For All The Wounds That Are Ever Gonna Scar Me

But Does Anyone Care?

My eyes fluttered open and I saw Ray staring back at me. "Good morning," he said emotionlessly. "What'd you do to your arms?"

"Huh?" I asked, stretching my limbs.

" cuts?"

My eyes widened, as I looked down at my arms. I realized I hadn't been wearing longsleeves as usual. The hospital gown that some weirdo had put me in exposed my cut up scarred arms. "I-I can explain." I said.


"Well uh, I....." I began.

"It's okay, Bob. I understand. You've been through alot."

I sighed, "Well now you know." I whispered.

"Who else knows?" he asked.


"What about Matt?"

"Hey could we not talk about this right now! Where the hell is Gerard?"

"Damn nurse wouldn't tell me!"

"Why not?"

"You were 'sleeping'. But this nurse is a complete retard! She said you were sleeping when you actually fainted. She just put that retarded wet cloth on your head." he said pointing at thecloth on my pillow.I picked it up and threw it on the floor. I looked for the button on my bed to call for the nurse andpressed it angrily.

Seconds later the same nurse as last time came in. "You're awake." she said.

"No shit!" I shouted. "Where's Gerard?"


"Is he okay?" Ray asked.

"He is fine. He was stabbed, but he is doing well."

"What about Mikey and Frank?" I asked.

"They were here while the three of you were all asleep. They said they'd be returning with a brother of one of yours."

"Matt," Ray and I said at the same time.

"Okay. Well is there anything else I can do for you?" she asked.

"I want to see Gerard." I demanded.

She scoffed, ''If you can walk."

"Of course I can walk." I said lifting myself up on my forearms and tossing my legs over the side of the bed. My feet touched the floor and suddenly I felt very heavy. "I-I can't do it." I stuttered.

The nurse helped me back onto my bed and grabbed my arm, "You need to stop hurting yourself. This needs to stop." she whispered. I looked down at the scars on my wrist.

"I want a new nurse." I growled.

She left the room without another word.

I turned to Ray, "Can you walk?" I asked.

"Probably not."

"No problem. We'll have to be patient. Where are my clothes?"

Ray shrugged. I pressed at the button again. This time it took longer for a nurse to come in. And indeed it was a different nurse. She had brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was young and seemed friendlier than the last. I made sure my arms were covered with the sheets of the hospital bed then asked, "Where are our clothes?"

"In these bags." she said, lifting up two bags that were in the corner of the room.

"Oh, thank you. May I change into my clothes?" I asked.

"If you have the energy...."

"Right. I'll do it later. Thank you." I said and she walked out of the room.

"She was hot." Ray whispered.

Suddenly, Niki crossed my mind. "Where's Niki?" I wondered out loud.

"Call her." Ray suggested.

I reahed for the bags at the end of my bed and pulled my phone out from the pocket of my pants. I decided grabbing the hoodie that was in the bag and putting it on was a good idea....

No missed calls or texts. Well maybe there should've been at least a text from her if she actually gives a damn about my life?! I thought. I decided to text her:

Where r u?

I set the phone down and twiddled with my fingeres and stared out the window. the sun was setting. And I admired the color of the sky. Ray followed the direction of my stare and admired with me. Then my phone beeped and I flipped it open to see a text from Niki:

Home. You?

Her calm texting vibe angered me. I replyed:

In the hospital.

A minute later Frank and Mikey had entered the room.

"Hey, dudes!" Mikey called.

"Oh, hi." Ray answered.

"Are you guys doing okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine. How's Gerard?" I asked.

"He's okay. We aren't sure when he's gonna wake up though...." Mikey said.

I nodded and my phone buzzed. Frank ran over to look over my shoulder and see the text:

I heard.

"That's it, I'm dumping her!" I shouted.

"Niki?!" Mikey asked frantically.

"No, Jessica!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Who's Jessica?" Frank asked. Ray rolled his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So..Gerard isn't dead. Yay.
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