The My Chemical Chronicles - King of the Damned

Chapter VII

Gerard held his breath with a mixture of nerves and anticipation as the noise came nearer his door.

It couldn't be described as footsteps was a somehow softer sound - obviously the person (if, indeed, it was a person) did not want to alert anyone of its presence.

Gerard took a slight step backwards as the noise reached outside the room's door - he heard the door slowly creaking..

"GERARD!" shouted a voice from further down the tourbus.

The noise halted and the door stopped moving - Gerard didn't need to check outside the door to know that whatever had made the noise had disappeared.

He paused and stared at the door. What had made the sudden noise? Whatever it somehow didn't sound could that make sense?

He knew what could be a reasonable solution.

"Gerard, man.." heavier footsteps were approaching the door.

Gerard panicked - there was still blood left over his mouth, yet how could he be seen with a towel covered in the stains all over?

He shoved it to the back of a wardrobe and hastily tried to do what he could to wipe the stains off his face with a jacket sleeve.

Less than a second later, his bandmate Bob walked into the room, looking tired yet anxious.

"Gerard? You're here!" he exclaimed. "We had no idea where you were! Mikey said something about you going out for a walk last- why the hell is there blood all over your face??"

Gerard wracked his mind for an excuse, any excuse, just something fast..

"I, er..well.." he mumbled, "..bit my lip."

He heard the sentence echo back to him in his mind, and heard how weak an explanation he had put forward.

Sure enough, soon came Bob's unbelieving reply.

"You bit your lip??" he stated more than questioned incredulously, "and blood went all over your face?"

"Well..if you must know.." said Gerard as an idea came to him, "I was trying to pierce my lip. It went wrong though.."

Bob's features relaxed a little.

"Why were you trying to do that?" he now asked, "why not go to a professional?"

Gerard scowled and mumbled something about needles and unneccessary pain.

Bob gave a laugh.

"Yeah, because trying and failing to do it yourself isn't as painful as getting a professional job of it.." he smiled, obviously believing Gerard now.

"Mm, yeah," said Gerard - he glanced at the window and his heart leapt into his throat at the increasing speed of the lightening sky.

"Er, yeah," he said quickly, "but I'm so tired now.." - he gave what he hoped looked like a yawn - "I'm just gonna clean up and have a sleep, I think.."

Bob nodded, understanding, and headed to the door.

"But, Gerard, you realise we've got a show coming up soon.." he spoke simply. "You'd better catch up on the rest fast..we've got a practise later tonight."

Gerard gave a quick nod and pushed his hand through his hair.

"Sure thing, I'll be there," he told Bob.

Satisfied, Bob turned and left the room, presumably to tell the other members of the band that he had seen Gerard.

Gerard exhaled loudly and fell back on his bed, before jumping up again suddenly after seeing sunlight beginning to seep into the room.

Deciding it couldn't wait any longer, he gave up on the task of wiping the blood from his mouth and hurtled himself into the wardrobe as the sunlight began to sneakily crawl across the room.

He felt his head smack into the back of the wardrobe and hissed as he rubbed the back of it again.

How many nights could he spend staring at the contents of a cramped wardrobe?

Gerard didn't like to think of the prospect.