Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 3

It took all my willpower not to tell Judy about Riley. But he was all I could think about for the entire session so I kept spacing out in the middle of a conversation.

"William?" she'd say. "What did I just say?"

And I would have no idea, so I would say something random like, "You hate The Color Purple?" Eventually though, she cottoned on to the fact that my thoughts were clearly elsewhere and I wasn't about to tell her where, so she ended the session early.

When I got home there was a note on the table from Mom, asking me to start dinner. It was the same note she'd been using for the past two weeks. Asking me to start dinner had become such a regular occurrence she just never bothered to write a new one. You see, her job is very taxing, she's a receptionist in a lawyers firm. That means she has to deal with whiny people demanding more money for their case or ignorant people who never made an appointment and sometimes a mix of both. On top of that she has to come home to two kids and a house that's practically haunted; I swear the nights are never silent. So she gets me to help out. But I don't really mind, she already does so much for me and Tommy, my brother. No, his name is not Tommy Thomas. He and I have different fathers, so his last name is Carter. His dad, Jerry, is married to my mom, but he's never home before 7 which is just another reason why it's more convenient for me to make dinner. Tonight I decided we were having pasta, so I put on a pot of water to boil as I heard Tommy's bus pull up.

Tommy's in the fourth grade and his bus stop is at the end of the driveway of the house across the street. Besides him, 3 other kids get off there; a set of twins in grade 1, two houses down; and a boy named Kyle who lives in the house where the bus stop is. Kyle is Tommy's age, so naturally they're the best of friends. Today Kyle came into the house with Tommy, which is also a regular occurrence, so I just added more noodles to the pot in case he stayed for dinner. While I waited for the noodles to cook I called Fin.

"Hola?" she said. Recently she's been on this kick about answering the phone in a different language every time I call. So far she's up to nine.

"Hola yourself," I replied with a smile.

"So I take it your day went well," she said. "Any newbies?"

"Yeah," I told her, trying to keep my voice steady. "This one guy in my drama class. Riley something." Jameson! I mentally screamed. Don't lie, you totally know his last name.I'd remembered it from when the teacher had called attendance.

"Ooh, Riley something," she teased. "Sounds mysterious. Is he cute?"

She was always asking me if boys were cute. If she got a date, she'd point him out to me and ask . If she liked someone in math class she'd nod in his direction and ask. Even with Riley, she'd never even met him and yet she was asking me if I thought he was cute. Maybe it's her fault I'm gay.

I desperately wanted to gush about his gorgeous green eyes and the way he pulled on his ear when he was nervous, but I only said, "I guess so. But what's it to you anyways? You've never even met the guy. Don't you care about personality?"

I'm always getting on her case about how she cares too much about what boys look like. She sighed and said, "Will, don't start," and then, "Oh, my mom just got home. I'll have to go help with dinner and whatnot." I specifically remember her saying whatnot because it made me think of whether it was really one word or two. Whatever. So I let Fin go and continued with my own dinner, trying to decide the best time &/or place of telling her. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the water boiling over the edge of the pot until it burned my hand which was resting on the counter, near the stove. That's going to be me I think, bubbling until I boil over, if I don't tell Fin. And soon.