Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 2

So yesterday was the first day of 10th grade and let me tell you, it was boring as hell. Although, come to think of it, hell probably wouldn't be very boring. So I guess my day was as boring as...the waiting room in a dentist’s office. Anyway, I've got two out of four classes with Fin; science and math, and my other two classes are drama and French. The only reason I don't have French with Fin is because she's in immersion and I'm in core. But that actually works in my favour because she always helps me with my homework. She's like my own private tutor, only I don't have to pay her.

The first day was a breeze; we only had to show up at 12:30pm because the grade nines were at school in the morning, getting shown around and such. Then they go home and the older grades come in so it's a half day for everyone! Well, except the teachers, ha-ha.
The only thing worth mentioning is that we got a new student who just so happens to be a really cute guy who just so happens to be in my drama class. His name is Riley and he's got short, brown hair, green eyes and he wears glasses. I'm pretty sure that I made a fool of myself upon meeting him.

I was walking down the stairs to my locker, carrying my new French and science textbooks and I guess I wasn't looking where I was going. So I tripped. Over Riley. He was sitting on the plateau in the staircase, reading [of all things], and I tripped over his legs, sending my books flying. He immediately jumped to his feet and started apologizing like mad, as if he was afraid I'd hurt him or something. He grabbed French book and handed it to me as I stood up.

"Thanks," I said.

"Again, I'm really sorry," he said again, smiling. I found myself tongue-tied when he smiled at me.

"It-uh-it's no p-problem, really," I said rather lamely. "Uh, I gotta go," I said and took off down the stairs.

I heard him say, "Bye," quite dejectedly as I raced away. I burst through the door and found Fin waiting at my locker. I was dying to tell her about Riley [but at that time I didn't know his name], but I couldn't. She didn't know. No one knows yet. Only Judy. So I sighed and asked her about her geography class, making a mental note to tell Fin before my parents. This is really hard. Only one person knows that I'm gay and I've already got a crush on a guy.
Who, as I mentioned before, turned up in my drama class. He was actually the first person there; I was the second. I had walked in and removed my shoes and saw him, sitting alone on the carpet when I turned around. He stood up and said, "Hi." It must've taken me at least ten seconds to respond because I had to mentally psyche myself up not to embarrass myself again.

I said, "Hello again," and took a step closer to him. He took a step as well and stuck out his hand, saying, "I'm Riley," with another one of those mind-wiping smiles of his.
I smiled crookedly back and took the hand he offered and said, "Will; I'm Will." He looked directly into my eyes as we shook hands. He held my gaze and my hand, even after the 'shake' part of the handshake was over. I'd bet we could've stayed that way for quite a while, had the teacher not walked in at that moment.