The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter II

As the questions kept spinning through his mind;



But most importantly, how? [Actually, only how because when and where were obvious. In the tourbus, about an hour ago now.]

Gerard slowly slipped away into a restless sleep. He dreamt about werewolves, centaurs and other half human, half animal beings, but the one thing that struck him the most was the fact that he wasn't half human, not even half animal. What was he? The question kept haunting him in his dream. Until he woke up with the most horrible feeling he'd ever experienced.

This was worse than the time he tore all of the ligaments in his foot, this pain was worse than anything he'd ever experienced, he was sure it was worse than giving birth; his skin was scorching.

He did not know where to touch himself as to ease the pain. The pain was everywhere.

Up until this point Gerard had not opened his eyes in fear of what state he'd find himself in. Slowly he opened his eyes a tiny bit.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw a ray of sunlight glittering through the small gap within his curtains. There was no time to take a view of himself, there was only one thing he could think of doing. So he jumped into the closet.

Immediately the scorching of his skin seemed to ease down.

But what was he to do now?

Stay in this closet forever? Or at least until sunset?

At the thought of this he felt weak in his knees and fell down on the ground. He was lucky not to hit his head, as unfortunately the closet he'd picked wasn't the biggest in the bus.

Though there were so many questions unanswered there was suddenly only one thing Gerard could think of: sleep.

He locked the closet from the inside. How much Gerard appreciated Ray and his temper tantrums, in which he'd lock himself in the closets, now was unbelievable. Nobody had wanted locks on the inside of the closets but Ray. He had persisted they'd be installed.

As soon as the closet had been locked, Gerard fell into the deepest sleep. A sleep so deep, nobody but a vampire can imagine. As with this sleep, Gerard soon would turn into a real vampire.