Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 30

Today after school I went straight to bed. Not to sleep though, I was just really cold. At least, my intent had not been to sleep, but I did end up dozing for about half an hour, until Tommy got home. When I heard him come in I got out of bed and waited for the Chinese food to arrive.

Every second Tuesday in every month, we order in. My Mom even puts it on the calendar in the kitchen so nobody forgets. Each second Tuesday morning, before she leaves for work, she leaves 30$ on the kitchen table so I can pay the delivery person when they come. Then she orders the food from her office but gives them our home address. She doesn't usually tell us what she's ordering ahead of time, but I found the Chinese take-out menu on the table with the money today.

Soon after we'd finished eating, we all went to watch Tommy's hockey game. I'm not terribly interested in Hockey, but, my Mom felt bad for leaving me home alone so much recently that she insisted O go. I didn't put up too much of a fight about it because Tommy got really excited when he heard that I was going. I was glad to have made my little brother so happy. I'm not sure if it was my presence at the game or just his natural skills, but he played amazingly tonight. I had no idea he was so good! I don't know a lot about hockey, but I know that Tommy is quite something. I even told him so, after the game, making him smile.

Once we got home from the game, my Mom came into my room and asked, "Who was your friend tonight?" She was talking about Travis who I'd seen and talked to because his brother is on Tommy's team.So I told her neutrally, "Oh, that was just Travis, I know him from GSA." I think she got the message, when she just nodded and walked away. It wasn't until afterwards, thinking back on it, that I realized why she had asked. I think she's warming up to the idea of my being gay, but I'm not sure she quite has a grasp on it yet. But I love her for trying.
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Epically short. Sorry =[
Do you love it anyways?