Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 21

Today is Christmas Day. I'm in North Bay, which is about a five hour drive from home. We drove down on the 22nd and we leave tomorrow. The car ride wasn't too bad. I spent the first hour and a half texting Fin and Riley, until my phone died. I didn't mention the Coming Out party with Riley, but it was all Fin could talk about. She kept bugging me about Jeremy and she told me I should tell Riley about how I danced with Jeremy to see if he got jealous. I said I would not do that because I don't care if he would get jealous. She told me that I do so care. I couldn't disagree.

We stopped for lunch soon after my phone died and for the rest of the way there I played 67 consecutive games of hang-man with Tommy.

I always love coming to North Bay to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins. Their house just has such a...cozy atmosphere. One of my cousins is a boy, about Tommy's age and the other is a girl who's three years old. She's the cutest! Mom is spending most of her time with her sister, my aunt, Tommy's with our cousin, I'm with our other cousin and Jerry is left with my uncle. The whole household situation works out pretty well for everyone, except Jerry. My uncle is the most talkative person I will ever meet! But it's not the good kind of talkative either. My uncle will just talk and talk and talk until he's told to shut up. Most often, he'll start talking without being invited into a conversation and then what he's talking about isn't even relevant to the original conversation! It's enough to drive you crazy! Poor Jerry.

But my uncle is out of the house right now, getting a few last minute things for Christmas dinner. He took my little cousin with him, giving both Jerry and I both a bit of free time. I'm not sure what Jerry's doing but, well, I'm writing in my journal.

I discussed with Jerry and Mom about if I would come out to everyone this Christmas. They were very encouraging and said that they would even say it if I didn't want to. But I decided that I'll wait, until at least next Christmas, perhaps sooner. My little cousin isn't old enough to even begin to comprehend homosexuality and I don't think we should try to explain it now. Besides, I haven't been out for very long and I'll decide when I'm ready for the rest of my family to know.

As soon as my uncle gets back, my aunt and my Mom are going to start cooking. We did our gift exchange this morning. I got a new digital camera and some books and CDs. My family really liked the gifts I got them too. I got Tommy a Nerf football, which I think he's playing with now, Jerry a pair of new gloves and Mom some new acrylic paints.

Mom bought gifts for my aunt, uncle and cousins and just signed the cards from all four of us. We got a call around lunchtime from my Grandma, in Stratford, to wish us all a Merry Christmas. When I spoke to her she said she really loves the drawing I did for her. It's of me when I was about eight years old, holding a new toy I'd just gotten for my birthday. (I drew it from a photo.)

Oh! I just heard the front door open! Any minute now my little cousin will find me sitting on the bed and pounce on me, demanding to play. So I'd better stop.
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Thanks to Billie Joe_Way and Haribo for commenting on the last chapter! =) Yay-hooray for 30 comments!