Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 24

We got our exam schedules today. I've got my math exam on a Friday and my French and science exams both on the following Tuesday. I really don't like that I have two exams on the same day, but at least my math exam stands alone. That way, I can study super hard for it, write it and then forget everything and spend the weekend studying for the other two.

For drama we don't have an exam but that means that our summative project will be worth more than if we did. The project is to act out a short scene in groups of three. We have to use various dramatic techniques that we've learned throughout the course like blocking, miming and voice projection.

Naturally, Riley and I chose to work together and we were joined by a girl named Sophie. She's she's really great at getting in character and memorization but she's not very good at miming. We're not allowed to use any props except for chairs and Sophie can't seem to grasp that she should mime taking a menu when I mime handing her one. The way she does it, the menu just seems to materialize in her hands when she never made the action of taking it from me.

The skit we chose is a restaurant scene; I'm the waiter and Riley and Sophie are the couple I'm waiting on. When I first read the script I had imagined Sophie as the waiter and Riley and I at the table. But hey, I can dream can't I?

I'm still not over the whole Riley-dancing-with-a-girl-at-the-Coming-Out-party thing. I have barely even talked to Fin about it. But the way I see it, there's not much to talk about. He likes girls, I like him, nothing could ever happen. Le sigh. I'm just glad I never did anything too obvious that would show my affection for him, so we can stay friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, this is uber short. Entry 25 coming up! =D