions below him, desperate to escape. What had disturbed the vampire from his prey tonight?

His eyes fell upon a young girl, standing nonchalantly in front of the pair of them, arms folded casually across her chest.

Leaning against a tour bus, she was dressed in black jeans, tucked into knee-high leather boots, and a black t-shirt over a long-sleeved top of the same colour; small white birds were the design on the front of the t-shirt, flying upwards from the bottom left of the shirt at her waist up to her right shoulder.

Long, straight, silvery-blonde hair cascaded down her back, flicked carelessly out of her bright emerald eyes at the front. A small silver necklace shimmered around her neck; a tiny Chinese symbol that meant nothing to Gerard hung from the front.

The intruder continued to look at the pair of them on the floor, Frank gasping between dry sobs, Gerard continuing to stare up at her. She seemed unconcerned, uncaring - did she not realise the situation? Well..of was a pretty unique one..

She had now tilted her head to the side slightly, raising a hand to brush a lock of hair out of her face. It seemed to Gerard she was simply curious - she was fixing him with a questioning look, almost wondering what he would do next with a calm attitude.

Gerard firmly held his grip on Frank's throat as he tried in vain to shift away, all the while thinking..
Who was she? What was she doing here?

Gerard thought logically to himself. A fan, perhaps? A lost girl on her way home who had stumbled upon something (unknowingly to her) sinister?

He found this was of no importance.
She had seen too much.
Evidently, there was only one solution.

He slipped off of Frank's shaking body and got to his feet; in a split-second, he was in front of the girl, reaching out his hands to capture his new victim-

In a fluid movement, the girl lifted her hands and grasped Gerard's wrists softly yet powerfully. Gerard was stunned - he stopped moving and gazed wide-eyed at the stranger in front of him.

She, however, merely smiled benignly at him before looking over his shoulder.

"Go," she spoke clearly to Frank; he was still lying on the floor, not quite believing what had happened.

He didn't need to be told twice; shakily at first, he clambered clumsily to his feet, breaths coming in raspy lungfuls. She silently inclined her head for him to run in the opposite direction, and Frank obliged and fled out of sight.

Turning back to Gerard, she smiled again at the look of shock on his face.

He was still gazing upon the person in front of him. She was clearly not an average human.

She was a vampire.

Leaning back against the tour bus again, her hands dropped his wrists as she placed them behind her back calmly. Gerard's arms fell limply to his sides.

He knew, as he gazed into those sparkling green eyes; this was his creator.

He had pondered over this before - what would he say if he ever met his maker? How would he feel; angry, upset, even happy?

The answer was none of these things. Gerard was in nothing other than a state of pure shock.

The girl continued to look at him silently for a few more minutes; Gerard stared blankly at her as well, before his eyes drifted to the side as he thought to himself.

She felt it had been long enough, apparently - promptly she stood up straight, looking to the side and back again at Gerard.

His attention snapped back to her face as she made to walk away again.

After a few moments of watching her walk, he seemed to come out of a trance - "wait!" he called, his voice slightly hoarse for the long period of silence he had endured.

Pausing, she looked back over her shoulder, not at Gerard, but at the ground in front of him. She whispered something incomprehensible before her gaze switched upwards towards his face.

"Soon," she said quietly.

Gerard blinked, and took a quick step forward, before changing his mind and taking two back.

A small smile in his direction and she turned back again, carrying on walking, leaving her creation behind as she disappeared into the darkness.