Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 18

My family is always leaving me alone. Okay, maybe not always. But this month I've had the house to myself more often than usual. Like now, for instance, I'm alone, sitting on my bed, listening to my cats purr as they sleep calmly. Jerry took Tommy to a hockey game, which I don't mind in the least because I'm not that into hockey, and my Mom went out to dinner with an old colleague. So I made dinner for one, did my homework, watched TV, and when I couldn't take the loneliness any more I called Fin. We talked on the phone for two hours, until her mother told her to hang up, claiming that we'd been talking for too long. Fin argued that we have yet to beat our record of three hours and forty minutes of talking on the phone. I love her.

After that, I decided to be bold by texting Riley. My first message was a small, simple, "Hi". His response was an equally simple, "Hey, what's up?" So I related my story of being stuck at home and he sympathized. He wasn't home alone but his parents were asleep on the couch and his sister was gabbing away on the phone. All of them were in different rooms, so he felt alone.

We talked about school and how the Coming Out party was only a week away. Today at lunch he'd come up to Fin and I and announced that the tickets were sold out. In light of this, he remained sitting with us for the rest of lunch time, which made me happy.

At some point during our texting conversation he asked me if I was planning on asking anyone to the dance. I got really excited for a moment, imagining everything that could happen if I simply said, "Yeah. You." Then I thought about what Jeremy said about how lots of people like to go solo and thought better of it. I said, "No", to Riley's question rather regretfully. I know I have a crush on the guy, and we are friends now and that really would have been the perfect opportunity...for something, but I am so clueless about him that I don't want to scare him off.

So I sent the, "No," and he responded with, "Me neither =)". That smiley really threw me for a loop. Was he suggesting somehting? Was he just glad to know that he wouldn't be the only guy going stag? Was he just in a good mood and felt like sharing it? Am I dwelling too much on this little smiley?


But I'll have to talk to Fin about it.

The Coming Out party is one week away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh crap. I didn't realize how short this was until I typed it up.
Entry 19 in the next few days I promise! =)
Thank you everyone!