Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 14

The Coming Out party is five weeks away! I'm uber excited even though it is five whole weeks away. I talk about it constantly at school, I hope I'm not getting on Fin's nerves too much. Though she does sometimes tell me to quit talking about it and help her find a date for her for it. But whenever she says that I just point to myself and say "Hello?" and she rolls her eyes at me. You'd think that she's stop telling me to help her find a date after the fifth time, but hey, it's Fin.

Today I told her that next week I'd have to start selling tickets in the foyer at lunch.

"No! Then I'll be all alone!" she complained.

"Well I'm sorry." I tried to reassure her with a smile. "Hey, why don't you eat lunch with Riley? Get to know him a little better, yeah?"

"Doesn't he have to sit and sell tickets with you?" she asked.

"Well he does, but we're alternating days. So on odd numbered days, Jeremy and I will sell tickets and on even days Riley and Travis will," I explained.

"Ah, so you decieved me! You had me thinking that I'd have to survive lunch without you for four weeks straight! Oh, Will, how could you?" She put her hand over her heart, feigning despair.

"Oh, Fin, I'm so sorry," I fake-pleaded-for-forgiveness. "Just eat lunch with Riley on odd days and I'll be around on even days."

She eventually relented and admitted that she was looking forward to getting to know Riley better while I was selling tickets. And in the back of my mind I was excited too. If she got to know Riley better then maybe he could, in our circle. Well, actually, if the three of us became good friends then I guess we'd be more of a triangle than anything else. But at least it wouldn't turn into a love triangle, because I'm gay and Fin's straight and Riley's...well actually, I'm not so sure about Riley.

I wish I knew. I am pretty good friends with him, from drama class and from GSA, and I know some personal things about him. Like that he usually spends his lunches in the library, reading, and that his sister's middle name is Caroline. (Her first name's Alice.) I mean, I know his sister's middle name, but I don't know whether or not he's straight.

Oh well, maybe Fin can figure it out over the next four weeks, while I'm selling tickets with Jeremy.
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Hello dear readers =)
I hope that you've noticed the new layout. It is my first attempt at creating my own layout so please be kind. The pictures on the left are somewhat how I imagined the characters. I would have loved to have made a banner for the story, using those pictures, but I don't have Photoshop, so this is the best I could do. But if anyone reading this does have Photoshop, and is feeling generous, I would be very grateful if they wanted to create something for me. If so, please send me a message.
Thanks for reading everyone! =)