Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 28

Yesterday was the first day of second semester. It was kind of weird, to jump right into new classes after having been off for almost a week. I had three free weekdays and the weekend after my exams to do with as I pleased. Wednesday I just stayed home and did nothing like a lazy bum. Thursday I went over to Fin's house and despite it being wildly entertaining, it's nothing new. Friday Fin came over to my house and slept over.

On Saturday Jeremy called my cell, saying he'd gotten the number from Riley, and asked if I wanted to go to the movies. I told him I had Fin over and asked if she could come. He said that's be cool because he was going to invite Emma too. When I told this to Fin she said that he really only wanted to go with me and he used Emma as a cover so he wouldn't have to deny Fin an invite. I told her she was being ridiculous. She told me I'm in denial. We left it at that.

On a better note, Fin is in three of my four classes and Riley is in two. Fin is with me for English, history and art. Riley is with us in History and art, he took English last semester. Oh! And Jeremy's in my last class; photography. It's actually a grade 11 course but the school is letting me take it since I did so well in art last year.

Despite the fact that it's a totally different media, I'm so pumped for it. The only let down is that we won't get to work in the darkroom for at least a month. We've first got to learn the history of photography, early methods of photography and how to use our cameras properly. My camera used t be my Mom's. It's really old and really technical, but I've already begun to read the manual so I can learn about the light settings and aperture and things like that.

Jeremy was quite surprised to see me in his class. He actually asked if I'd gotten the wrong room. But I explained the situation, which he accepted immediately, and he took a seat next to me. The desks in the photography room aren't like desks in any other classroom. They are actually large tables that seat six and they are high enough that we use stools instead of chairs. Also, there's a little shelf-type-thing under the tables that we can slide our books into.

I only remember the name of one other person from me and Jeremy's table, Tony, and that's only because he's a friend of Jeremy's and he's told me about him before. So I've got high hopes for this semester because I like my classes and teachers. I especially like having a class with Riley and Jeremy since I only met them this year, I'm sure I'll get to know them better. Yeah, it'll be interesting.
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Gosh, I seem to have a talent for writing short entries, eh? But if I get some reviews on this then I can have the next one [which actually isn't much longer] up in a minimum of time. And just cuz I feel bad about the epic shortness of them both I'll type up entry 30 too, k? OK! It's a quarter to 2am and I'm tired so I'll type more later. Promise