Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 22

Today is News Year's Day and, just like last year, I spent New Year's Eve at Fin's house. This year was only different because, now that her parents know I'm gay, Fin and I had the house to ourselves. Last year her parents stayed home because I guess they didn't want to leave their daughter home alone with a boy.

Last night was one of the funnest nights of my life! To start off, Fin took me up to her room so she could show off the new acoustic-electric guitar she got for Christmas. We spent a good hour and a half, sitting on her bed, singing all the songs that she knew how to play and trying to learn new ones from internet tab.

Around halfway through singing 5 Days in May, her Mom opened the door and announced that she and Fin's Dad were leaving. As soon as her parents were gone, we went down to the kitchen to make ourselves dinner. We made pita-pizzas with sauce, cheese, some onion, olives and some curry spice. Then we popped them into her toaster oven and danced around to the Spice Girls while waiting for them to cook in her toaster oven. It was honestly the best pizza I've ever had! After we ate we danced around her kitchen to Tom Jones!

All this dancing and eating took about two hours so it was around ten o'clock by the time we got back up to her room. To get ourselves down from our Spice Girls-pizza-Tom Jones buzz, we decided that we should take it easy and watch a movie. But of course we changed into our pajamas before we started it. Then I asked Fin what movie she wanted to watch and she exclaimed, "We need snacks!" causing us to go back to the kitchen to get popcorn and drinks. Once we got back to her room, it took at least ten minutes to choose a movie, so we weren't completely ready to watch it until eleven o'clock.

We started watching The Women (the new re-make with Debra Messing) but at 11:55 we paused the movie and switched to the news channel so we could catch the countdown. We counted along with everyone who was being televised from Time Square : 5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Year! Fin and I shared a hug and as we drew out of our embrace, we heard both of our cell phones beep from her desk, announcing new text
messages. I went and got them and climbed back onto her bed, where we'd been watching the movie. I handed Fin her phone and looked at mine and at the same time we said, "It's from Riley."

We laughed at our timing and opened the messages, revealing a 'Happy 2009!' from Riley. We thought it would be funny to mess with him a little by both sending return messages but finishing each others sentences. So Fin sent 'Happy' and I sent '2009' and she finished it with 'to you too'. He sent back a message that said, 'Haha. I've really missed that whole finishing-each-others-sentence thing. Can't wait to see you both in the New Year!' But since he figured out that Fin and I were in the same room, he only sent it to my phone. I showed Fin the message and she replied to him with, 'Can't wait' and I completed the thought by sending 'to see you too!' At the time I couldn't help but think that I couldn't wait to see Jeremy too. Though I didn't tell Fin that, she would've rolled her eyes at me and told me how in denial I am.

Right now she's down in her kitchen making pancakes, but she doesn't know that I'm awake yet. I've noticed that she always gets up first and makes me breakfast when I sleep over. Next time she should come to my house so I can make her breakfast. But she'll probably still get up first and do it herself. She's quite the morning person, that girl. I don't know how she does it. She stays up until at least midnight, even on school nights, and yet still manages to get out of bed at six in the morning. The night of the Coming Out Party we stayed up until two and she still got up early! On a Saturday!

Ever since the Coming Out party I've been thinking about that dance with Jeremy, and what Fin said about it and how I could have feelings for him. I've come tot the conclusion that I don't, and it would be better for me to just put romance out of my mind for now and not dwell on it. Besides, exams are at the end of the month and if I'm not focused for those, they'll eat me alive.
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Hey there every one!
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of you reading this but I would appreciate you a little more if you left comments ;)
I'm sure you can relate when I say that it really motivates the writing process when you see that you've gotten feedback on your work.
Thoughts/suggestions/criticism welcome!
Thanks again for reading! :)