Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 26

Today Riley, Sophie and I presented our scene in drama class. We were the third group to go and we were followed by two other groups. I think that ours was the second best of all of today's presentations but only because the last group had a person who had taken drama camps every summer since they were eight. There are still three groups that will present tomorrow and then the teacher will give us the marks for the scenes.

Our scene started with me 'on stage' already and then Riley and Sophie walk in and ask for a table. We don't actually have a stage, but we presented at one end of the room while the class watched from the other end.

Before we officiaally started our scene, the three of us were standing in the hallway & Riely started freaking out. He was going on about how he would mess up this or forget that and he was saying all this while pacing in front of Sophie and I. I couldn't have him perform with that kind of mind set so at one point I grabbed his shoulders and said, "Riley, calm the fuck down." It worked to silence him, but mostly because he was so taken aback by my sweraing. I then told him, "We've been practicing for two weeks. We know this. We've got this. You'll be fine."

I gave him a smile and it took a moment, but he smiled back and said, "Thanks. I needed that." And oh my God, at that very second I had to resist the strongest urge to kiss him right then and there. I took my hads off his shoulders as if they'd been burned and entered the class room without another word.

We got through our scene so smoothly it was like we were talking with butter. Okay, that doesn't make tons of sense but whatever, it was smooth.Tomorrow is the last day of school before exams and the first day of exams is the day after. I think it's dumb to have the first day on a Friday. But at least this week has been pretty easy, so I can studay without having to worry about anything else.

This whoel week almost all of my teachers have been showing movies in class. All but ym drama class because we're presenting our scenes. After ours today, Riley thanked me again for calming him down. He told me, "I'm glad I've got a friend like you who'd do things like that," and he smiled. I smiled too, masking my immense disapppointment of being reminded that that's all we'll ever be.