Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 27

Hallelujah! I'm done my exams! My math exam, on Friday, was doable but I found it way too long. There were some questions I couldn't do because I didn't have enough time, but I feel confident about everything I did do.

My science and french exams, today, were pretty okay. I feel good about them both, but there were just some french verb tenses that I don't think I got quite right. I wrote my science exam in the morning and afterwards I chatted with Fin for a while. She left soon though because she didn't have another exam to stick around for. Wandering the halls, looking for someone to talk to, who should I happen upon but Jeremy. He was surprisingly alone, so I went over to talk to him. Since it was around noon and there was still an hour until the next exam, he suggested we grab lunch at the Harvey's across the street.

About halfway through our meal, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, After I'd washed my hands I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out and answered it when I saw that it was Fin.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Thought you might be bored. Y'know, since I'm not there," she responded.

"I am capable of going a few hours without you y'know."

"Fine then, whatever are you doing without me that is so interesting?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm at Harvey's with Jeremy," I told her.

"Oh my gosh, like a date?! Will! How could you not tell me-"

"Whoa, stop I never said that. And I'm not even sure that's what it is. We're just two friends out to lunch together," I argued.

"Uh-huh, sure. Who paid?" she asked.

"He did. But that's only because we ordered together. I'm gonna pay him back for mine."

"Mhm, are you sitting in a booth or at a table?"


"Across or beside?"


"And what has the conversation been like?" She was relentless.

"Well, we talked about exams for a bit. And he said he likes my hair, I got it cut yesterday."

"That's it, it's a date," she stated matter-of-fatcly.

"No it's not," I argued.

"Will, listen; one," I could see her counting it off on her fingers ,"he paid. Two, you're sitting close to each other. And three, he complimented your hair."

I was silent for a moment, processing her words. As much as I would have loved the idea of being on on my first date, I just wasn't sure that's what this was. Sure, I like Jeremy, but not how I like Riley. Or rather, how I'm learning not to like Riley. But Fin's argument made sense. So much sense in fact, that I couldn't think of a rebuttle. So I said, "Shut up," and heard her laughing as I flipped my phone closed.

When I returned to the table I explained why I'd taken so long The rest of our time together passed pleasantly, but all the while I couldn't shake the thought that it could be a date. But I didn't want to ask if he thought it was a date, because I didn't want to have to say that I don't really have those kinds of feelings for him. Neither of us made any romantic advances so I...don't really know. My God, why does everything in life have to be so confusing?!
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