The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter XIV

A ray of sunlight shot over the horizon, it was time to retreat into the darkness of the closet Gerard started to love and hate with passion.

As every night since he had changed into what he was now, his thoughts were rambling through his mind until he fell, at once, fast asleep.

No dreams, no thoughts, nothing. Till the first sparks of sunlight died beneath the horizon. A wonderful sight Gerard was never to experience again.

Still it was the one thing that woke him up, which made him feel alive.

Gerard unlocked the closet, looked around and stumbled out once again.

This night he was determened to find the mysterious girl. Her appearance still fresh in his brain.

"Yo, Gerard"

Startled Gerard turned around to see who had spoken his name.

"No need to look at me like that, I don't bite or anything." Bob said as he walked further into the room.

"I.. I.. wasn't expecting you." Gerard replied.

"Ah well.." Bob sighed. "Where've you been hiding all day?"

"Err.. I've been about."

"Hmm.. Okay then.. I was just wondering, do you have any smokes left? Frank can't be bothered getting up and keeps whining for some."

"Oh.. Yeah, sure." Gerard walked over to his bag and rumaged in it until he'd find his sigaretes. "There you go miss Iero" Gerard laughed.

"Thanks" Bob grunted at Gerard's remark unable to think of anything to say back.

Once Bob had left the room Gerard rushed over to his closet. He had to put on something else now. He wanted to look good when he met his creator.

Some tight black pants, a black t-shirt and a jacket. He decided on some eyeliner and was ready to go.

"Heeeheee!! Someone's up to something" Ray yelled as Gerard stepped out of his room.

All the guys looked around to see Gerard standing there all done up.

He would have been blushing if he'd still could, but since he couldn't, he just stood there kind of smirking.

"Can we go with?" Mikey asked hopefully.

"Err.. I'm not really going anywhere." Gerard replied.

"He has a secret date!" Ray shouted once again.

Gerard just rolled his eyes and leaved the bus.

"Have fun" He heard Mikey yell behind him.

Deep into the night he walked. His senses guiding him around. Not yet ready for a kill, determened to find her though. He wondered about her name, her meanings, her origins.

It was busy in the streets. Cars, music, people, a typical saturday night.

Near the door of a popular club a girl, around the age of 20, recognised Gerard. She poked her friend in the side and yelled "O MY FUCKING GOD IT'S GERARD WAY" and started running towards him.

Shocked for a moment Gerard couldn't move a bit.

More people now had noticed him and came running up to him. All yelling his name, waving pencils and papers in the hope of an autograph.

There was only one thing he could do..


As soon as he had appeared for the people, he had disappeared aswell. The fans were confused and looked angry at the girl as if she'd given them false hope.

Gerard saw it all from a distance, disappointed at himself. His fans were his life. Without them no band, without them, probably no Gerard, but he had run from them.

He shook his head. Sighed. And walked further away from the busy streets. Into the darkness.