Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entr y: 29

It's official, the first week of semester two is over! I didn't really get much homework because the whole week was like one long, drawn out introduction to each course. The only weekend homework I have is from history and it's just a worksheet so I didn't have to bring home my binder or the text book. Plus, Fin and I already finished it. We did it together when she came over after school.

Fin always comes to my house on Fridays after school because I live one block over from where she goes for guitar lessons. So every Friday afternoon, we go to my house, do our homework, watch the Ellen show and then she walks over to her lesson place.

The only thing is that she has to bring her guitar to school every Friday so she'll have it when she comes to my house. It's not a bad thing though, because at lunch sometimes she'll get it our and amaze our hallway with her skills.

So besides the first week of semester two, this week was also the first GSA meeting and my first appointment with Judy since before exams. We didn't really do much at GSA, just talked about exams and second semester. Mr. Munroe told us to start brainstorming ideas for a new project that we could talk about at the next meeting.

At my meeting with Judy I told her I was glad to see her and I asked how she spent exam week. She laughed and told me that we were there to talk about me, but she was glad to see me too. So I told her about my exams and my new classes. I also told her, because it slipped my mind before, about the Coming Out party. But I didn't mention the whole Riley/Amanda thing, because she doesn't know that I like(d) him.

I did, however, tell her about how I'd danced with Jeremy, which prompted her to ask if I like him. I rolled my eyes and told her the same thing I've been telling Fin : I really did enjoy dancing with him, but I don't like him as anything more than a friend. In a way, I guess, he is my role model because he's my only gay friend and he's been out for a few years so he knows how to get through all the trials that come with it, like bullying and things like that. He's willing to help me deal with all that and I really admire him for that. I don't think I could ever have a crush on someone I admire so much.
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I have not fallen off the edge of the Earth, thanks. I really should stop making promises I don't keep, but I feel bad for the shorth of this entry too. *sad face*
School is practically eating my life but I will really try to post a new entry with less of a gap than this one and the last.