The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter V

Gerard sat down heavily down a side alley as he thought of what to do.

For quite some time, he stared at the lifeless corpse only a metre or so away from him. He seemed mesmerized by the body; the man wore an expression of horror upon his ashen face, eyes wide and staring.

Gerard became unsettled and gently rolled the body a little to the side so as to not see that pair of eyes.

About ten minutes or so later, Gerard felt a strange prickling on the back of his neck, and looked to his left to see a pair of bright, yellow eyes, glaring at him from the top of a rubbish bin.

Of course, Gerard could easily see the animal was nothing more than a curious cat; yet its gaze made him feel uncomfortable, as if it could see his previous actions, his feeling of guilt.

For this reason, Gerard pulled himself upwards and walked over to the cat, hoping to scare it off. Sure enough, the cat turned its back on the approaching figure and fled with a vicious hiss.

Gerard turned once again. He couldn't leave the body lying down an old alley..but where was he supposed to hide it now?

A thought came to him quite suddenly.

Picking the corpse up (an easy task for his new found strength), Gerard skulked in the shadows for a few more seconds before his inate hearing confirmed no late night wanderers would stumble upon the next part of his journey.

Silently, he stepped out from the alley, keeping out of the glare of the street lights. His vampiric speed made his trek seem like a two-minute walk to a shop - though for him, he had travelled ten kilometres in the two minutes.

Reaching his destination, he allowed a moment for him to stand and look out at the view; the ocean. What luck their latest stop was nearby the coastline..

Gerard heaved the body higher up onto the top of his shoulders and made his way down to the edge of the sea, cautiously looking left and right and backwards every few seconds to make sure he was alone. Sharp sea-shells crunched under his heavy shoes as sand encased the bottom few inches of his black jeans.

The waves lapped greedily against him as he waded out a little further into the sea. Leasing his grip on the young man a little, he eased him off his shoulders and into the inky waters below.

Seeing his white face drained of blood in contrast to the blackness of the sea made Gerard feel ill.

With a heavy heart he let go of the corpse and watched as it floated for a few seconds on the water's surface, before disappearing forever underneath.

Back out of the water, Gerard slumped down on the shore of sand as sadness took hold.

He had set out to the night knowing what must be done - yet now the consequences of his actions, he was beginning to fully comprehend.

What had he become? What of his morals, his principles?

They were gone. He was nothing more than a murderer.

What right had he to venture out to seek another's life, taking it away so simply in an instant?

Yet a part of him confidently spoke out - he was an immortal. This was what he had become, this was what he would remain to be. He would survive feasting on the life source of others - Gerard let out a derisive laugh as he realised his parasitical existence.

It was an internal battle. His mind spoke out clearly that he had to accept his fate in this situation - he existed to kill, now. It was in his instinct. No longer was he just Gerard Way, internationally famous rock star - he was Gerard Way, a newly-born vampire.

His heart objected fully. He was still the same person he was before..he liked the same things, hated others, loved his family, his friends..

He thought upon the time just this night he had nearly taken his own brother's life.

The heart was losing the conflict with his mind, its argument wilting as new will and desire settled in.

For when did a monster ever have a heart?