Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 1

My name's Will. William Harvey Thomas to be more precise, but mostly I just go by Will. The only people who call me William are my teachers and my grandparents. Oh, and Judy. She's my guidance counselor at school. I've been seeing her every Thursday afternoon after school ever since the first month of ninth grade, last year. I started with calling her Mrs. Carmichael for the first couple sessions, but after I soon became her "weekly" she said I could call her Judy, and so I do. I tell kids at school that seeing her was my parents' idea, so I don't become depressed or something, and I tell my parents that seeing her was her idea, to monitor my work habits or whatever. But really, it was my idea. I started seeing Judy because I was hoping she could help me figure myself out, and she's done a pretty good job so far.

I've told her things I've never told anyone else. But there were still some things that I wasn't comfortable verbalizing yet, to anyone, so she suggested that I start this journal. That's what it is too, not just any old notebook, and definitely none of that 'Dear Diary' crap, it's a journal. My private journal, one that I'll never let anyone read. Not even Fin. Finley 'Fin' Walker; she's my best friend. She has been for 7 years, ever since the third grade. But even though she's my best friend, she's not really mine. I've got to share her with other people, y'know?

But this, this journal and these thoughts, that's mine, truly mine. It's not that I don't trust Fin, I do, and I trust Judy too, but I wouldn't want either of them reading this journal. Even though there are some things that I tell one of them that I don't tell the other, I still trust them both fairly equally. But I suppose, for now at least, I could say that I trust Judy a teensy bit more, because she's the only one who knows that I'm gay.