For All The Wounds That Are Ever Gonna Scar Me

The Pelissiers

The boy was about my age. He had dirty blond hair and a sweet face. "Hi I'm Matt!" he said and greeted me with a hug.

"Afternoon, Matt." Deputy Allman said.

"Hi John." he replied.

"Where are your parents?"

"Hold on. Mooooooooom! Daaaaaaaaad! They're here!" he yelled.

Two young looking parents came down the stairs, smiling.

"Anna, Zack!" Deputy Allman shouted.

"It's so good to see you John." Anna said and greeted him.

"How have you been?" Zack asked.

"Great. Life's good. I have someone for you."

Zack and Anna looked down at me and I felt scared. I tried my best to hide behind Deputy Allman. But he pushed me foward. Zack bent down so that we were at eye level. "Hi Robert, I'm Zack." He held his hand out for me to shake it. I took it in my right hand and shook firmly.

"Hi Robert!" Anna shouted, "I'm Anna." she smiled down at me and hugged me tightly.

I'm not gonna lie, I was scared. They were new people who I had never seen before and now I was going to live with them.

Zack picked me up and carried me further into the house where the living room was. I looked behind us to make sure Deputy Allman was still there. He was.

He set me down on the couch.

"Okay, Robert, this is where you'll be living from now on. Get to know them, Robert. I'll be in town for the next few days. Everything's gonna be okay. No one is going to hurt you anymore." Deputy Allman said.

I smiled at him.

"I'll be going now. I'll come back tomorrow."

"Okay," I whispered.

"Goodbye John." Anna said leading him out the door.

She came back, "So Robert, tell us about yourself."

"Uh, I'm Robert Bryar, I used to live in Alabama and I like to do school work and that's it."

"I'm sure..."

"What's your favourite colour?" Matt asked.

"Blue." I answered.

"Mine too!"

"I can see you two will get along great." Zack laughed.

"Here Robert, let's show you your room." Anna said. She grabbed my hand and trotted up the carpeted stairs, her long blond hair bouncing up and down. We stopped at the first room, "This is Matt's room." she said. "A very nice boy. You'll love him." She led me to the next room to the right, "This is your room," she said and I peered into the room. It had a bed with a blue quilt over it, a small desk and an empty closet. "We'll decorate later. And Zack and my room is to the left of the staircase over there," she said and pointed to the open door to the left of Matt's room. "This is thebathroom," she said, kicking the door open," And that's it."

"I like it." I whispered.

"You like it?"

I nodded.

"Good.'' she whispered and smiled at me. "Are you hungry? We can order pizza. Do you lilke pizza?"

"Mmm hmm." I said and nodded.

"Okay. Let's go back down stairs. I wonder what the boys are up to..."

She led me down the stairs and we found MAtt and Zack in the kitchen playing with an odd toy. Some flying helicopter sort...

"Not in the house please. We don't want to break anything now do we?" Anna said.

"Okay. Hey Robert wanna try?" Zack offered.

I nodded. He took me outside and I flew that thing like there was no tomorrow! Matt laughed and I laughed and Zack laughed. We were having so much fun.

A couple hours later Anna called us in and a fresh box of pizza was sitting on the kitchen counter.

Matt ran to the box and opened it up. He grabbed a slice and starting nibbling on it. Anna grbbed a slice of her own and so did Zack.

"Robert? Don't you want a slice of pizza?" Zack asked.

"Uh, yeah." I said. I reached for the pizza box but hesitated. I wasn't used to being so free to do what I wanted.

"It's okay. Go ahead, take one."

I grabbed a slice and took a bite out of it.

"Would you like a soda?" Anna offered.

I nodded.


After dinner we saw a movie and Anna tucked me into bed. "Are you cozy?" she asked.

"Mmm hmm."

"Good. Did you have fun today?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. It's what families do for eachother." she smiled.


"Okay, tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes and other things."

"Okay. Goodnight Anna." I whispered.

"You can call me Mom. Goodnight Bobby." she whispered back
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Cuuuuttteee! Thanks for reading. Those of you who do. Um, comment please? More in a couple days, I promise. :)