The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter XII

Gerard stood stunned, staring into the direction the girl had walked off. He couldn't move an inch. What had just happened to him was something unexplainable.

He'd tried to feed on his best friend. His creator, a girl not much younger than him, saved him from his lust, his hunger for blood.

His creator, this girl, the image of her appearance was engraved on his cornea. She was beautiful. She was like nothing Gerard had encountered before. Such poise, the grace within her walk. She looked fragile,

but yet so strong.

Why would she have made him like this. Why did she do him this evil? What did he do to deserve this?

A feeling of defeat ran through his body, weakning him at the knees. Gerard collapsed on the group.

Weren't vampires supposed to be strong? Careless? Why was this happening?

"Where did Frank go?" A small voice shot through the back of his head.

'Where did Frank go?'

'WHERE did Frank go?'

Panic arised. He had to find Frank. Frank knew. He knew.

Frank knew what he'd become. He nearly killed Frank.

Gerard paniced with episodes of pain and anger. He had to find Frank. He must try to explain. It was the only thing left for him to do. It was his only hope. The only thing that would keep him from dying. Not

physically, but mentally. He'd die mentally inside..

Gerard clumsily got up on his feet. There were so many things un-vampire to him. He needed to learn so much. Why did she leave? What was her name..? Why did she had to leave him like this? Was she of

everything so pure evil? She could not be anything else than evil. And yet, Gerard knew, she could not be.

She could not be..

Gerard wandered away deep into the night, forgetting about Frank, about the damage he could cause.



Something was opened not too far away. Maybe it was her? Anxiety arose.

Fast-paced but almost inaudible Gerard moved toward the sound. He wasn't able to make out another sound again, but he knew where it had come from. He knew where to go.

It was right around the corner. The little blood left in his body was rapidly pumping around. He stepped forward, not wanting to ruin the moment closing his eyes while turning the corner.

Upon opening his eyes all he saw was disappointing.

There was no girl. Hell, the wasn't even a man. There was only a cat. A damn cat. All he ever hoped for turned out to be a cat.

In fury of his own stupidy Gerard pulled the cat off of the ground.

The cat hissed loud.

Gerard could care less for the animal that had caused this scene.

He pulled her close up to his face. Ripping off the skin, with his teeth. Sinking his fangs into the warm flesh. Blood flowing rapidly into his mouth. A single meow was silently sighed when the cat took it's last


He had spilled not a drop.

Gerard smirked. At least, one thing he did right this night.

"Where did Frank go?" Once again that small voice pulling him back into the scene around him.

He had to find Frank.

Gerard ran off in pace with the wind, listening carefully to any sound that could be Franks.

He swayed left around a woman and a child. Leaving them confused at what had ruffeled their dresses, as they were the only ones walking down the street.

A quick swing to the right and he knew he was on the right path. The feeling growing stronger every step he took.

And then he heard it, the steady sound of Frank's light breathing.

He slowed down his pace. He was close, Frank couldn't be more than 300 feet away.

Gerard slowed down even more, now walking slowly, silently, but steady and determent, he knew his way.

There was no disappointment of misjudging this time. Frank was sitting, silently thinking, legs pulled up into his arms. He wasn't far from the tourbus.

Funny, Gerard thought. If it had been me, I would have been on the first plane home, at least far away from what had attacked me.

He grinned ironically, shaking his head. But he had done just the opposite himself. He'd stayed. He'd stayed to close. He wondered whom of the guys would be next after first Mikey then Frank. Though Mikey had

not suspected a thing. Sometimes, the boy was too ignorant for his own good.

His two feet infront of Frank's face made him look up.

Shock was written on his face. A shot of horror through his body. Instinctively, he tried to move backwards. Frank's hands searching the ground for something that wasn't there.

'Don't fear' Gerard said calmly, soothingly even.

Frank's eyes widened. Eyes with nothing but fear.

'Don't fear, I said' Gerard stated with a little more force.

A light mumble of some sort escaped with a gasp of horror from Frank's mouth.

'I just want to know where you have been, whom you have talked with?'

Frank was still unable to speak.

'I will ask you once more, where have you been? Whom have you talked to?'

'I.. I.. I've.. I've only..' Frank stuttered.

'Only what?' Gerard replied getting annoyed by Frank's slow and fearful answers.

'Only been here.' Frank replied under his breath.

Gerard could clearly hear and sighed with relief.

'Don't kill me Gerard. Please, Gerard. Don't kill me.' Frank almost started crying.

'I didn't come here to kill you.'

'Oh..' The fear in Frank's eyes had lost it's power. He sighed.

'So.. Frank, who have you talked with, while only being here?'

'Nobody, Gerard. I swear. I didn't know what to do. I mean...'

'Frank, you can NOT tell anybody about what happened tonight. This is something that must stay between me and you.' Gerard took a deep breath. 'Me and you. You hear me. Nobody but me and you.' Gerard suddenly sounded desperate.

Frank looked down with a big sigh, wondering how he could ever keep this to himself. 'Okay'

'Very well.' Gerard replied, quite content with himself.


A long pause in which neither Gerard nor Frank spoke.

'What are you?' Frank managed to push out with a strong accent on are.

Gerard looked right into Frank's eyes. His own lighting up as sapphires.

Frank feared what he had asked now even more and hold his breath in horror of what would be coming.

There was only one thing Gerard could do, he had to tell his friend what he had become.

Gerard took a deep breath.

'Well. Frank, ..'