Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : Till September

Entry : 33

Fin has recently decided that she wants a boyfriend. She's only really ever had one once before, in grade six. But I'm not sure if that can really count because all it amounted to was she and the guy holding hands at recess for about a week and a half. Then, when they 'broke up' I had to play messenger at lunch time and go back forth with messages like 'Jason doesn't like your hair' or 'Fin says you have bad breath' and despite the fact that we're in high school now, I can't help but think that we'll have a repeat of that if she ends up getting dumped by this boyfriends she's so intent on finding.

She first told me she wanted a boyfriend last week at the mall. We were sitting in the food court, sipping sodas when she pointed to a random guy, about our age and said, "Hey Will, what do you think of that guy?"

I glanced at him and said, "He's pretty cute. Why, you know him?"

"No," she shook her head. "But 'd like to," she smiled devilishly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I've been thinking lately-"


She hit my arm.

"I've been thinking that I want a boyfriend," she finished.

"That's it? Just woke up today and," I snapped, "decided? Just like that? I don't get it."

"Well...yeah! Sure," she sounded uncertain.

I said, "What about me? I'm already a boy and your friend."

She of course rolled her eyes and didn't even bother to state her argument; we both knew what she was thinking.

"Look," I said, "I don't even have a boyfriend, why do you need one?"

"It's not about like, a commodity or something. I just feel like I'm really ready to be in a relationship," she told me.

"Well then if you want a boyfriend so bad, you shouldn't just pick up some random guy at the mall," I advised her. "Even if he is gorgeous," I said, looking back at the guy she pointed out earlier. "It should be someone that you know and that you're comfortable with, but most importantly, I have to like him too," I smiled.

"Of course," she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for epic shortness. =(
But thank you SO much to everyone who commented on the last one. That makes it all worthwhile. =)