Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 17

The Coming Out party is two weeks away! All of our preparations are going really well. We've only got about 50 tickets left to sell and the other two committees are also just about done. Except for the decorating committee, since they can't decorate the gym until the night of. Also, the entire GSA, Mr. Munroe decided, will help with the decoration because it'll get done faster that way.

Today I was selling tickets in the foyer with Jeremy. I was afraid that because I came out I would be treated differently, and I have, but not by Jeremy. He treats me just the same and he still talks to me the same and he still listens as if you're bearing your soul. Even if you're just telling him about how Fin dropped the eggs when we tried to make a cake last month.

A few of the people that came to buy tickets today congratulated me for coming out. I was surprised at first but then I just assumed that these people were friends of GSA members who'd spread the word. I didn't ask them to, but I didn't ask them not to either so I guess I can't be upset. Besides, what's the point in being out if you don't want people to know. Damn it, I want people to know!

But it makes me uncomfortable that the word of mouth has reached some of my teachers. Maybe I can attribute that to Mr. Munroe. I can see it now, him talking in the staff room to another teacher: "I had a student come out today! I was so proud! His name's Will Thomas..."

My science teacher, Mr. Gable, is a little homophobic. I've noticed he's stopped calling on me for answers, even when I raise my hand. Yesterday, Fin, who sits in front of me, raised her hand, and she got called on. But instead of giving the desired answer, she said, "Oh, I forgot. Why don't you ask Will?" Then, only because he'd look like a giant ass if he didn't, he asked me the question. I gave him the correct answer and then he went back to ignoring me. For the rest of the week.

My drama and french teachers seem pretty normal. My drama teacher even congratulated me. But my math teacher is the exact opposite of Mr. Gable! She's calling on me for everything! And she's only doing it to draw attention to me, to put me on display.

On Tuesday she put a problem on the board and she said, "Ok class, who thinks they can tackle this problem?" and a couple hands shot up. Then she said, "No, I think we should let Will try it, since he's been in such a good, happy mood lately. C'mon Will, give it a try." I nearly burst into tears. She had stressed the word 'happy' because 'gay' means happy. If she had said 'gay' she surely would have been fired. It's just...I can't think of a better phrase to describe it than unfair.

But Judy warned me that people wouldn't be fair. I just had no idea that that meant making me do math problems in front of the class, just because I'm gay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please?
I know it's a lame excuse to ask for comments with, but I had a sucky day
I had an exam that really did not go well
Make me feel better plz? :(