Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 10

I didn't get to tell Fin about the Coming Out party until after today's GSA meeting. I can't really say why, it just didn't come up. After the meeting, which was completely fruitless, I waited at my locker for her, as usual. At the meeting Mr. Munroe had just told us to get into our groups and discuss what we aim to get accomplished. He apologized and said that he had some tests to mark so he couldn't really be involved today. I didn't mind though because I had a fun time just sitting and talking with Riley, Travis and Jeremy for the whole time.

When I saw Fin come around the corner she was talking with one of her team mates whose name, I think, is Emma. When she saw me she smiled and said something to Emma, who walked down the perpendicular hallway.

Fin jogged up to me and said, "Hey, as she let her athletic bag drop from her shoulder to the floor. She always showers after rugby practice so her hair was wet and she was wearing her usual school clothes.

She began to turn her lock as she asked me, "So how was GSA?" But before I even got my mouth open she shouted, "OH! Look at this!" and she lifted her pant leg to reveal a nasty purple bruise on her shin.

"Fin!" I said, "Oh my God!"

"I know!" She was really excited about it.

"No, Fin," I reasoned. "That's a nice bruise and all but, really, when was the last time you shaved?" I had to say it! Her legs were way overdue.

"Hey," she sounded only slightly offended, "it's fall and I'm wearing long pants everyday so I really-"

"Don't think you have to shave until spring?" I was really flabbergasted. "Do you think that all that hair will provide warmth or something? C'mon."

By then she'd gotten her locker open and was gathering her books. She simply groaned at my comments. But I really wanted to tell her about the Coming Out party so I said, "All right, if you're going to be like that then' I'll just go to the bus without you and I'll tell someone else about GSA." I started to turn around, even though there wasn't a word of truth in what I said. But, like the 15-year-old girl that she is, she grabbed my arm and whined, "No wait. I'll shave my legs if you tell me about GSA."

I turned around smiling and asked, "Promise?"

"I promise," she replied. "Now spill."

So on our way out of the school I filled her in on the Coming Out party idea, seeing Riley at the medical building and about today's meeting.

The biggest thing for her seemed to be the fact that Riley'd given me his cell phone number. I had to admit, I was pretty excited by that too. But she brought to my attention that I shouldn't blow it out of proportion and that it was most likely just a friendly gesture.

"Besides," she said, "he's new and still trying to make friends so he's probably just being nice to everybody so he doesn't piss anyone off."

I guess she has a point, however crudely it was made. If that is the case then I can only hope that he hasn't been fake nice to me, just to make friends.